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Carolyn Steiner

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  • in reply to: It’s been a while #241894
    Carolyn Steiner

    Ok. Also when I started heavy metal detox he had a red rash appear on his chin….. just a dry ruff patch.

    in reply to: It’s been a while #241890
    Carolyn Steiner

    I just received
    BIOSCAN SRT\Autism Stress Group\Brain Related Toxins
    Carbon Monoxide-Total Tincture 119
    HeavyMetals -TotalTincture 98
    Parasites – TotalTincture 89
    Water- TotalTincture 88
    Chemicals- TotalTincture 22
    CarbonDioxide – TotalTincture 12
    Negative Electric Energy -Total Tincture 3
    Positive Electric Energy- Total Tincture 2 Pesticides Brain- TotalTincture -18
    Guide: Severely chronic (<-88) Chronic (<-20) Balanced (-20 – 20) Acute (>20) Severely Acute (>88)

    I have a homeopathic lady who has just started with this machine. She has offered to do scans (above are the toxins it reports) and with the results treat him through the machine with frequencies….
    Are these machines legit?

    I am doing the heavy metal detox 1 spray a day.
    Should I start on the parasite elixer?

    in reply to: It’s been a while #241874
    Carolyn Steiner

    You may share!

    I hope you do not think I am challenging you when I share what a homeopathy person wrote to me about a question on herbals vs homeopathy.
    {Many many many people have tried all the things, including herbals, before they come to homeopathy. Herbs, meds and supplements can help but they are all just trying to kill bugs and force biochemistry – which means when you take that force away we see regressions because the body hasn’t healed. And when we just focus on killing the bugs, we aren’t focusing on the true underlying cause – the susceptibility to having this atypical reaction to the bugs. Until we address the susceptibility, we will always have to live from infection to infection, and it often starts to expand to anything that can trigger an immune response (like foods, chemicals, mold, etc).}

    What are your thoughts on this comment? I’m just trying to pick the best option for my son.
    So far you have given me so much amazing information and my son has improved allot!

    in reply to: It’s been a while #241870
    Carolyn Steiner

    That was very helpful understand what each thing does…. I am going to purchase all that Robert said then hope his body will be ready to move forward to treat pandas. I move so slow at this point because he is doing well I don’t want regression… I started heavy metal detox spray and he a trying to talk so much more…. He is also answering yes and no questions for the first time in 2 years 💕

    Can Pandas be completely cured or does it always lay dormant? Then have Flares?
    He really only has the OCD at this point—all other pandas symptoms have subsided….

    in reply to: It’s been a while #241868
    Carolyn Steiner

    Why do you choose herbal over homeopathy to treat pandas?

    in reply to: It’s been a while #241849
    Carolyn Steiner

    I talked with Robert for a reading. His message was very helpful and thorough tailored for Lucas specifically. He said that Lucas tested positive for Pandas. But also tested not to take the herbals for pandas because they are to much for his body paired with the genetic syndrome. . He believes he should go with these below after testing.
    YouthVital — $39.95

    Alka Super C $59.95

    Apple Pectin ???

    Nymsar — $39.95

    CandXpel $39.95

    Focused Life Force Energy — FLFE ( this one is very hard to wrap my head around. Nothing tangible)

    1 half bottle a month of ultra refined Omega RX2 fish oil $99.95 each

    Bio Ae Mulsion $16.95

    Toxin Elimination Elixir $39.95

    He also tested positive for these which we are already on:
    Restful Sleep Elixir
    Sensory overload
    Glymphatic support elixer
    Well being elixir
    Liver Detox Pathways Elixir
    Glymphatic Support Elixir

    He gave me allot of reasons for each of these….. what are your thoughts on this and if the herbals are not Oka for his body….do you have a plan B besides clearing his body to accept the herbals? Do you recommend homeopathy to treat pandas? Do you have other methods besides herbals?

    in reply to: Feeling overwhelmed #240998
    Carolyn Steiner

    Checking back in with a few things.
    All my family is now on SS, vitamin D, mineral, liver detox pathways, glymphatic support, and zeolites )minus Lucas who always test no)

    Lucas seems very stable with ss in the morning and evening and everything else before bed.
    He is getting good reports at school. Semmes happy still some ocd and expressive language is not making any improvements.

    Randy tested Lucas for 500mg of apple pectin taken 8x a day to aid in detoxification? Thoughts? Brand? Since his body is testing no for zeolites constantly. I want to have other binders going before starting pans T 1.

    Also can you recommend a liquid quercetin? The powder is horrible.
    Not histaid. He is testing no for it and when I try it he has bad bad hyperactivity and impulsivity and extreme vocal stimming, I think it’s the other ingredients in histaid he is reactive to.

    He is still vocal stimming- sounds like beat boxing or gulping air. What do you recommend for this?

    in reply to: Feeling overwhelmed #240982
    Carolyn Steiner

    Goes with above…

    If another one of my kids actively has painful strep can I be more aggressive with SS doses since they are healthy and detoxing fine….?

    in reply to: Feeling overwhelmed #240981
    Carolyn Steiner

    Good morning Karen!

    First off, Lucas is doing really well. I have been desensitizing him with most things. I have also changed my testing to “right now” instead of today. These 2 things are a Game changer.

    It’s so interesting. The only things his body can receive in the morning is SS 2 drops
    Sensory overload 4 drops (huge help by the way!!)

    But his body needs do much more before bed…
    SS 2 drops
    Restful sleep 2 drops
    Liver detox 2 drops
    Glymphatic 1 drop
    D3k2 2 drops
    Well being 1 drop
    Mineral 1 tsp

    So it seem when he is asleep his body processes everything better than while awake. That is so interesting to me. He is peaceful. Great eye contact. Listening well. Not much change in language. But the coughing and congestion is gone. I wonder if it was a by profits of the strep? Anywho all good things finally!! Praising the Lord.

    Now secondly I am starting to give all the kids SS so we don’t give it back to Lucas or pass it over and over. How do I give it to them? Same way as Lucas? Test? If so what is the recommended limit for children? Lucas is at 4 drops total in a day. He is 5. My other ages are 10, 8, and 7….

    We have 2 trips planned for January so I will begin pans protocol when we return and plan to stay home for a while.

    in reply to: Feeling overwhelmed #240974
    Carolyn Steiner

    Ok we have been on histaid for 2 days.
    It recommends 4 pumps 10 mins before meals. I have been giving 1 pump. Per testing. Now with that being said he has increased in hyperactivity. His teachers said when they sit down to do his afternoon table work he has great eye contact, happy, listening, but has the need to get energy out like a 5 year old boy. So they did learning in a different way and added running to teachers to say Hi that he would ask for on his communication device. But morning table work went well. Just reported things went to his mouth more….
    Should I do less than 1 pump? Is this a clear sign to back down?

    in reply to: Feeling overwhelmed #240962
    Carolyn Steiner

    Ok that all sounds good.
    I just received histaid. This I believe will be much easier to give than quercetin (it’s so nasty out of the cap and mixed with food 🤢)
    I will give this before every meal. The directions call for 4 pumps 10 mins before every meal but I’ll test and start low. Have you had any experience with clients using histaid to help your untra sensitive little ones?

    in reply to: Feeling overwhelmed #240959
    Carolyn Steiner

    This is my third message but I keep forgetting things. A few minutes after I give him all his supplements mixed together he grabs his throat. Do you think it’s eating the strep or causing swelling so to a reaction?

    in reply to: Feeling overwhelmed #240958
    Carolyn Steiner


    Also if he does start to react to the herbals. Do you have something else that treats pans and strep?

    in reply to: Feeling overwhelmed #240957
    Carolyn Steiner

    Happy new year Karen!!

    Ok so I have been giving SS for strep for 5 days at 1 drop. Today I started with 2. One in the morning after breakfast and one after dinner.

    The only thing I have noticed is a few PANs symptoms. Slight panic with a few things but able to be redirected as of now. Clingy and increase in ocd.

    In my mind if Ss treats strep and strep is linked to PANS wouldn’t it help with pans?

    Should I order pans herbal tiers? I am still concerned about sensitivities to herbals but have been testing constantly and praying it’s Oka.

    He is showing no normal symptoms of strep. Which is odd. I have considered pans for almost 2 years and seen a PANS specialist in Arkansas who by the way never tested for strep and just said due to symptoms we don’t think it’s true OCD and just autism and deemed it not to be PANS.
    What do these herbals do to the Strep in the body? How do they make pans(strep) go away? How frequently do you have to treat for pans flaring? Does pans reoccurs often? Or can it be fully treated if it’s more mind.

    in reply to: Feeling overwhelmed #240943
    Carolyn Steiner

    Ok so good news. I was able to do the desensitization to the SS. Can I do that with everything? I also tested for all the supplements again.
    He tested yes for the

    Liver detox elixer
    Vitamin d

    I gave him all of these directly following a full meal sue to my sensitivity to things. Does this effect the elixirs and herbals for actually working? It seemed to go well and he had a good day.

    Now how long will he need to take SS? What is the recommended dose to work up to?
    I think I am going to do the herbal pans protocol first after I’m done with the strep and just move down the line.

    Our pediatrician is actually very supportive of trying all these things to help Lucas since he is such a complicated case! We will go back and test for strep to see how SS is working.

    Thank you for your constant reminders these past 2 weeks. It has been so helpful when I would want to get in my head and worry.

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