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Alma Repesa

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  • in reply to: PH strips urine testing #243692
    Alma Repesa

    Thank you Karen for your support. I just got overwhelmed and needed to let it out, thank you.
    I’ve got the EMF protection geoclense etc for home and pendants for us all and have to say that somehow those things do work . Had them for over a year now and energy in the house is so much better plus the ringing in my ear that i had for over a year had stopped completely since ive been wearing the pendant.
    It’s from different company but it does work for us.
    I will persevere and ph strips are looking better, maybe lot of toxins were coming out on that day.
    Thank you for your response and support.

    in reply to: PH strips urine testing #243678
    Alma Repesa

    Thank you Karen. I will look into it again. I don’t know where is it coming from ?

    He is on both zeolites, silica, glyphodetox, d3k2, v c, started parasites elixir. Also he takes NAC and alpha lipoic. I have run out of mega minerals so have to reorder. I got new supply of q10. I also have received cabdxpel, but not started yet. I have glyphatoc elixir and liver detox _ not started yet.
    Just find it too much to be honest , he is taking a lot of things and I don’t understand how long he has to take it for?

    . It seems Im introducing new things, but not stopping the others. Is that how it is supposed to be and for how long? His diet is great really , no processed food, no gluten dairy soya, some carbs , lot of veg some occasionally bluberies , very little sugar. He eats homemade food from fresh ingredients and great variety , i use erytrtrytol in baking mostly. He eats good meat, eggs, no Mgo food, no MSG so really cannot understand the toxins. Using only olive and coconut oil, using healthy pans eg ceramic, stainless steel. Not using aluminium foil, not using fluride … and list can go on. I’ve got carbon detox pils and hk.e made espom salt body cream to help with chlorine detox.
    So i am just confused abd disappointed tgzt eith all of that it seems that he still has a lot of toxidity.

    Can i combine parasite glymphatic and liver detox elixirs after he has been introduced to them one by one initially?

    Do you give all this and the above every day and also for how long/ how many months.

    Sorry Karen for these questions. I know there is lot of info on your site and probably answers to the above are in there , but just feeling quite worried about the toxicity and overwhelmed.

    I know I need to introduce candida elixir at some point and clear out mold potentialy too. Don’t know how to do so yet.
    Thank you

    in reply to: SuperProCoQ10MAx and Original Quintin Isotonic #242323
    Alma Repesa

    Thank you so much Karen. Your response is so helpful.
    Have a nice day.

    in reply to: Need help with choosing and Ordering the supplements #242173
    Alma Repesa

    Hi Swapna/all,
    I am also new to the program but my son has just turned 15🙂
    When I read your post, it reminded me so much of my own son at that age.
    I just wanted to share something in case it is helpful, (I hope you don’t mind Karen).
    My son had frequent ear infections , which started at his regression stage. Eg 18 months and continued for a number of years. Doctors kept giving him antibiotics and I was advised to give him Calpol( I didn’t know what I know now and trusted medical professionals too much, unfortunately).
    Anyway after a long battle I finally got our GP to refer my son to ENT specialist. They found that he has glue ear syndrome, which caused 65% of hearing loss and said that it would have become permanent if it did not get addressed. So my son had an operation at the age of 5 to remove adenoids and tonsils and they fitted ear grommets in both his ears, which lasted for couple of years.
    His hearing returned to normal straight after, his behaviour, speech and language started to improve as well and he was rarely ill thereafter.
    This may not be the issue for your son, but if you can and have not done so already, try to get him assessed by ENT specialist to see if he has glue ears ( water in ears that leads to infections). I was very angry at the doctor at hat time, as they kept putting off the referral to ENT ,which has lead to years of infections, unnecessary antibiotics and Calpol and to think that all that time my child was really struggling with hearing, pain, balance and that he could have lost his hearing completely, still makes me angry.
    Hence I wanted to share our experience in case it is helpful to anyone whose child might have repeated ear infections.

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