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Sandra Carrillo

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  • in reply to: Acid Reflux #242340
    Sandra Carrillo

    Good morning karen!

    So my son keeps saying ouchy and grabs my hand and places it on his chest between his ribs.

    The doctor gave me Famotidine to see if that helps with his possible acid relflux. I asked them how they know its acid reflux and they are recommending an endoscopy and colonoscopy.

    I know we talked about it and you mentioned they are probably going to just tell me that his gut is inflamed. I’m not sure what I should do, if I should go through with it or not. what if his esophagus is getting too damaged already.

    Hes been making these gurgling noses for years and now they are happening more often I’m just so worried.

    I just purchased the acid kit from amazon today just like you recommended on your podcast. I also purchased HCL supplement which oh my taste nasty lol, I only gave that to him once and stopped.

    This will be the 3rd time in his short life that he will go under General Anesthesia for a procedure. I feel so bad/lost.

    in reply to: Acid Reflux #242278
    Sandra Carrillo

    Hello Karen,

    So I noticed my son’s Acid reflux is acting up more, I’m guessing it’s the Cauliflower rice that is triggering it. What other sides can I give my 6 year old son that won’t trigger his acid reflux. & what food should I avoid?

    Other Triggers I got from you:Acid reflux comes from many things but it’s common from candida overgrowth, heavy
    Metals and coinfections like parasites disrupt enzymatic activity and protein digestion. strep in the gut from PANS is also often a factor. & is there a test for all these things listed above??

    (Copied from you)The Trienza enzymes can be helpful with digestion of protein foods which exacerbate the gerd. As we work to heal his gut through all of these things then his body should begin to be able to digest proteins better and make more of the HCL on its own. There is a hydrochloride acid and pepsin supplement that is used for gerd which creates more HCL to digest these proteins. It’s actually the opposite of what people think of there being too much acid. It’s that there’s not enough. The HCL supplement if specifically for this

    I know you had recommended Thorne, Betaine HCL & Pepsin, 225 Capsules, but my son can’t swallow capsules.I did open it and mixed it in water and oh boy that was nasty. Is there anything else I can give him to help with the Low ( HCL). & is there a test to know if HCL is low?

    Constipation Topic: with Magnesium

    (Copied from you):Magnesium can help with constipation too. We just have to begin slowly at a low dosage and watch for signs of hyperactivity which is the opposite of what magnesium’s normal reaction should be. The hyper behavior on it means the sulfation pathways (detox pathways) are not working properly enough for it yet and need more support. COQ10 is also very good for constipation due to its assistance with mitochondria issues and the muscles of the bowel needing its support for more energy.

    So how do I know if he is low in magnesium ? is there a test for this?
    How do I know if my son has mitochondria issues ? is there a test for this?
    What if my son is already Hyper without starting Magnesium ? what does that tell us about my son?
    The hyper behavior on it means the sulfation pathways (detox pathways) are not working properly enough for it yet and need more support….. So how do I give it more support?

    My son did get tested a few months back for H. Pylori and came back negative.

    in reply to: genetic testing #242267
    Sandra Carrillo

    Thank you Karen for the quick response, hope all is well.

    in reply to: Virus #242262
    Sandra Carrillo

    Thank you Karen!!

    in reply to: Virus #242206
    Sandra Carrillo

    Hello Karen,

    Hope all is well! I purchased both Baikal/skullcap & virus fighting “V” herbal formula. How should I start giving them to my 5 year old son?

    in reply to: Worsened behavior #242071
    Sandra Carrillo

    Thank you Karen, but my son is only 5 about to be 6 this month.Do I still give it to him?

    in reply to: Worsened behavior #242067
    Sandra Carrillo

    Hi Karen,

    Where do I get the 5-HTP from I saw on module 5 under brain type categories and I selected the link and it took me to IHerb website but I saw the website Bionexus they sell one too.Which one should I get? & do I get the 50mg or the 100mg on IHerb website?

    in reply to: chiropractor Holistic Wellness #242033
    Sandra Carrillo

    Thank you Karen!

    in reply to: chiropractor Holistic Wellness #242029
    Sandra Carrillo

    & how accurate are those tests listed above?

    in reply to: Worsened behavior #242009
    Sandra Carrillo

    Hi Karen, When I give him fruit his symptoms do not improve. What does this tell you? Sorry for the short response I have to head out?

    in reply to: Allergic to Egg #242008
    Sandra Carrillo

    Hi Karen,
    I’m heading out to work but I really need more help with recipes, for breakfast. Can you please give me more detailed recipes until I can order those books you recommended on the downloads.

    It’s really hard to make things due to him not being able to eat eggs now since his text came back that he is sensitive to eggs right now. Can I use Duck eggs as a replacement?

    I bought a egg replacement powder is that okay.

    I saw the recipe Cinnamon Almond Butter Cookies but what else can he eat.

    I know smoothies might be simple to make but I have no clue how to make a good tasting smoothie for my picky eater and I am using reinforcers to help motivate him to try new things and drinks a little bit.

    The way i make mine is 1 cup of almond milk( I will go buy coconut milk) , 1/2 scoop of the collagen powder, and a 3 raspberries and 3 blackberries and 1 package of monkfruit sweetner.

    All help is appreciated, Thank you Karen.

    in reply to: Allergic to Egg #241987
    Sandra Carrillo

    Oh man he loves popcorn, ok I will cut the popcorn out. & I will order the super green food juice powder. You have any recipes you can share with me. I am so lost with all these new recipes and smoothies since i never cook and never made any smoothies , well at these not the healthy ones.

    What are some snacks I can pack him when we go to the movies?

    in reply to: Worsened behavior #241986
    Sandra Carrillo

    Hey Karen,

    It’s me again, So my son’s behavior is getting worse.Like I said before I started his organic diet 6 weeks ago now. I also reached out to you how hes allergic to eggs and I can’t really follow the 7 day meal plan to fight candida cause of that reason.Which you did respond to me.

    So his diet changed dramatically , which I know you said to start off slow. Maybe that can be why his behaviors have become worse and candida started to die off so fast. But for that reason is why I give him fruits and dairy free ice cream so that why the candida die off can slow down.

    I am also in the process of changing my household cleaning stuff to non toxic things.From making my own laundry detergent, Native shampoo, conditioner & body wash, using Dr.Brite toothpaste.

    Breakfast: Lakanto monkfruit pancake mix for his pancakes.

    Lunch/dinner: Grass fed beef,steak, and Organic chicken, cauliflower rice and once gave him gluten free pasta

    Snacks: Organic popcorn, Siete chips ingredients (cassava flour/cassava starch,tapioca flour,coconut flour), tried giving him dairy free yogurt but that was a no go.

    Today I gave him his first Collagen smoothie.

    I really need some help for snacks for school. Please share what I should pack for snacks.

    Right now he is on PB Zeolite doing 2 drops a day only , and every other day I do one spray of BP Extra & I just started one drop of Toxin Elimination Elixir. Which I don’t think I should of cause of his behaviors getting worse.

    1.)losing more focus
    2.)He’s not listening anymore when I tell him to come here
    3.)Says “No” more now to things we ask of him
    4.)More aggressive ( hits us more, hits his head more on objects and with his hands)( more tantrums)
    5.)More emotional& sensitive
    6.)Random clinginess
    7.)Wanting more sensory input( he would never want swing time and now he wants more swing time, putting his cheek against my cheek more& more)
    8.)random laughter that has been going on for weeks now , it can last from about 20 mins to an hour(usually around 3pm and at bedtime). Which this behavior has turned into non stop babbling)
    9.)wakes up many times throughout the night (more like tossing and turning)but goes back/stays asleep & suffers from acid reflux almost every night& waking up in the morning is really congested.

    10.)I feel like his symptoms of ADHD are getting worse.

    He already had these behaviors but they are just getting worse, along with his chronic constipation.

    I wanted to share these things with you to see if you can see what my sons triggers are for these behaviors.

    When he’s always going into the pantry I sometimes feel maybe i’m not giving him enough calories and maybe he’s starving. I know you mentioned parasites can contribute to non stop hunger…but how do I know if i’m giving him enough food/calories for the day? I hope this makes sense?

    GI doctor already told me he lost 1 pound.

    Right now I have these but have not started giving it to my son
    1.) Chlorella supplement
    2.) Super ProCoQ10-Max
    3.) Parasite Elixir
    4.) Oxy E PLus Silica
    5.) Stress reducer Elixir
    6.) Organic castor oil & white wash cloth

    I’m ordering
    1.) aloe vera inner leaf ( digestive support)
    2.) charcoal activated

    I want to get these next.. should I or do you suggest other ones?
    1.) Liver Detox Pathways Elixir
    2.) Formula 1NSB Nasal
    3.) Vitamin D3
    4.) Omega
    5.) Htp 5
    6.) multis

    I’m just worried that I need to do more Gut healing before giving him anymore supplements and Elixirs & if he does have a leaky gut and I’m giving him these things can they cause more damage??

    Oh man how I am trying to get this muscle testing thing down.

    thank you for all you do!

    in reply to: Allergic to Egg #241979
    Sandra Carrillo

    Do you know if Dr.Gundry Pro Plant shake is okay to use for my 6 year old son?

    Also is it ok to give him organic popcorn?

    in reply to: Allergic to Egg #241976
    Sandra Carrillo

    Hi Karen, I’m confused on the smoothie part, I thought we needed to stay away from sugar to fight candida. Can you please share some recipes with me.

    Also you mentioned almond butter. Dr.Gundry talks about the skin on almonds and how they are high in Lectins. Is Alomond butter high in Lectins as well?

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