It’s Finally Here! The Step By Step,
Autism Moms Mentoring Program.
Hi, I’m Karen Thomas and I’m REALLY glad you’re here!
You may relate to being told that your child’s symptoms of autism are permanent, and that you should hope that behavioral therapies and medications can “manage” his symptoms. This is what I was told, but I refused to listen to it because I believed there had to be a way to help my son by working naturally with the causes to relieve the symptoms.
As you may already know, my own son was once diagnosed with autism. I say, “once” because he no longer has those symptoms of oppositional defiance disorder, irritability, anxiety, depression, sensory processing issues, trouble sleeping, headaches, and stomach aches. He is now healthy and happy!
Lucky for him, and me, I didn’t give up and listen to the nay-sayers’ or my son would still be living with all of his uncomfortable physical and emotional symptoms that made life so difficult for him. Today life is easy, fun, engaging, and one big relief for both of us. He’s living away on his own at college and is doing great. I bet you have had visions of your child doing this, but find yourself wondering if they really could be able to someday. I know I did.
Time is precious! It’s important to be as effective with your time as possible. Whether you’ve got an early diagnosis or a later one. My own son was not diagnosed until the age of 10. Back in the early 2000’s no one knew much about autism. Boy have times changed, quickly.
The problem can be too much information, and not knowing what to use or how to use it. It’s all so confusing, and expensive!
Well, not any more!
I’ve created this membership site to help you do away with all the confusion, all the overwhelm, and all the wasted time and expense of trying to figure things out on your own.
Inside this membership you will have the entire process I used to help my son overcome his symptoms of autism, in easy to follow videos. You’ll have my step by step action plan, deep dive training videos, supplements list, dietary instruction, and more, but don’t worry, it’s simple, if you just do one thing at a time the way it’s supposed to be done. No need to hurry. This is a process, so even busy parents can relax knowing that.
Results others have gotten from the program:
My son is 6 and he was mostly non-verbal, had major digestive issues (constipation ) since he was a baby. He has been hyperactive, destructive, noisy, has learning problems, OCD, repetitive clapping and inappropriate noises. He was also recently diagnosed with both Lyme and strep (PANDAS). He has candida and heavy metals. He has sensory issues especially when it comes to some type of clothing, he will not wear shoes for long and bolts/runs from class at any given chance.
After we started Karen’s program, we have noticed that he has become so calm. It’s truly amazing when you do not have to lock up all doors. I can leave him alone in a room for 5 to 10 minutes without him destroying and breaking stuff like before. His constipation issues have reduced, he’s slowly learning his numbers, alphabet, colors, shapes etc. He’s not completely verbal but he can now answer some questions and repeat whatever you say. He has repetitive speech and even though it’s not perfectly clear, it’s progress to us.
We are hoping and praying that we can see more positive changes as we continue on with your program. Thank you so much Karen for helping us and other families on this very difficult journey. You are truly a blessing to us.
We are mesmerized by our son’s speech… He is now speaking endlessly. He has so much vocabulary and asks many questions – virtually from everything we say. He is very inquisitive and continually engaging us in conversations. We have no rest, believe me…was longing for this…. if we don’t answer his question, he will say; ‘mom/dad, speak to me”. Sometimes, he tries to give us a story …. He reads books and excitedly explains the story and asks us questions about the book. He is almost 5 years now.
The story was different last year when we started Karen’s program. I religiously put him on gluten and casein free organic diet… very expensive but worth the cost. I followed Karen’s recommended diet as well as elixirs and supplements on each module. I am very slow and still on module three – He is on his second reading of elixirs… I feel so achieved and thank God. We have already seen a natural doctor recommended by Karen. The doctor said, our son is doing perfectly great… Wow! My son is also doing great on other aspects and we will continue working on other aspects that may be slow.
To all moms, please relax, be patient and follow the program religiously.
Karen – once again, I can’t thank you enough!
Karen, Thank you so much for your help. My daughter has gotten a lot better since we started our membership. My stress level is now really low…and my daughter is more manageable. Her anxiousness and sensory issues have decreased considerably as well as her sleeping issues. Thank you..thank you..thank you for being a part of our family in this journey. My family is healthier than ever.
Update: My 17th month old son is going into his 5th week on the diet and a couple weeks in on the elixirs.
He has slept through the night for the past two weeks, which is the very FIRST time in his life! He used to wake up crying and wouldn’t go back to sleep for hours on end.
He said his second word “HOT”, and even began gesturing me to pick him up which he has never done before.
He even pointed to my eyelashes and felt them for the very first time and was able to identify his first body part when asked which was his head.
He his beginning to recognize his momma for the very first time…
And his irritability and moodiness has decreased. He even plays with his 3 year old sister.
My little boy is slowly but surely making progress.
Thank you again Karen
Because of your elixirs my 3 yr old son has improved so much. The improvements are he listens to small tasks, plays with his older brother who is 3 yrs older, smiles back when we smile, eye contact has improved, he says three word sentences now, he isn’t having tantrums when we wash his hair or when I read to him, no more lining up of toys, he is much happier, not that much hand flapping and biting like before. He started knocking on the door and cries out when he wakes up, before he would just wake up and start playing with his toys and it was hard for me to know when he woke up.
Since my son has been on your program for the past few months we’ve seen noticeable changes in his behavior! He’s more calm than before and his speech has dramatically improved. His picky eating is very gradually getting better as his gut seems to be healing. He’s much less aggressive as well and he’s even playing more like neurotypical kids his age. His echolalia and stimming have gone down quite a bit as well.
I just want to say how happy we are with the progress he’s made and I know it’s mostly due in large part to the elixirs!
Thank you so much
Thanks for all your guidance and information Karen. It’s done wonders for my stress level! …and brought great peace that we are on the right path for recovery.
So what exactly is included with your membership?
The core training inside the Autism Moms Mentor Membership teaches you exactly how to bring your child to optimum health using the same steps I used to recover my son from his symptoms of autism.
This program was created with safety, time, and effectiveness in mind. No fluff. No fillers.
We stick to specific supplements that have taken me over a decade to research and prove worthy of the job we need them to do in the gentlest, safest way possible because our children are much more sensitive than the average person.
The videos inside each module are short and to the point, between three and seven minutes each.
It's laid out as a seven-module step-by-step video guide. You get the specifics of what you need to do to implement each and every step with confidence such as what to do to support the liver before beginning further detoxification, and how to be sure you're going at the right pace for your child's needs.
This program focuses on only the specific needs of autism and the necessary steps you will need to accomplish success as easily, simply, and safely as possible with complete confidence.
‘Module 1 – Introduction and Beginning Steps
Module 1 is an introduction and the beginning of what it takes to create a strong foundation. It gives you things like:
- The gut healing diet do’s and don’ts so you know which foods your child CAN have, as well as the ones to avoid. This is a very complete list to help heal the gut and get the bad bacteria in balance so your child can sleep better, stay calm, eat more nutritious foods and build up his immune system and those brain messengers his gut makes that help him too.
- A guide with direct links to each, well researched supplement you’ll need along the way. You won’t need to get everything now, just the first few that get you started. I’ll show you HOW to get started too, so don’t worry about that. No more guessing or wasting money on things that don’t work.
- Your elixir bonus and HOW to use it.
- There’s also a guide to help you find a natural practitioner to help you if you need one for anything like natural allergy elimination experts and naturopaths, etc.
- My complete page of muscle testing tutorials to help you learn how to know if a food or supplement is good for your child or not and what dosages to use. We must start very low slowly work our way up. Everyone is so unique.
- A guide to home protection from environmental triggers so you can eliminate them and have the solutions to prevent your child from continuing to be sick.
Don’t worry, we will go over everything step-by-step, one thing at the time, as it is needed. I’ve kept it simple. I will teach you how to muscle test, and learning more about how to use supplements and how to know what dosages to give your child along the way because we begin very low and work our way up slowly.

Module 2- Begin Gut Support and Candida Balancing
Module 2 begins healing the gut. Healing the gut is much more than diet. The right diet is very important, so you will get all of that, but the lining of your gut is also injured and must be healed safely so no more undigested foods and toxins can get into his blood and his brain causing food allergies, behavioral issues and other physical harm. Specific supplements like Glutagenics to heal the tears in his gut lining and soothe it while it does so. Many of the brain’s messengers known as neurotransmitters are made in the gut, so we have to effectively heal all of the gut issues so these brain messengers can send their messages to assist, sleep, mood, appetite, concentration, keeping the nerves calm so we don’t feel anxious all of the time, and so much more.
In Module 2 we will also walk through the specific steps to balance candida or yeast in his system. The pathogenic bacteria such as yeast or candida must be brought into balance so their toxins will not create more danger to his organs, nerves, and his brain, so his brain can function properly so he can focus and concentrate better, have more balanced energy, and be more in control of his moods and emotions. Candida can be very tricky to balance if you don’t have the right protocol. In this program, you do.
Module 3-Balancing
Natural allergy desensitization is one of the most important alternative techniques I have found for my children and myself has been natural allergy elimination or desensitization. It is a natural way to stop the immune system from overreacting to substances in both its internal environment and in the external environment. Millions of people suffer from environmental allergies and food allergies, but do not realize all of the culprits that are causing them harm.
There are so many vitamin supplements out there, but it’s hard to know which ones are good. I have found some of the highest quality vitamin and mineral supplements for children on the autism spectrum. I will even give you one of the studies done on their products with autism, so you can see for yourself. Our kids are far more sensitive than the average child. We need the best absorption, as well as the best nutritional complex.
Viral elixirs are added into this module because viruses are a big part of the problem for many children with autism. Some are still being affected by their measles, mumps, and rubella vaccination viruses. My son was, (we learned this from our natural allergy elimination practitioner).

Module 4- Heavy Metal Detoxification
Module 4 dives into heavy metal toxicity. This is a really big deal in children with autism. Mercury, lead, aluminum and cadmium are the top four most dangerous. Mercury is the worst. It disables neuropathways in the brain from functioning, it destroys brain cells, and it causes a lot of trouble back in the gut. It has to be dealt with or the gut won’t heal. I will take you through the specific steps necessary to remove heavy metal toxins from his system using a supplement and liver support that has extensive science behind them. This is all natural so it won’t cause any harm the way pharmaceutical heavy metal detoxification drugs can. It is extremely gentle on the system.
Module 5- Brain support
Module 5 is all about the specific needs of the brain in terms of support supplements. Brain support comes from healing the gut but often the brain needs more help. We are all so different. Some parts of the brain can be over-active and others under-active. The right natural, safe supplements can create surprisingly positive changes in ability to focus, sleep, mood stability, calmness, energy, and much more. We will go through the necessary steps so you will know what your child’s specific needs are and what you can do about it. Imagine him being able to focus in the classroom, sleep through the night, or not have rageful tantrums anymore.

Module 6- Brain Repair
Module 6 is about brain repair. Brain repair is very important. There are so many therapies and modalities we are told about for autism. The expense can be immense, especially if you spend a lot on something that does not work. I will take you through the best brain repair supplements and therapies I know of that proved themselves with my own son, and have done so with many others.
Module 7-Additional Pathogenic Microbes
There are additional reasons why many children do not get well. It is missed by doctors quite often. These remaining pathogenic microbes must be tested for properly or they will not be discovered. Then, they must be eradicated effectively or your child will continue to be ill, physically and emotionally. I will share some of the lesser known but best resources available.

Monthly Q&A Calls
Deep Dive Pearls
Essential Resources
Community Forum
But that’s not all… I’ve got BONUSES for you!
I really want to make sure you have everything you need to help your child, so when you register today, I’m also going to give you the following bonuses:
Bonus #1: A personalized elixir reading from the owner of the company.
Included in your membership at no extra cost is a valuable energetic testing of specific needs for your child’s symptoms directly from the company’s owner and product creator. He gave me permission to give only those in my program his personal email address. These natural liquid elixirs are the absolute best I have found anywhere to assist candida balancing, improving speech, sleep gut healing, focus, adrenal support, improve eye contact, calming fears and nervousness, and much more.
Bonus #2: Proprietary organic herbal formulas for the co-infections.
These proprietary organic herbal formulas are only available to active members of the Autism Moms Mentor program. They are offered to us by the doctor who took over a decade to perfect them in her own quest to recover her son from his symptoms of autism.You need my guidance and a strong foundational program to be in place to use them. The co-infections of autism are commonly missed or worked with incorrectly. Many are antibiotic resistant and antibiotics will destroy the good bacteria too. Thes are often why a child plateaus in recovery or why they don’t recover at all. They include Mold, Lyme, PANDAS/strep, mycoplasma and parasites. We work with them naturally and effectively in this program with these formulas. They are a huge bonus!
Bonus #3: The Complete Antihistamine Diet
This bonus gives you the specifics you need to know to rule out the possibility of histamine reactions from foods in your child’s diet. Although the foods he is eating may be healthy, he may still be having reactions that are preventing him from getting well. This is commonly missed and unknown by most parents and practitioners so I wanted to be sure and include it.
Bonus #4: My All Natural Brain Support Trouble-Shooting Guide
This guide will provide you with specific examples of interchanging behaviors and solutions to them. Not all brain types follow an exact guideline. This bonus gives you a troubleshooting guide to natural supplementation for brain balancing.
Here I am with my son in Hawaii recently.
Just fun! No issues to deal with! Can you imagine that?
If you are a parent of a child with autism, then you probably already know that you need an accurate plan that you can easily follow without any more confusion. That is why I created this program…for you! I want to see your child get better safely and more quickly. No more wasted time!
After all, you probably already know that a plan that has been proven, is complete, and safe is the key to successfully getting your child as healthy and symptom free as possible. Life is meant to be enjoyed.
Saving yourself time, money, and having the greatest positive impact is most important. After all, you’ve probably already spent so much money and time on things that either barely worked, or didn’t work at all. Time is precious! Why waste it any longer?
You’ve gone to multiple doctors. You hear that this is the ONE and your hopes get really high…and then you do your best to follow what they tell you, but you get confused as to what to do next and have to go to more expensive appointments looking for answers, but no one has a complete plan for you with a proven outcome. They speculate and give you varied pieces to work with, but never a complete plan.
Nothing really made much of a difference until I cracked the code and figured out not only the necessities, but the specific sequence with the right supplements necessary to see what was possible.
Feeling a bit nervous?
If you’re feeling a little scared, maybe overwhelmed, wondering if you can do this, then just know that’s totally normal. Anytime we try something new it can fell challenging. The key is not to let that fear stop you from moving forward and getting the results you and your child deserve. It’s just one step at a time.
Concerned about finances?
As a parent of a child with autism we spend a lot of money working toward recovery. I know. I’ve lived it too. Try to imagine what life will be like one year from now if you don’t do anything differently than what you’re doing. Then imagine having a concrete plan to follow that helps you stay on track and only spend your valuable resources on what does work. Think of how your life and your child’s will be better once you both can sleep through the night, or your child can talk, and concentrate in a classroom, and control their emotions and be happy and calm. Sounds good, right? Think of what isn’t working and what can be eliminated from your expenses now. Make positive shifts that offer you benefits instead of dead ends.
Don’t have a lot of time?
No worries, this program is set up with busy parents in mind. You can learn one step in about 20 minutes. Then practice implementing only that one thing. You don;t move on until you’re ready. It’s all on your time and available 24/7 from your own home…and it leaves you more time to do the fun things you enjoy with your child. Go to the park and play, or sit on the couch and read. You can do this!
Guess what? I found the missing pieces!

Dr. Daniel Amen, Five time, New York Times best-selling author, including Healing ADD, and Heal Your Brain to Heal Your Life

This step-by-step autism moms mentor membership is the first training of it’s kind. Why is it different than the rest?
No more confusion. It gives moms a complete A TO Z, step-by-step plan that is easy to follow.
No complete plan to follow so he only gets a little better, if any.
Detoxifying too quickly and not addressing the co-infections.
You don’t have the right supplements.
You don’t know which therapies to use.
You don't know what you're doing at first so you have to spend lots of time (and money) going through the trial and error process to hopefully find what works.
Have a very specific A to Z roadmap to follow.
Avoid the costly trial and error process.
Increase your success rate tenfold.
Drastically increase the speed at which you achieve that success.
Boost your own confidence as you personally are able to help your child.
Be surrounded by a whole community of others who really understand what you're going through.
Step 1: Begin implementing the right foods and removing the bad ones so the gut can heal and the brain isn’t exposed to their toxins and inflammation anymore. You’ll get guides to the exact supplemets needed with direct links to them. Tutorials on how to know if they’re right for your child and at what dosages because we start very low and work our way up slowly and safely. There’s a guide to natural practitioners too, in case you need one.
Step 2: Learn how to give the right supplements and learn how to know what dosages to give to assist the toxins out of the body, begin healing the gut, and helping your child’s brain and immune system to get the nutrition and support they need.
Step 3: Begin working with the co-infections one at a time in a specific order you have to follow.
Step 4: Heavy metal detoxification through safe, natural support. Also begin natural aleergy elimination to remove acqired allergens from your child’s body that may be preventing recovery.
Step 5: Support brain health and its deficient needs to help naturally balance mood, sleep, appetite, and the ability to focus and concentrate.
Step 6: Utilize brain repair therapies to help your child’s brain where it became imbalanced and miswired from toxins during development, so they can be calmer, sleep better, improve language ability, and focus more clearly.
Step 7: Learn to detect and naturally work with the rest of the co-infections of autism that could be preventing recovery and getting in the way of better health such as Lyme’s Disease, Mold bio-toxins, PANDAS/strep, mycoplasma (respiratory infections), and parasites .
How much does it cost to be a member?
I’m really excited to tell you about the super low price I’ve decided to offer this at!
I created all the core training videos and a couple of the accompanying guides over the past year so I could answer the many requests I have received over the past few years to put together a program teaching my process.
The plan was to offer the program for a limited time to beta members for $997, and then eventually to the public at $1997. I was told by many people that I was crazy to not offer my program for far more than what I was planning.
However, my goal was and is to get this information into the hands of everybody who wants it, so instead of raising the price of my program, I’ve added some ongoing support and resources to it, and put it all in this membership site that ANYONE should be able to afford.
You won’t be paying $1997… not $997… but I’m offering complete access to the Naturally Recovering Autism Membership Program for a small monthly fee of only $97!!!
There’s no long term commitment either. Just remain a member as long as you’d like access to the videos, the monthly calls, the ongoing deep dive videos and the community forum. Cancel when you’re done.
There’s no risk what-so-ever for joining because of my 30 day “Love it or you shouldn’t pay” 100% money back guarantee. Sign up, dig into the videos, start implementing what’s being taught, and if within the first 30 days you aren’t still feeling excited about your membership, just let me know and I’ll process a full refund right away, no questions asked.
Here’s what you do now:
1. Enroll in the program now by clicking the green “join now” link below.
You will receive an email within 5 minutes with your log-in details for the members’ site. It also gives you your first steps to get started so you know what to do. (Check your spam folder if you don’t see it).
2. Log into the members site and watch the welcome video and the short navigation video to learn the lay of the land.
3. Follow the steps in your welcome email to begin taking action.
It’s that easy!
Oh, and you will be grandfathered in at the price you join at now for as long as you remain a member
even when the price goes up in the future.
Click the “Join Now” button below right away. I’ll see you inside the members area!

Frequently Asked Questions
Q. I have limited time. What if I’m not keeping up with the videos?
A. Don’t worry about keeping up with the videos or feeling like you are falling behind. You can go forward on your own timeline because we know it is different for each child. Do what is best for your child each day. Going slow is a good thing.
Q . I already have my child on a gluten free/casein free diet and we eat healthy. Isn’t that enough to heal his gut?
Q. Is it harmful for my son to go through detoxification without supporting his liver? This is what we have been doing.
Q. I’ve tried so many things already. Will it just be more information, & confusion?
Q. What makes what you have different than all of the rest?
A. My program is thorough but easily digested. It offers a step by step guide to each specific piece of the program. There is no confusion about what to do next or what products to use. Everything in it has been thoroughly researched and successfully utilized with my own son and others, as well. I also know that people are very visual so I’ve turned every piece into a short video for you to follow. This isn’t just another diet program. It’s A to Z.