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Donatha Mukamabano

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  • in reply to: Muscle test and diet #234457
    Donatha Mukamabano

    Hello Karen,

    I have a couple questions on how to use formula 1 NSB. In some of the directions it says that we need to titrations 50% how do I do that? And how do I know I did it right? Also do I have to keep it in the refrigerator? Another question I had it was About Formula 2 EOS and formula 5 Dph-XS,I understand that I dilute it in water but how much water and how many drops do I use? I watched the live recording You had with The doctor, she talked about the pdf that I should have downloaded when I put in my order but I didn’t see anything to download. Thank you for your time and your hard work for getting this to us.


    in reply to: Muscle test and diet #234396
    Donatha Mukamabano

    Hello Karen, we just start the herbs with nasal spray formula 1 NSB. I have formula 2 EOS and Formula 5 DHP-xS. Which on is the month rinse?
    Thank you

    in reply to: Muscle test and diet #234387
    Donatha Mukamabano

    Hello Karen,
    I don’t know, I start with elixir and after like a month because they was a lot and I was going slowly. I did know if I should email Robert after 3 months I am going to do it today. I introduced CBD and pure body extra stretch and minerals. What did I miss? Let me know. Please
    Thank you

    in reply to: Muscle test and diet #234382
    Donatha Mukamabano

    Hello Karen,
    I am sorry I have more questions and I was thinking it good to ask than me being quiet.
    I know this is a long journey but thing doesn’t move at all.
    My son is on elixir,CBD, Pure body extra strength, minerals(quinton 1 ampoule a day and spectrum support minerals part B) for 5 months
    He is on diet( broccolis, cauliflowers, spinach, meat,Salomon fish, almond,eggs) for like 6 months
    Cook with coconut oil, tomatos past, salt

    I am doing this for more than 6months but nothing son still Straggling with sleep,stimming,very active, no appetite, no speech, bad behavior all day. He lost weight a lot. We can’t go out he get stressed and start crying.

    I know it is a long journey but I can’t even see the light at the end of the tunnel? I know every kid is different but when can I know if this is working? When can I see little change?
    Now he is almost finish his elixir. I don’t know if I have to order more.
    I don’t do muscles test because I tried so many times and it wasn’t successful.
    I always give him everything 30 minutes before meal.
    He will start the herbs formulas tomorrow.
    Please give me some advise maybe I am not doing everything right or something is missing.
    Thank you for all you do.

    in reply to: Muscle test and diet #234186
    Donatha Mukamabano

    Yes we are using Florida free because he can spit. I tried many times to teach him but he can do it yet.
    Thank you

    in reply to: Muscle test and diet #234182
    Donatha Mukamabano

    Hello Karen,
    How can I use mouth rinse when my son doesn’t know how to spit. When I help him to brush his teeth he always swallow.

    in reply to: Muscle test and diet #234180
    Donatha Mukamabano

    Hello Karen,
    My son is on elixir, zeolite,CBDand minerals. I am ready to start herbs but I don’t know how to tart. I am very stressful. I am supposed to start with formula1 NSB and formula5 DHP-xS? Or mold starter package.
    Sorry I did listen to the video so many time but I still didn’t get it.
    Thank you

    in reply to: Muscle test and diet #234138
    Donatha Mukamabano

    Hello Karen,
    I am having a hard time ordering the herbs. It’s been more than a month of me trying but I haven’t been able to. I can’t figure out what I am doing wrong. I sent an email to support naturally recovering autism and they sent to watch the video. The also sent me to the resource tab and the acknowledge tab. I did all these steps but I still can’t figure it out. I was able to open an account on bionexus health but I can’t get to the store to make my order. Is there a way you can help me?

    in reply to: Muscle test and diet #233939
    Donatha Mukamabano

    Hello Karen,
    On the link you gave me this is what they told me they have,”We have 3 macro mineral formula. The Spectrum Support Ultra Sensitive Minerals, The Spectrum Support Minerals and the Spectrum Support ”. Which one should I get?

    Thank you and I am sorry to keep bothering you.


    in reply to: Muscle test and diet #233933
    Donatha Mukamabano

    Hello Karen,
    Water and wellness has Quinton but they don’t have macro/mega. Can you help me with the website please.
    how long can he be on minerals?
    Thank you
    Donatha mukamabano

    in reply to: Muscle test and diet #233904
    Donatha Mukamabano

    Hello Karen,
    Yesterday I Sent a message but I can’t find it. I don’t know if you received it but I can ask my questions again.

    Okay my son is 6 and 10 months, he has been on a diet for 4 months but we haven’t been able to cut brown rice. He takes 1/3 of his plate for 3 meals. He eats vegetables (spinach, broccoli, cauliflower and green beans) and 1/3 of his plate is meat or fish. He doesn’t really like food, so we have been struggling with the diet. If I removed brown rice he wouldn’t eat the food at all. I have tried to withhold food so he can get hungry and eat whatever I give him but it doesn’t work because he would go the whole day without food, rather than eat what I give him.
    He is still taking elixirs, CBD, pure body extra strength.
    He was taking mineral water 1 box but I don’t know if I should keep giving it to him.
    Can he keep taking everything(elixir,cbd,pbe and minerals water?)

    We were supposed to go to the dentist and let you know what kind of metal he has in his mouth( fill in teeth). But I was sick and I didn’t go to the appointment. I have an other Appointment in 2 weeks. Can I start herb or should I wait until after the appointment?

    What can we do next? While we are waiting.

    I wasn’t able to use muscle test it is very hard sometimes I will get negative when I try again and get positive. I can’t do it.

    My son still struggling with sleep even now while he is on CBD. He still has a hard time focusing, Speaking and he is very energetic.

    Thank You for your time,


    in reply to: Muscle test and diet #233620
    Donatha Mukamabano

    Hello Karen,
    I did get the PB extra strength but it is a spray. How many time can he use it? Do I need PB regular strength? We are supposed to use 2 of PB?
    I have the chlorenergy is green and my son can’t take it.I try to blend it in smooth but he doesn’t like smooth. And if I put it in water because he likes water, water change the color. He refused to drink it. I don’t know how to do this. Today I put it in his breakfast.
    How many drops Of CBD can I give to him?
    My son used to have bowel movement everyday but for few weeks he is not having BM everyday any more. He will go after 2 to 3 days and he is eating cauliflower,broccoli, spinach and some brown rice. That is all he eats. He still very pick eater. I have to feed him because he doesn’t like to eat vegetable. Now he doesn’t like all food. Any idea?
    We are on this diet for 3 months.
    Thank you for all you do.

    in reply to: Muscle test and diet #233478
    Donatha Mukamabano

    Hello Karen,
    Sometimes I don’t know What to do. I did order CBD they send me pure body extract strength. I call them and they said it is the some. Today I was looking to order pure body regular strength and I explain to them again and they said it was a mistake. I was giving it to my son.
    What is the difference between pure body extract strength and pure body regular strength?

    Charcoal and chlorenergy I want to order it but I don’t know how many mg I can order for my son he is 6 and 18 months and how many capsules can he take?

    What can I do if muscle testing is not successful for me? I did try many time but I can’t get a good answer. I am confused and stocked. I don’t know how to make another move.

    in reply to: Muscle test and diet #233477
    Donatha Mukamabano

    Hello Karen,
    Sometimes I don’t know What to do. I did order CBD they send me pure body extract strength. I call them and they said it is the some. Today I was looking to order pure body regular strength and I explain to them again and they said it was a mistake. I was giving it to my son.
    What is the difference between pure body extract strength and pure body regular strength?

    Charcoal and chlorenergy I want to order it but I don’t know how many mg I can order for my son he is 6 and 18 months and how many capsules can he take?

    What can I do if muscle testing is not successful for me? I did try many time but I can’t get a good answer. I am confused and stocked. I don’t know how to make another move.

    in reply to: Muscle test and diet #233425
    Donatha Mukamabano

    Sorry Karen,
    blue word is taking me to Amazon. I am so sorry I can’t find the link, is it possible you can send me the link here? Please
    Thank you

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