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I need help starting the program

Naturally Recovering Autism Forums AMM Forum Recipes I need help starting the program

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  • #244180
    Aster Tessema

    My son is 16 with ASD minimally verbal, is on GFCF diet. He takes supplements he has been seeing autism doctors for long time. He has behavior problems sleep problems. I want to start treatment but I am lost I need help please.
    Thank You

    Karen Thomas

    HI Aster and welcome!

    On the ‘Supplements” page you will see a pdf guide at the bottom that is titled, “quick guide to getting started”. It will guide you on how to begin the supplements. You will go in the sequential order they are listed in. They will direct you to the page here in the members site for each product which gives you the guidelines for usage and ordering it. You’ll notice the pages in the site for supplements are also in the same order as the quick guide. Stick to that roadmap for steps in their order. It will be easiest for you and it gives the best results. Do not try to jump around, just follow the sequence as it is laid out for you already.

    At the bottom of the “Supplements” page there is a pdf guide titled, ‘New but Already on Supplements Where To Begin’. It will guide you on how to begin and proceed here when you’ve come into this program but have been on supplements already.
    In the Knowledge base there is a frequently asked question area. One is titled, “help for new to the program”. That will answer these same questions for you and you can also put these words into the search bar here in the forum to see past questions and answers. The first emails you received from me when you joined would have given you this same guidance so you can refer back to those also.

    Go to the ‘toxin binders’ page and purchase the pure body regular zeolite and the glyphodetox.
    Then go to the next page in the sequence, “Pectasol” and purchase it. This is from the same company as the glyphodetox so order them together to save on shipping. These will be the first 3 supplements you begin with here. Just get those going first, then once they have been started, one at a time and at their lowest dosage, as the guidelines instruct you, then if your child is doing well with no die off symptoms you will move onto the next supplement in line, Mega minerals…and so. on at your child’s pace. Take your time.

    Be sure to review the diet guide too.

    I’m going to move this to the ‘main’ forum, rather than here in the “recipe” section. In the future please ask me your questions there. This part of the forum is for sharing recipes. Thanks!

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