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Christian Cavanagh

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  • in reply to: Parasite timing clarification #245580
    Christian Cavanagh

    Sorry Karen , he’s not in 6A&6B as too expensive and hard to ship . He’s on a mix of wormwood , clove and black walnut .
    Could you just clarify if it is two months once at full dose , then 30 day break then repeat or 30 days once at full dose , 30 days off then repeat please.
    I also remembered I’ve been giving him a teaspoon of collagen powder in his 750ml water bottle he takes to school. That could also be excena cause so I’ll stop that one first, then if no improvement I’ll reduce the minerals.

    in reply to: Herbal Paracite ordering check #245334
    Christian Cavanagh

    As always you are a wealth of knowledge and I look forward to listening next week.
    Shipping from USA is so expensive that i am trying my best to get what i can here in the UK where possible which then allows me to do more overall. Charlie has been on Quinton minerals for quite some time now.
    I have an Arke glass water filter and have had for a long time now.
    We started the BMWE and are currently on 3 drops twice a day.
    He’s still om parasite , liver, balanced brain, toxin, nmi, allergy and just adding in glymphatic elixirs.
    I’ll muscle test for HCL and speak with his nutritionist about it too as well as discuss the paracite formula he has on his next appointment in two weeks (she’s very supportiveand happy to assist with this program).
    i’ll also get some litmus paper.
    I’m not sure I can afford Kevin at this point.
    I have the allergy kit and have been focusing on mast cell activation every other day over the last week. Also anxiety and angerr alternate mornings (as can be done every day) Only one day left of school and he’ll likely not need those for a while!
    We still have flfe and i did use my ‘pay it forward’ to put on his school 🙂
    Thanks again.

    in reply to: Herbal Paracite ordering check #245330
    Christian Cavanagh

    Thank you Karen. I have read the document previously but was too scared to try HCL.

    I do get that GERD can be due to low acid in the stomach and not digesting properly. His EOE issue seems to be that his body sees everything as an invader so so many things that could help his body says no to.

    I had hoped Trienza would have helped and now the reflux and constipation have subsided i thought i may try again at the weekend. Would you stop these though if taking HCL?
    Also if you urine test and it is highly acidic is this a sign you do or don’t need HCL? Sorry I like to get things right.
    Finally whilst emailing Robert I asked if he could energy test the Herbals for me to see what he thinks as my pendulum was a bit confused!
    He said 6A tested yes. 6B a very strong NO , Lyme again no and nasal spray no .
    Therefore with only one herbal testing ok i guess i need to leave parasites for now in a major way and just carry on with the elixir and the basic blend of wormwood etc his nutritionist made a while back which i just add 4 drop 3x a day to his berberine mix ( he’s never tested ok to higher than 4 drops). This doesn’t seem to have enough to cause die off and i guess doing ‘something’.
    He did say DR Rylands Parasite formula tested as a stronger yes for Charlie which funny enough had less ingredients and similar to the one we are using, maybe that’s why. Problem is then we are not treating Lyme (and i have been listening to the videos and podcasts!) IT’s all such a dilemma. I don;t want to make him sicker or have 100’s of pounds worth of unused supplements in my cupboards either. I’m selling everything i can at the moment as so much is going out. Can you feel my frustration? lol

    in reply to: Herbal Paracite ordering check #245327
    Christian Cavanagh

    That’s ok.
    I did read about the COq10 but as with anything i try to read the side effects which seem to be digestive problems, loss of appetite, abdominal pain, diarrhea, nausea, and heartburn. As his reflux reacts to the simplest of things (inc glyphodetox , minerals, enzymes etc) i’ve stayed away from the Pectasol and was too scared to try the CoQ10 !
    His nutritionist was a bit dubious about chlorella for similar reasons- possible nausea, gas and stomach cramping. Anything which slightly affects the gut seems to send his stomach haywire. Sometimes i do have the ‘ i’m never going to get anywhere because the EOE won’t let me feeling’ and i di get really down about it. Then i pick myself up and try again . If i’m honest healing his reflux and seeing if i can reverse the EOE is more of a driver than healing autism because it;s so life restricting for him.
    Anyways , he has been on the quinton minerals at 1 in the morning for a while now though and the elixirs are ok thank goodness.
    I’ll muscle test tomorrow for the acceptance of the herbals and go ahead and order them. I just hope his body accepts them i’ll go super duper slow even if it takes months to get to full does i’d rather that than reflux and have to stop.
    i am hoping i can eventually be one of your biggest success stories- healing autoimmune disease, GERD and autism. That’s my daily ‘Mind Movie’ !

    in reply to: Herbal Paracite ordering check #245324
    Christian Cavanagh

    Hi Karen,
    Just checking this reached you.

    in reply to: Parasite sequence question #245229
    Christian Cavanagh

    He’s on the toxin elimination elixir so I’ll go back to one drop and see what happens. I massage the liver area with my ‘ poop belly rub routine twice a day. But I’ll go look back again on the other bits you mentioned. Thanks

    in reply to: Parasite sequence question #245224
    Christian Cavanagh

    Ok thank you Karen that’s helpful. I’ll start with the elixirs now one at a time .
    Just like another person mentioned on the call , I have noticed that my son is finding it harder to pass his stool since being on 2 drops of pure body three times a day . We are on 99 days consecutive pooping ( only here will people understand why we count and celebrate!) and I don’t want things getting worse. It used to be every other day and a combo of harder stool followed by loose , it’s improved now to normal just getting harder to pass . I was thinking to cut back to one drop 3 times tomorrow and see if it improves. Have you known this with the Extra also or just the pure body ?

    in reply to: Parasite sequence question #245211
    Christian Cavanagh

    P.s sorry for the predict text spelling mistakes I’m typing in the dark putting my daughter to bed and screen is on night mode !

    in reply to: Your Health Basket #245210
    Christian Cavanagh

    Yes I saw that but it also said it may work on your health basket or it may not and to let you know I believe x

    in reply to: Biomes account #245201
    Christian Cavanagh

    Hi Karen ,
    It definitely went to ( I just copied / paste into this document to make sure .
    Thinking of it none of the emails I have ever sent have been answered- just pre joining the program questions not since .
    But yes weird why they are not getting through. I get your email fine although for some reason the monthly call one goes into hunt whereas the others don’t .
    I’m thinking I may forward the original one from my work account but ask I be contacted back on my one and see what happens.
    Also – when I ticked the box below which says notify me of follow up replied – it didn’t lol

    in reply to: Glyphodetox – increase advise #244486
    Christian Cavanagh

    I can only find Brain Barrier Elixir – is that the one ?
    If not can you post a link please as balancing brain didn’t come up in the search bar.
    Thank you .

    in reply to: Glyphodetox – increase advise #244485
    Christian Cavanagh

    I understand thank you 🙂

    in reply to: Glyphodetox – increase advise #244482
    Christian Cavanagh

    Thank you Karen . I reduced the glyphodetox by a few sprinkles this morning and will start pure body again tomorrow.
    Next week I’ll take a look at all the elixirs and may well message again once I have them to clarify what I am doing!
    Is it ok to reply in this thread so you can be reminded of previous or should I start a new one with a new topic?

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