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Andrea brann

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  • in reply to: Allergy kit from Ynga, Supplement check #239323
    Andrea brann

    Hi Karen,
    I just received the allergy Kit from Ynga and would like to find the instructions in how to use it ( besides the video)

    Also the surrogate method.

    in reply to: zeolites, ID, stem cells #239061
    Andrea brann

    Hi Karen,
    My daughters behaviours have been getting worse. I found out she is detoxing to quickly. I stopped the Elixir s and the zeolite s for a couple of days, but resumed today. Elixir s tested 1 drop less than her usual dose and the zeolite s tested less but more often. She had a really bad day at her day program today. Extremely agitated. Robert felt that she is letting go of some really nasty toxins. It’s really frustrating as I’m trying to give the zeolite s and then she acts out. I also have been giving her CBD oil which tested fine but she arrived very upset at her program after receiving it.I’m afraid they are not going to allow her to continue if her behaviour doesn’t improve.
    She had a couple of better days when I gave her nothing for the first 2 days of this week.What else can I do?

    in reply to: Question #235806
    Andrea brann

    Hi Karen,

    Alexa is being difficult with brushing her teeth, especially at night. We see the dentist for scaling every 3-4 mths and most recently in January where x-ray s were taken and all was good.She says her jaw hurts or says my jaw doesn’t hurt. The Chiro we see also says she is quite tight in her neck and shoulders.He has also tried massaging her jaw a bit and gets her to open and close her mouth while he does this. She does not let me do it….I have noticed as well that she is showing a pink patch on her cheek around her cheekbone. I thought at first it was from lying on it, but it doesn’t face
    Fade away.Not a rash, just discoloration. Someone I spoke with yesterday says that you have these 3 nerves that run across your cheekbones and the into the base of the skull. It’s called Trigeminal neualgia. Have you heard of this? Can Cranial sacred help? I saw on the internet that Lyme can also cause this even though no Lyme was detected…I realize that might not be accurate as it is difficult to test. On another note she has this swelling or later if day under her chin. She isn’t heavy by any means but could this be lymph? I try to gently massage the area downwards but she really doesn’t like that either…painful perhaps.
    My daughter is 29 years old.


    in reply to: Question #235805
    Andrea brann

    Thanks Karen,
    Yes you may share my post with my name.


    in reply to: Question #235802
    Andrea brann

    Hi Karen,
    We recently had a check up at the Naturopath and the Candida had come down quite a bit from us doing the ultimate Candida diet and we hadn’t started the Candexpel elixir yet. On his scale she was at 70 in October and in March it was at 8. We started on the elixirs in mid February from Robert. Parasites were negative and I also asked to check for Lyme and strep. Both were negative as well.
    We still haven’t reached the max dose on all elixirs.Her organs are all functioning well and she wasn’t deficient in any vitamins and minerals. The biggest problem was that her toxins were all high. They hadn’t come down much but her liver had been struggling in the past.It was looking good now. We do give the reg zeolite and have just started the extra strength spray. She also takes liposomal Glutathion spray 2x a day.We also give her MCP powder 2x a day for detox since her system tested fine with it.
    Robert had a parasite elixir in our first reading bundle that we have recently added as well as the Candexpel. Do we still need to order the products from Bio Nexus for parasites ? We also use a spray for mold in her sinuses.She isn’t always co-operative with that but will request it at times.

    in reply to: Vanilla extract #234798
    Andrea brann

    Also are chia seeds allowed. I have used it in her organic unsweetened coconut yogurt and added some frozen mixed berries or blueberries with it as a snack. The same is for China seed pudding?

    in reply to: Constipation #234675
    Andrea brann

    Hi Karen,
    Thank-you again. I’m not confident in the muscle testing yet. I seem to get false positives! Need to practise more.
    With regards to probiotics, I did order the one from Thrive that you featured on your podcast. I’m not sure when I should start it. Hopefully it’s ok.

    in reply to: Constipation #234668
    Andrea brann

    Hi Karen,
    Thank-you for your response.. The only thing that’s new is we started the elixirs from Robert. Very slowly. The reg zeolite was first and I only gave Her 1 drop am and pm after 2-3 days I increased it to 3 drops. Then added the 1 st elixir on Roberts list with 1 drop am and pm for 2-3 days and increased by 1 drop. We have now started the 2 nd elixir in the same way. I just thought that the zeolite trapped a bunch of toxins and was to much for the bowel. We have been on a Candida diet since October. She lost 5 lbs initially within a week but then held steady. At Roberts suggestion we added organic white rice in at dinner but it isn’t everyday. She was just so hungry and she would shove her almond flour biscuit or her coconut and buckwheat bread in huge pieces into her mouth and almost choke! We also stopped the probiotics we had her on for years just to give her a break.( Also at his suggestion) She has gained a few lbs back and I figured it was because her elimination wasn’t as good.

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