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  • #244188
    Betelihem Tamre

    My son is taking pharmNAC for detox can he still take zeolite?

    Karen Thomas

    Hi Betty and welcome!!!
    Yes, it is absolutely fine to use the zeolites with NAC.

    NAC has many benefits and you can continue using it if your child has been on this already and doing well with it. I say, ‘doing well’ because NAC, although having many benefits, can allow growth of yeast so sometimes it is preferred to use after some candida work has been done. If candida has not properly been worked with you may consider the following.
    Here is a partial piece on NAC from my book:

    Sulfation is the process by which the body detoxifies. When sulfation levels are low, as is in most cases of autism, the amino acid N-acetyl cysteine can help to increase it. NAC will strengthen the detoxification system in the body and help during heavy metal detoxification. NAC also assists the methylation process by helping the body build glutathione, assists the liver during detoxification, helps replenish mitochondria, and benefits the respiratory system. NAC has been used for over three decades for bronchial congestion due to its strong ability to break up mucus. NAC will increase the GI mucosa, which will assist gut health recovery . NAC has been shown in studies to greatly reduce viral infections such as influenza. Due to its sulfur content, it may increase the growth of yeast in the digestive tract. For this reason, it is wise not to use it until yeast has been eradicated.
    I am going to move this to over to the “main” portion of the forum for health related questions. This was asked in our “Recipes” portion where members share recipes. There is also a “Share milestone testimonials” portion where members share them. You may like to read some for inspiration. Then there is the “main health related’ portion where you will ask me your health related questions like this one in the future. 🙂 Thanks!

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