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Sandra Carrillo

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  • in reply to: Low Iron #243334
    Sandra Carrillo

    I had his dopamine and serotonin tested with ZRT Laboratory with the neurotransmitter kit and his levels were good. I also have super green foods , but you had me stop it cause I also got his histamine level tested and it was high.

    in reply to: Supplements #243205
    Sandra Carrillo

    Hi Karen real quick , so some of my sons elixirs have some build up on the dropper and along the rim.. are they safe to keep giving them to my son? How long are they good for once they have been opened? I opened up a new one Well Being Elixir and it had the same build up on it..

    Also on the post nasal drip, can it also be from food sensitivities? Like eating things that Ethan and I are sensitive to or allergic to?

    in reply to: Playground #243040
    Sandra Carrillo

    thanks for the response.

    So it’s 3am right now, and my son is awake he was tossing and turning all night and I think my son is starting to get sick with something just by being in school for 4 days…

    What can I start doing to help him fight this?

    Do you think putting garlic on his feet will help?

    What can I order for fever and infection if he gets to that point?

    in reply to: Supplements #242941
    Sandra Carrillo


    So I noticed my son is starting to have Post nasal drip for a few weeks now. He keeps trying to clear his throat and now when he showers he says “ouch my nose” and wants to blow his nose every time water gets in his nose. That is new for me, he has never done that before.

    I have started all the blends and supplements you recommended me to do and I’m about to give him the NSB nasal spray in the left nostril tonight. I did want to mention that when I received the spray it was hot but I put it in the refrigerator as soon as I opened the box.. I hope it’s safe to still use it?

    I have had post nasal drip as well for about 3 months now and man I am so over it.

    in reply to: Supplements #242927
    Sandra Carrillo

    Hello karen,

    I’ve been wanted to try this anti inflammation drink, the ingredients are..

    1/2 cup water
    2 tblsp fresh lemon juice
    1/4 tsp cayenne pepper
    1tbsp apple cider
    pinch of pepper
    1 tsp of honey

    do you think this will be okay to drink for my 6 year old?

    in reply to: Supplements #242911
    Sandra Carrillo

    I read the instructions to put in water but I didn’t , I just gave him one drop in his mouth, does that matter??

    in reply to: Supplements #242910
    Sandra Carrillo

    Good Morning,

    I just gave my son OXY E Plus silica and he started saying ouchy and asking for a doctor.

    Also the doctor tested his cells and he had really bad inflammation in his cells and they said he can’t be absorbing his supplements if he has inflammation.

    in reply to: Supplements #242894
    Sandra Carrillo

    Good Morning Karen,

    I haven’t started Oxy E Plus Silica , wanted to ask if I can start 6A blend & 1NSB 1st before giving him the OXY? Can I give him 6A and 1NSB at the same time or different days to watch out for symptoms??

    in reply to: Supplements #242844
    Sandra Carrillo

    I will check into the garlic with allicin is cooking with garlic helpful as well?I did go over your detox protocol and have the coffee enema here , but i’m too scared to do it lol.

    in reply to: Supplements #242840
    Sandra Carrillo

    Hey Karen,

    While I’m waiting on my Parasite herbal to come in can I buy another parasite at whole foods mean while?

    in reply to: Acid Reflux #242832
    Sandra Carrillo

    On the HCL I only have it to him maybe three days back in April so I don’t think I gave it to him enough to notice a difference.

    I will continue to follow the histamine diet.

    I heard of the quinton minerals from looking into the acid reflux issue with my son. I saw it on your podcast going over acid reflux.

    Glad to hear I’m making progress!!!

    in reply to: Acid Reflux #242828
    Sandra Carrillo

    So I just did the litmus paper and he tested at a 5.8 range. Does that mean candida is at a low? !

    in reply to: Supplements #242827
    Sandra Carrillo

    About this ….
    Before bed at night and first thing when he wakes up give him some type of protein with good fat like a small handful of nuts. He could have just a little bit of carb food to keep his glucose levels more stabilized since the candida is eating up the sugars (as noted in the podcast I referred to last time about candida effecting sleep and creating hypoglycemia.

    he does not want to eat any nuts , he used to like almonds but not anymore. He won’t eat macadamia nuts and if he does he swallows it whole lol what else is a protein with good fat that I can give him?

    Is the keto collagen good enough for this in the morning to help him with his glucose levels. Can I blend the nuts in his smoothie? We took his super greens away due to the spinach and that being a histamine trigger..

    and when you say carb food, you mean like fruits? Not pastas right? sorry I don’t have much knowledge of the nutrients in food? But I’m trying to learn.

    When you say go based on symptoms it’s hard for me cause hes’s hyper like I mentioned and I just don’t know when to introduce a new supplement to him. I haven’t mastered the muscle testing yet, I guess I second guess myself.

    From what you have taught me from this is that he sounds like pandas is triggered and I just need to continue on more gut healing and detoxification pathways and focus on the coinfections.

    just want to say thank you!

    in reply to: Acid Reflux #242826
    Sandra Carrillo

    Good morning Karen,

    Just finished hearing your podcast on acid reflux again to refresh my memory, and I’m reading my previous conversation with you above. The acid kit I am talking about is the Litmus paper, I did purchase it back in may and I believe he showed a good level.

    I’m going to try it again today and if it is still on a good level, what does that tell me about my sons acid reflux.

    I have thorne Betaine HCL & Pepsin / enzymes on hand I purchased them when I 1st saw your podcast.

    I started giving it to my son and his GI doctor told me to stop. What are your thoughts on this?

    Also I just saw your podcast on Quinton Trace Minerals , I really want to give this a try. Where do I purchase this?

    I’ve cut back on red meat and mainly give him organic chicken, and I’m going to start giving him Asparagus broccoli almonds lettuce squash most fruits garlic onions.

    I have noticed that his acid reflux has gotten better ever since cutting back on the red meats. 🙂

    in reply to: Supplements #242824
    Sandra Carrillo

    I forgot you recommended Pectasol, I need this one as well, correct?

    and how much of the capsule of Quercetin should I give my 6 year old?

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