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Cathy Shweiri

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  • in reply to: Lyme disease #3637
    Cathy Shweiri

    Hi Karen,

    Also, my son tested as needing the beta-sitosterol you refer to in your book. It is no longer available on line. Do you have an alternate for it?

    Thanks again,

    in reply to: Lyme disease #3636
    Cathy Shweiri

    Hi Karen,
    I appreciate your response on so many levels. Thank you for your conviction that I will know what and how to do what I need to in order for my son to heal, by way of your research. That means a lot as you know.
    I am very interested to hear your interview with Dr. Dashore and any other information you come across. We are currently using the Pekana line of homeopathic remedies.
    I would like to start my son on monolauren. Do you have any other trusted brands that come in either a liquid or capsule form (that I can open)? These are the only 2 forms of supplements that I can get into him.

    Many thanks,

    in reply to: Restore/Ion Gut Biome #3468
    Cathy Shweiri

    Hi Lara,

    That’s great. Testing is the key, I’m finding. Muscle testing was inconsistent for me also. I’ve had more success with the pendulum testing.

    Yes, my son’s dosages are very similar. For one month I tested him for everything in the program. Each day he got a very specialized recipe for his needs. We saw more progress in that one month than in the last year and a half. With this approach, he was introduced to almost everything in the program, albeit very small doses and with multiple days in between doses. He has been on another glutathione which we are now switching out for Karen’s recommendation of the Quick silver product. He has been on the probiotics, again nothing has been for many consecutive days. But, I know it’s right for his system based on the results we’re seeing. I’m now testing once every 3 days.

    How has your progress been in the last week?

    Warm regards,

    in reply to: Restore/Ion Gut Biome #3430
    Cathy Shweiri

    Hi Lara,

    Yes, I did give it on the second day. And he had no negative effects from it.
    I tested for one drop in 1 oz and got a “no”. I then tested one drop in 2 oz and got a “yes”. I chose ounces since they’re easy for me to measure. You can choose what’s easiest for you.
    My son is on several elixirs and supplements from this program. I have found the best results by testing him for each supplement every day. It’s a lot, I know, but the results have been so much better…I can’t do it any other way now. I’ve also learned that with this method being so effective, we need to take a break each week to not overwhelm his system. All of this has been determined through testing.
    Wishing you all the best.

    Warm regards,

    in reply to: Restore #3422
    Cathy Shweiri

    Hi Karen,

    I just wanted to offer this information for Lara in case it is helpful.
    My son is 3.5 and has a very sensitive system. We have just started Restore. Because he is so sensitive, his initial dose tested as a dilution: One drop of Restore in 2 oz of water. He got one drop of this as his starting dose. In the first hour his cheeks got a little flush. At the hour point he got pretty ramped up, but that only lasted 1/2 hour. The second day, he had no adverse reactions.
    It may be a longer road this way, but if his system is getting what it needs to heal without getting overwhelmed, I’m all for it. Hope this helps.

    Warm regards,

    in reply to: Enzymes #3303
    Cathy Shweiri

    Great. Thank you Karen, I’ll check them all.

    in reply to: Zeolites #3274
    Cathy Shweiri

    Hi Karen,

    You had mentioned that Roberts elixirs act as binders. I’m not very far into the elixirs but am testing positive to start the zeolite. Would you recommend finding an alternate binder to accompany the zeolite until progressing further with the elixirs?


    in reply to: CST, Restore, and Mito support #3230
    Cathy Shweiri

    All good information to know.
    Thanks Karen!

    in reply to: Constipation and Just Thrive #3096
    Cathy Shweiri

    Hi Karen,

    So now we’ve been on a dusting of Just Thrive every other day for a couple of doses. Constipation (he is well hydrated and his stool are not hard, they’re soft but he’s just not moving it out) and sleep disruption (due to stomach discomfort and gas, no bloating) are still an issue. In terms of side effects, these are our top two. They concern me because preserving sleep is so important since a great deal of healing takes place during sleep and the ability to produce stool is so important for toxin elimination.
    Is there anything about a probiotic that would exacerbate mito issues in the intestines regarding motility?
    I think it is time to discontinue the Thrive and try the Dr. Ohirra’s.

    Many thanks,

    in reply to: Setting the Pace #3095
    Cathy Shweiri

    Hi Karen,

    Oh, that is very encouraging. So, it is really about employing all of these steps and supplements, adjusting doses regularly, and then the healing takes place in its own time.

    Having this road map is an incredible resource.

    Many thanks,

    in reply to: Constipation and Just Thrive #3088
    Cathy Shweiri

    Wow, ok, that’s good to know. I will email Robert. Thank you

    in reply to: Constipation and Just Thrive #3075
    Cathy Shweiri

    Yes, that is how I am defining a “dusting”.

    As far as candida, Austin’s OATs results tested positive for increased levels of arabinose. According to the Great Plains lab website, they said: “We have never found elevated arabitol in any of the urine samples tested and we have not found arabinose in the culture media of multiple isolates of Candida albicans isolated from stool samples of autistic children (unpublished data).” All of his other bacterial, yeast and fungal markers were within normal range. I’m not sure yeast is his major issue. What do you think?

    in reply to: Constipation and Just Thrive #3056
    Cathy Shweiri

    Hi Karen,

    I skipped today’s dose. Just this evening he is starting to rebound..drinking more water, getting back to himself again, phew. So this tells me that we are not too far off the mark in regards to dosing. Sleep deprivation lent itself to a little panic on my part..

    For Kiran:
    It is hard to remain consistent with less than 1/4 cap dose. He responded best to “dusting”. That is where I will start again.
    When he was diagnosed on the spectrum, we began care with an ND that found he had food sensitivities and gut dysbiosis. She placed him on the probiotic to treat these issues.
    His diet is GF/CF/SF and consists of lamb (New Zealand, pasture raised, grass fed, no hormones or antibiotics, etc), beef and chicken (again both as organic as we can get); organic olive oil drizzled on the meats, avocado, organic broccoli, organic bananas, organic strawberries (we’re cutting these out due to food sensitivity), organic cucumbers, organic golden apples on occasion, almond butter and our GF/CF pancakes for supplements. We had been giving him some gluten free pretzels and chips on occasion, but have cut them out since starting your program. Otherwise, this has been his diet since we received his diagnosis at the age of 24 months.
    No current meds just supplements. We had a 6 day round of nystatin before Christmas and will not be doing that again.

    Thanks for working this out with me. It means a lot.


    in reply to: Constipation and Just Thrive #3054
    Cathy Shweiri

    Hi Karen,

    I agree. taking him off of the last probiotic actually resulted in improvements. But when the constipation set in, it was obvious his gut needs a probiotic. I am currently giving him less than 1/4 cap. I’m going to hold off for a day or two to see if his consitpation improves. During all of this, he has stopped drinking as much water and is not urinating as much. So, this is causing me great concern.

    As a side note, I’ve been taking it along with him and I have experienced the same issue: constipation where it wasn’t an issue before. Now that I think about it, I dosed up and didn’t have the problem until taking a full cap.

    He did have improvements the first day he was on it. He was able to go by himself. And then that went away. So, it must be a dosing issue.

    Thanks for your feedback and for contacting Thrive’s researcher. I am curious to hear If he has any input.

    Many thanks,

    in reply to: Candida diet and pendulum testing #2887
    Cathy Shweiri

    Thanks Karen. I look forward to the video.

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