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Carolyn Steiner

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  • in reply to: Flu and Pans #243842
    Carolyn Steiner

    Should I test for zinc? He is having pee accidents every day since getting the flu.

    in reply to: Flu and Pans #243836
    Carolyn Steiner

    I ordered those things. Praying they help. I guess I’m just very confused. Does he has Pans or Kpu or Mast
    Cell activation syndrome? I honestly cannot figure it out.
    He clearly has a rare genetic disease on his hard copy. He cannot communicate. So I really do not know what he is feeling. Do I just treat him for all 3 things?
    He just got over a bad case of the flu and I treated him with silver 3-6 times a day. He was doing well before this… he had been on all foundation work for a year gently detoxing. Just started pans tier 1 1.5 months ago.
    I just wish I could know what to do sometimes and feel confident what to treat.

    in reply to: Flu and Pans #243814
    Carolyn Steiner

    Do you know of a supplement I could use to help it calm down?

    in reply to: Flu and Pans #243813
    Carolyn Steiner

    Symptoms I can see are – red cheeks, coughing I think his throat is ticking him , ear itch.

    in reply to: Flu and Pans #243812
    Carolyn Steiner

    I have proceeded with the pans tier 1. Behavior has settles down. But his histamine problems has amped back up…. I was able to feed him so much more Whole Foods that were not frozen and cooked quickly. Not he is having major issues again. What do you recommend? Going back hard core with the diet?

    in reply to: herbals #243525
    Carolyn Steiner

    I’m confused. So do I stop the nasal spray? Do I keep moving forward with the Pans tier? Since he is having a flare? Do the herbals help the flare go away? Or do I go to parasites? What make the flare go down?

    Should I add zinc?
    He doesn’t have histamine triggers anymore with food just supplements.

    I feel like I can’t move forward with out buying more things when I just spend so much on herbals.

    in reply to: OCD #243324
    Carolyn Steiner

    So clearly the honocure caused a reaction. A rash occurred and itching.
    But the odd thing is he has no reactions to phenols….
    But I then tried the pectasol (plain) and histamine was triggered!
    He has not had histamine reactions with facial itching in almost a year on your protocols.
    What should I be using for binders and inflammation reducers if the ones above are not tolerated? Charcoal and clay? Or just desensitize?
    If these don’t work what are your thoughts of Robert’s honokare?

    So the herbals for pans is just to regulate it not to clear the body of it…? Is there ever a way to be healed of pans forever? I heard a fever is a good sign with pans that your immune system is working more properly, is that true?

    in reply to: OCD #243313
    Carolyn Steiner

    Hey! So I stopped the hon cure and the pectasol. All the symptoms subsided and his behavior is very happy and calm. I will start back slowly. I tested him again for both supplements and this time it’s saying not to take pectasol but yes to honocure… my son is just so sensitive. I have been taking them myself though so a win for me with inflammation reduction.

    I need some clarity on pans. So my son has been through pans 1 and 2. Are the herbals purpose to get rid of pans in the body for good or will he still have flairs from time to time? And if so what will cause it to randomly flair up again?

    in reply to: OCD #243200
    Carolyn Steiner

    Lastly I have been trained how to desensitize…. So I will to that tonight and if it doesn’t seem to help I will contact Cara or Kelly.

    in reply to: OCD #243199
    Carolyn Steiner

    Also what do you recommend for a low histamine fatty food to put it in….???

    in reply to: OCD #243198
    Carolyn Steiner

    Ok I have the pectasol that you recommended in the plain powder form.
    He has had apple sauce plenty. So it’s not that….
    He does have a rash forming on the side of his mouth…..which he never has rashes….
    I can give a half capsule of honopure. I was most excited about the honocure because of the neurological component…. Plus it’s making a difference!
    Do they know why it would be causing a rash???

    in reply to: OCD #243182
    Carolyn Steiner

    Hey so we started on 1/4 scoop Pectasol with the 1 capsule of Honopure. Plus the zinzino balance oil. He is doing very good! Everyone is noticing a reduction of OCD and he is calm and peaceful. I have 2 concerns….
    First, I have to give them both in applesauce and not with water per the directions…
    Second, right after taking them I believe he is having a slight histamine reaction. He is rubbing his eyes and nose and his cheeks get a little pink. I do not want to stop taking them because we are seeing good results but I also do not want him to have a histamine reaction. Will desensitizing him be the ticket?

    in reply to: OCD #243145
    Carolyn Steiner

    Ok so a few questions to the above-
    First, I have continued him on the SS blend for strep. Is that Oka to take long term to make sure he doesn’t have a bad pandas flare?
    I just ordered the pectasol and the honopure. I’m more interested in the honopure after reading the stuff you have one it. With the Phelan Mcdermid Syndrome he has gained and lost so much language over the years I’m wondering if this will help….
    About the neuro feed back. I only have access to Iasis Micro current neuro feed back. What are your thoughts on this type?
    Lastly I have seen an emotion code therapist to clear him of any underlying problems. Do you think that is what Kelly helps with?
    He is doing much better than when we started! I just did a new reading from Robert and he recommended several things to help. I have been able to put him on a clean diet and take him off a how histamine diet with no problems! He is so visually engaged and listening well. He is sleeping good. I also started the fish oil/olive oil that you have on the site.
    The only thing we are dealing with now is not able to talk and ocd…..

    in reply to: It’s been a while #241917
    Carolyn Steiner

    So…. We have strep in the house again. I can giving Lucas SS daily at 6 drops. Two of his sisters just tested positive. We are having reoccurring strep the past 8 months. What do I need to do to get it out for good? Lucas tested not ready for the herbals for now. I have ordered everything from Robert to begin first.
    Is Lucas infecting the family over and over from pandas? Remember he has had 2 positive strep test since January and has been on SS since January….

    in reply to: It’s been a while #241897
    Carolyn Steiner

    His teachers sent me videos of my son trying to talk all day. Most things were not clear but they said he has not done this any!!!! 🙌🏻🙌🏻🙌🏻 The only this I have added is heavy metal detox!

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