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Sandra Carrillo

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  • in reply to: Supplements #242823
    Sandra Carrillo

    Also one more thing I made an appointment for tomorrow to see allergy and sinus where they do that skin prick test to see what he is allergic to pollen,mold,pet dander,dust mites and foods. Do you recommend it or should I just avoid it?

    in reply to: Supplements #242818
    Sandra Carrillo

    This was recommended by you last time in April….

    For those supplements you have now, the first 3 do not kill pathogens so they don’t cause die-off. They can be started right away. Then add in the others, one at a time:

    1. Begin the vitamin D3 now
    2. Begin the stress reducer elixir now too and use it as often as you need to.
    3. 5HTP (this can cause nausea when we first take it so even though it’s supposed to be taken away from food you may want to give it to him with a few bites of something or some smoothie for the first week. Gauge over time).
    4. then add in the COQ10,
    5. Chlorella is also a food that contains protein and helps fight parasites. Rotate it in and see if it helps, then continue with it.
    6. then parasite elixir
    7. Oxy E Plus Silica

    [Wait on omegas and multi’s.]

    The next Supplements to add once the others above are going:

    Order the herbal formula 2EOS and begin diffusing it as soon as it arrives, along with beginning the formula 1NSB nasal spray for mold, formula BTXD, and rotate in the liver elixir.

    Once these are going, then I suggest this order for herbals. I’ve been creating a pdf for members to guide through the herbal formulas when multiple infections are going on to help with an order (over time). You’ve prompted me to complete it now so here’s the link, and I will add it to the herbal and coinfection pages too,

    So far from your recommendation from above I have given my son d3,stress elixer,Chlorella and parasite elixer that I broke.

    I haven’t been able to get the true hepa filter/ 2EOS yet or Nasal spray 1NSB.

    So that being said.

    I went to whole food today and purchased the quercetin.

    which supplement/Elixer/Blend do I start

    1.) Guercetin
    2.) CoQ10
    3.) Glymphatic Elixer
    4.) allergy relief elixir ( this one I need to order)

    and I do have Oxy E Plus Silica and BTXD BLend here at the house that I haven’t yet introduced to my son.

    so please let me know in which order I should introduce these that I have here until I get the parasite herbals in and do I have to buy all three from the Parasite tier 1 6A,Y-Blend and GI-S Blend.How important is it to introduce these three on time.

    I’m running low on funds so if you say to get 1NSB formual I will if its going to help him now.

    in reply to: Supplements #242812
    Sandra Carrillo

    So do I continue with the directions on the glymphatic elixir and do I need to start him on CoQ10 while i’m waiting for the herbal formulas to come in.

    Also I was giving my son Duck eggs for breakfast and now the lady I was getting them from said she can no longer sell them to me.

    I know I told you in a previous conversation that my son was allergic to eggs and I didn’t know what to give him cause I can’t find recipes that don’t need eggs besides pancakes. So I decided to give him organic chicken eggs & now he has a light red small bumpy rash on his face,chest and shoulder area.

    I tried buying the keto strawberry collagen peptides but they are sold out and I know he won’t like the vanilla.

    Besides stop giving him the eggs and allergy kit , what else can I do to help his little body with this reaction. Is this part of Autoimmune disease ??

    in reply to: Supplements #242808
    Sandra Carrillo

    Good Morning Karen,

    Thank you for the info above, I love how you respond so quick!

    I was giving him the Parasite Elixer you recommended but it broke about 5 weeks ago. Do I have to start with the parasite elixer again or just order the BioNexus parasite herbal formulas to start Parasite protocol?? and I do have the glymphatic support elixer here I just haven’t given it to him yet.

    I don’t mind buying the parasite elixer again if I need to.

    I will for sure co over coinfections in mod 7.

    Another thing.My son has been craving a lot of sugary things lately and I remember reading about something that you said about why they crave sugar and I forgot. Can you please remind me. I think I’ve done too much reading lol.

    I do want to say on a positive note that my son has been using more words, more eye contact, and more pretend play!

    in reply to: Supplements #242796
    Sandra Carrillo

    What would be the next step as far as supplements.

    Should I purchase the pans tier 1 or parasites.

    My son does grind the heck out of his teeth as well. He is wearing them down pretty bad. I don’t want to have dentist to pull all his teeth cause they are worn down.

    in reply to: Supplements #242793
    Sandra Carrillo

    What about my question about bath time and pool in my back yard. Buts a blow up bouncy pool. ?

    in reply to: Supplements #242791
    Sandra Carrillo

    Yeah its EMF solutions that I spoke to.

    When he wakes up is organic steak ok as well and is cashews ok? Or are they considered peanuts?

    I just finished hearing the podcast you linked for me. I do have COQ10 here at home. Ill order the Allergy relief elixer today.

    So remember the supplements my sons Developmental doctor recommended. Which was omega 3 and 5-HTP along with the other ones listed above should I hold off on those or….. I heard on podcast that omega3 is good..

    in reply to: Supplements #242789
    Sandra Carrillo

    Also I spoke to the company for the EMFs they gave me a cost of 2700.00 for my house and devices in my home. Do they offer a discount for you?

    in reply to: Supplements #242788
    Sandra Carrillo

    Hi Karen thank you for the info.

    So I just started giving him those foods that I listed above.

    I looked at the foods to avoid on the histamine diet and one of them is do I stop giving him the supergreens powder.

    Also I did finally give in to the pool he went twice. He also plays in bathtub and pool in backyard,spends over an hour in all three.

    This diet thing is what making it hard for me. So do i follow the candida diet or histamine diet?

    I have no clue what to feed this kid. I cant give him eggs cause he has food sensitivities to them and carbs cause it feeds candida. So that leaves me with smoothies.

    I bought the collagen powder you recommended last time its BULLETPROOF unflavored. Can i mix that with supergreens and if so how much do i start with?

    The moment he wakes up and starts laughing uncontrollably and screeching and really hyper.

    in reply to: Supplements #242766
    Sandra Carrillo

    Hello Karen I havent started any new supplements that you have recommended.. My son is getting worse by the day. I feel lost. He is having trouble staying asleep now , its 230 am in the morning and he’s awake laughing,slapping his head with his hands, and non stop babbling.

    I starting giving him gluten free corn dogs.

    Funyun chips

    Glutem free Pancakes from IHop maybe once a week.

    I just started three weeks ago letting him eat corn on a cob. So he’s eating corn maybe like 3 times.

    Gluten frew corn tortillas sometimes.

    I just let him have donut holes from duncan donuts today.

    He is checking out way often

    He is not focused anymore.

    He gets brused so easily.

    He use to listen to what I would ask of him and not anymore.

    What am I doing wrong.

    Is he not getting enough nutrients

    Is he not eating enough calories

    Again I have been giving him

    CandXpel 2 drops
    Liver detox 6 drops
    Toxin Elimination 6 drops
    Pure Body extra zeolite 3 sprays
    Pure Body zeolite 3 drops
    Vit D 1 to 2 drops
    Stress Elixer 6 drops
    Sometimes give him Baikal Skullcap/ V blend for his Molluscum contagiosum
    1 pill of Aloe Vera before breakfast
    Half a pill of Charcoal Activated before dinner

    Last time I have him Chlorella supplement was on June 19th

    Started CBD on June 14 but stop giving it to him july 5th cause he was getting more hyper and less focused.

    He got diagnosed with Mild sleep apnea

    But hes always been able to sleep through the night just tosses and turns alot. But now I have seen a change in his sleep just this month alone.

    My sons Occupational therapies maid a comment and said my son sounds like he has Turrets. Everytime he doesn’t want to do something, or doesn’t like something. Or he gets upset he says ” Son of a B****”. Well that made me cry when he told me that.

    Thank you in advance.

    in reply to: Supplements #242663
    Sandra Carrillo

    I did start giving him more fruit and gluten free pasta again. And I had to go out of town and got him some whataburger. I don’t know what else I did different…

    in reply to: Supplements #242662
    Sandra Carrillo

    My son is just all over the place from the moment he wakes up untill he goes to bed. Can’t stay still, laughing randomly throughout the day started having random blinking of his eyes. Has very low focus.

    in reply to: Supplements #242659
    Sandra Carrillo

    Good morning Karen! My sons Developmental doctor recommended

    5-HTP 200-500mg at bedtime for 2-3 weeks.

    B12 250-500mg daily in the morning for panic attacks

    Magnesium 100-200mg daily

    L-Theanine 100-300mg daily

    Or one of these three…Omega 3 -fatty Acids or Flax seeds oil or Fish Oil
    Which one of these would you recommend from these three
    Trail of a teaspoon of one of these three for 3-4 weeks to see if i see a change.

    Can you please help me pick a good source of these supplements listed above, and please share your knowledge and thoughts of these supplements.

    Thank you!

    in reply to: Acid Reflux #242453
    Sandra Carrillo

    Where can I purchase Trienza enzymes?

    in reply to: Virus #242404
    Sandra Carrillo

    Hello Karen now thatI am wanted to give my son the sencond one ( Baikal skullcap R) and reading your instructions,I’m a bit confused what do you mean by Divide dosage in half in the am/pm? Do you mean 2.5 in the am and 2.5 in the pm since he sould only be getinh 5 drops a day of each herbal??

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