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Allison Chipman

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  • in reply to: Litmus test or ph test tape #4741
    Allison Chipman

    Hi Karen, I got another reading from Robert and in doing that he mentioned that fruit would be ok for us right now. So we introduced just a little bit and the boys did fine. Their litmus tests have been fine. Well I decided to try some honey in their diet. Jake did fine with it but Henry, my son with autism did not. His litmus test was above the healthy range the next day. I’m worried I’ve sabotaged all the hard work I’ve put in to get him within healthy range on the litmus test. Do I need to go backwards before I move forward. Should I back off fruit as well at this point to get him back within healthy range? I’m so mad at myself.

    in reply to: Litmus test or ph test tape #4725
    Allison Chipman

    Sounds great. Thank you.

    in reply to: Litmus test or ph test tape #4723
    Allison Chipman

    Henry has’t made it to full dosage on candexpel. In fact we are only up to 2 drops a day. I’m wondering if he should be on s full dose before introducing fruit. Or do you think it’s ok to introduce fruits that he tests ok for?

    Also, I did the litmus test for me and my results were the same as Henry’s, but I’ve got a yeast infection since starting the probiotics and I’m wondering if my candida is really under control. My results were also 5.8 when I tested my urine using the litmus strips first thing in the morning. I’m just a little confused because the yeast infection makes me think my candida is not balanced. Do you think my candida is balanced. Hoping my strips are accurate. What are your thoughts. We’be been doing the diet strict for 3 months and we’D love to introduce fruit. I just want to make sure the candida is under control before we do. Thanks for all your help.It really means a lot.

    in reply to: Dr ohhiras probiotic #4718
    Allison Chipman

    Thanks Karen. I have a question about the thrive probiotic. Both my boys tested for dosages of 1/2 capsule a day. Not sure how to get them to take it in powder form. Could I just give them a capsule to swallow every other day? Just wondering if this would be the equivalent if 1/2 capsule a day.

    in reply to: Dr ohhiras probiotic #4716
    Allison Chipman

    Is there something natural I should use to treat the yeast infection?

    in reply to: Starting probiotics #4688
    Allison Chipman

    Thank you

    in reply to: Starting probiotics #4679
    Allison Chipman

    My boys and I will be starting the probiotics this week. But with the expense of all 3 of us needing to go on them, I’m wondering if I can afford Dr. Ohhira probiotic. Will we still see good benefits from only using just thrive probiotic?

    in reply to: Xylitol #4678
    Allison Chipman

    Thank you

    in reply to: Starting probiotics #4673
    Allison Chipman

    Thank you so much!

    in reply to: Supplements #4665
    Allison Chipman

    Thank you

    in reply to: Diet and supplements #4628
    Allison Chipman

    We have been in the strict diet for almost 6 weeks and my son tells me he had some gluten free plain potato chips at school, I’m frustrated because we have been doing to so well. Is this going to set us back a lot? We are working so hard at starving the candida. I’m hoping this isn’t too big of a setback. Your thought?

    in reply to: Bioray Liver Life #4588
    Allison Chipman

    Thank you.

    in reply to: Pure body regular strength #4584
    Allison Chipman

    Thank you

    in reply to: Chlorella #4576
    Allison Chipman

    Thank you

    in reply to: Diet and supplements #4575
    Allison Chipman

    Would you wait at least 4 more weeks? In the diet guide of foods you can have, it says after the 3rd week you could add gf oatmeal and brown rice in small amounts. Would you wait longer on those items as well? Thanks for your opinion.

Viewing 15 posts - 1 through 15 (of 25 total)