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Sandra Carrillo

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  • in reply to: behaviors #244810
    Sandra Carrillo

    Hi Karen,
    What should I do for my sons cavities? His pediatric dentist that he sees now does Zirconia crowns and right now one of his primary teeth is showing its nerve. I saw the interview with Dr.Panahpour and I know that his dentist is going to want to put him under GA to do the treatment as well as use a liner to cover the nerve before placing the crown.. what is a good material to use for a pulp chamber liner and cement to cement the crown in?

    What medications / gases should I go over with my sons dentist that they are going to be using when they put him under? I brush & floss his teeth twice a day and still he keeps getting more and more cavities. After hearing Dr.Panahpour talk about the parasites it makes sense now. My wife keeps telling me it’s because we don’t use fluoride toothpaste anymore , I keep telling her it’s more than that.

    in reply to: behaviors #244740
    Sandra Carrillo

    Glad I made you laugh Karen lol

    Just wanted to share with you what else holistic doc wants Ethan to take

    GABA 4days on /3 days days off
    Grapefruit Seed Extract 1tab in the a.m.
    Mycrobiome Probiotic Colon formula 50B 1 tab @ bedtime
    GI Mobility Complex
    Botanicals CBD/melatonin oil
    TriEnza 1.0 tablets twice a day

    Can you please educate me on these and what can happen if I give these to him??

    I will get the elixirs/herbs mentioned above right now….

    Ethan always puts the bath water in his mouth and spits it out. I guess no more bubble baths cause he does it all the time.

    So since he has parasites that means the rest of the family needs to take supplements as well?

    What should I be using on the showers/tub to clean them and that kills the parasites?

    in reply to: behaviors #244732
    Sandra Carrillo

    Hi Karen,

    So I took Ethan to see Holistic doctor, they did a bunch of tests and he came back for parasites called Giardia duodenalis (AKA intestinalis & lamblia), high yeast and strep. I know you said you can’t read lab results but just want to share them with you to see what else was positive.

    Commensal (Imbalanced) flora
    2+ Cronobacter spp.
    1+ Staphylococcus aureus
    2+ Streptococcus parasanguinis
    3+ Streptococcus salivarius

    Expected/Beneficial flora
    3+ Bacteroides family
    4+ Bifidobacterium family
    3+ Escherichia coli
    NG Lactobacillus family
    NG Enterococcus family
    1+ Clostridium family

    Please use me as a perfect example to listen to you about throwing away your money cause you always tell us that our kids are pretty much going to come out positive with these things.

    From are previous conversations I did mention where I am with what supplements my Ethan is on.

    I started giving Ethan the supplements recommended by the holistic doc and man Ethan is getting worse.

    Right now I am giving
    March 12 Paromomycin 5ml for the parasites
    Natural Vitality CALM magnesium 1/2 tsp with dinner
    NDF Calm 0.25ml now at 0.50ml
    NDF Happy 0.25ml
    Vit D3 1ml
    Licorice 0.50
    Lastnight gave him 50mg of 5HTP
    Just started yesterday the Ultra Sensitive Minerals yesterday @ 1/2 tsp what you recommended

    I’m sticking with you from now on,,,,,,

    What can I give him for now to help calm him down from die off?

    Thank you Karen,

    in reply to: behaviors #244336
    Sandra Carrillo

    Thanks Karen,

    So I went on Bionexus website and it has been updated, the blends/formulas that were expensive went down and the other ones that were less expensive went up.

    Everyone that has figured out some kind of way to help our children, are just charging so much for the supplements or other things that we need to help our kids, it just has become too overwhelming.

    Also, on the Bionexus website she no longer has Tiers so I don’t know what blend goes to which co infection, she used to have them in tiers, I also don’t see Cat Claw anymore…

    Is there any other way to use the Quinton trace minerals without purchasing the AQUATRUE Reverse Osmosis System? I do have ROS here in my home and I tested the water it was a level 6 on the water reader for PPM is that okay?

    The maintenance people from the water system are coming over and I’m going to ask them if it’s a back-washing carbon filter…

    You also said to start on the Micro minerals, which one exactly is it,is it the Sensitive formula from brainchild. The only one I see the Ultra Sensitive it that one?

    For Bionexus which ones are for LYME? since she has no tiers.

    in reply to: behaviors #244297
    Sandra Carrillo

    Hi Karen did you see my other message? It’s on page 1.

    in reply to: behaviors #244290
    Sandra Carrillo

    I am ordering the stress,liver,allergy,restful elixir,macro minerals today.

    I’ll look into getting a vial from the at-home allergy site for eggs and the entire autism allergy kit too. Especially the one for Phenols.

    Also he has been having bowel movements for 5 days straight. I don’t know if it’s the spinach or the Bioray pooper supplement that is helping him go everyday now for the past 5 days. 🙂

    What exactly is Saccaromyces Boulardii?

    My sister’s house has a lot of black mold on her walls I told her I couldn’t stay at her house during thanksgiving cause of that reason.We did have thanksgiving there and left as soon as we were done. I don’t know what other mold exposure that he gets. I know organic fruits get moldy fast and since he doesn’t poop everyday, except for recently is that another way he can get mold exposure?

    He usually eats protein from chicken for dinner” is that good enough for bedtime to help with balancing his blood sugar?

    FROM ABOVE CONVERSATION:Common with this issue and in women, but some people are affected otherwise, is low progesterone. Hormones are affected by toxins and coinfection and mold can definitely be a culprit….

    I don’t know if you remember I had mentioned this to you I copied it, here it is…

    Hi Karen,

    So my sons test results came back from his Neurotransmitters & Saliva Hormone test kit from ZRT Laboratories.

    On the Neurotransmitters test his dopa/sero came out at good levels, his histamine,Tyramine are at high levels. I wish I could share the results with you lol

    On the Saliva Hormone test Estradiol,DHEAS are below normal,Testosterone is low,Cortisol is low in the morning and night time.

    The doctor is recommending DHEA,Testogain and Adreanastim supplements to help with the Estradiol,DHEAS Testosterone and Cortisol results from the test.

    He is offering me to purchase these supplements with him, but I wanted to ask what you thought? and what recommendations do you have for these test results? What supplements do u recommend?

    Is this what you mean how toxins and coinfections like mold can mess with his hormones? Why is testosterone is low?



    in reply to: behaviors #244288
    Sandra Carrillo

    Karen what can I give Ethan now for symptoms of ADHD he keeps hitting things with the palm of his hand and no focus, he can’t even sit still for 1 minute. I have tried CBC oil but it just makes him more hyper.

    I’ll stop the magnesium cause hes already hyper and as soon as I give it to him he gets even more Hyper.

    I saw your email with a podcast about Low Iron and contributing to ADHD and Focus. I still haven’t seen it. But Ethan does suffer from Restless Foot Syndrome and I know I mentioned this to you in the past. His PCP said Ethan’s iron Levels are normal but since he suffers from RFS that his levels need to be higher, He wanted to place Ethan on Iron supplements. What else can cause RFS if not iron? I have to read back what your response was to the supplements.

    What amount and how often do I give these? Quercetin, COQ10″ I believe you said 1 pill every 5 days”? minerals, chlorella, & glyphodetox.

    I do have a TRUE Hepa in the down stairs and Ethan’s room 24/7.

    What about these foods? are any of these good?: organic jasmine rice, gluten free pasta, gluten free elbow pasta, gluten free corn dogs, My wife recently started making his pancakes with Gluten free all purpose flour.

    Can you please educate me on what happens when you give in to a bag of chips(gluten) or a piece of chocolate candy(sugar and dairy)? What does it do to his little body? To help motivate me not to do it again…the way I see it is, he hasn’t had it for a while , he should be good.

    in reply to: behaviors #244276
    Sandra Carrillo

    Hi Dynese,

    I hope my post brings you comfort that you are not alone in this battle.

    in reply to: behaviors #244275
    Sandra Carrillo

    Like I said in a previous post, I stopped giving him all the supplements cause of his regression and the only ones I am giving him is..

    Zeolite 3 drops every 3 hours
    Zeolite Extra 3 sprays every 3 hours
    Magnesium 1 scoop 2 x a day
    Bioray Pooper 1ml 2 x a day
    Bioray Calm .25ml once a day
    Vit D3 1ml once a day in the a.m.

    I give him Quercetin when he is having laughing episodes ,COQ10 and the green pills I forgot the name but they fight candida sometimes…

    I feel like I have to start over since I stopped the supplement and messed up his diet.

    I have purchased a lot of the supplements from the program just tell me which ones you think I should start up from.

    Also I had tried giving Ethan the nasal mold supplement and he started screaming in pain. He had never done that in the past when I used to give it to him.

    Thanks Karen,

    in reply to: behaviors #244274
    Sandra Carrillo

    I think I gave in to the bad foods cause I’m just mentally tired, with homeschooling and his regression it’s just so much.

    From what I can honestly remember… we had him on a strict GF,DF,SF and dye free diet. Along with your recommendations. And when I saw him thriving I said lets start adding some organic jasmine rice, gluten free pasta, gluten free elbow pasta, gluten free corn dogs, okay lets go ahead and give him more fruit… I believe that’s when I noticed slowly seeing small changes in him of regression & now he is just not my boy….and from here is when I started to give up and give in to the bad foods. 🙁 My wife recently started making his pancakes with Gluten free all purpose flour.

    Can you please educate me on what happens when you give in to a bag of chips(gluten) or a piece of chocolate candy(sugar and dairy)? What does it do to his little body? To help motivate me not to do it again…the way I see it is, he hasn’t had it for a while , he should be good.

    I was giving him all his supplements for almost a year and I began to feel discouraged.

    What really makes me discouraged is the food part. I have spent so much money buying all these ingredients and I try a recipe and some not all come out not that great lol When I do use almond flour to replace flour ingredients, just never came out good. I have googled many recipes from google and tried so many ways to make the perfect pancake. Ethan doesn’t like smoothies or maybe I’m not making them good enough, but I will keep trying to give it to him. I just want to make sure he’s getting enough calories for the day. Not being able to use eggs is so hard,I have tried flax seed ingredients to replace eggs and it did not come out good with the almond flour.But I will look at the egg substitute section. But I think I have already looked in the past…

    On a positive note he has started to eat bell peppers, organic ground chicken, organic butternut squash, celery, broccoli,onion and recently he grabbed a container of organic spinach on his own and just eats it from the container, whats going on with that? what would cause him to just one day want spinach?

    in reply to: behaviors #244250
    Sandra Carrillo

    Good morning Karen,

    So Ethan had a very long night/morning with random laughing episodes, He ate chicken stripes and french fries that same day that were not on his diet. We gave in to Funyuns and doritos on Saturday. Just mentioning this from your previous reply.

    Just venting here….

    I have had my son on a GF,SF,DF diet along with no dyes since March of 2023 and have seen a huge improvement in speech, eye contact, focus, following directions, random laughter went away completely, constipation improved,almost no more head hitting on surfaces, almost no more aggression , babbling went away and he seemed more relaxed,now with his regression he has less speech, no focus, he can’t sit still at all, his eye contact is less,constipation got worse,he is so so hyper, and hitting his head on surfaces again. His palms are always sweaty and his feet. His babbling came back even worse ,its like non stop from the moment he wakes up he starts babbling like his body is crying out for help. 😭 His random laughter episodes slowly started to come back throughout the day.

    New symptoms are eye blinking, putting almost everything in his mouth, which he would never do, waking up from his sleep laughing uncontrollably which he would never do, hitting his head all day with his hands which he would never do, his ADHD symptoms are getting worse can’t focus at all, not listening at all, more emotional, more sensitive, more aggressive, more combative. His anxiety is really bad. Showing signs of Dyslexia.

    Sometimes I fall off his diet and give into some chips, very rare takeout , and starting to give him more organic white rice, and started giving him some gluten free all purpose flour, he can’t have egg but its so hard to cook without egg that sometimes I still give it to him for breakfast. ☹️ some things that contain dairy and gluten, like Icecream sandwiches but very rare, or chocolate. Vegan marshmallows. Pez candies. These are recent he has been having his symptoms before giving him these things.

    Sometimes my boy comes back to me and those little glimpses I get, gives me my motivation again to not give up on him.

    Please remind me how important it is not to give in to take out or any foods listed here. I am mentally tired and drained.

    in reply to: behaviors #244044
    Sandra Carrillo

    Hi Karen,

    He has had H.Pylori tested before and came back negative.That was maybe a year ago.

    Another issue we are having is ,he has been waking up from his sleep twice in just a 2 week span. He goes to sleep and wakes up maybe 3 or 4 hours into his sleep and starts babbling and I feel his mind is on turbo mode cause he won’t stop. I know hes sleepy but his body won’t shut down to rest/sleep. He has never done this before. what is causing this?

    in reply to: behaviors #244011
    Sandra Carrillo

    I will look at the symptom guide, I also wanted to mention he is getting more constipated and crying in pain that his stomach hurts. He used to say ouch my tummy hurts but not to where he now he cries and has tears. He grabs my hands and puts it on his tummy and says “ouch my tummy hurts” and sometimes says ” doctor” It makes me so sad that he is in pain daily with his stomach.

    I know you are giving me so much info, but where would you start? after looking at the symptom guide and hearing all my sons?/?

    in reply to: behaviors #244004
    Sandra Carrillo

    He also is getting me angry a lot lately.

    in reply to: Supplements #243834
    Sandra Carrillo

    Hello Karen, My I mentioned back in June about my son’s blinking of the eyes, and I don’t recall you giving me a response to that… also my son is starting to get sensitive to sound and light, he never had this issue can you please let me know what it possible might be?

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