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Carolyn Steiner

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  • in reply to: Feeling overwhelmed #240769
    Carolyn Steiner

    I have been doing lymphatic massage and enema. EMF personal band, pure water, clean air and great diet.

    in reply to: Feeling overwhelmed #240767
    Carolyn Steiner

    Hey Karen, so I am not seeing any symptoms except he just came down with the second upper respiratory junk in a month. Is it possible this is his bodies reaction to detox? A wet cough and snotty nose?
    I’m sensing it is and wondering if I should do more detox support or liver support.
    He is getting zeolite 1 drop daily, 1tso of spectrum support, vitamin d3, and quinton 1 valve.

    in reply to: Feeling overwhelmed #240764
    Carolyn Steiner

    I wish I could show you pictures of my son. From the day before we started the protocol till today. We started October 25. I have changed to a different diet type( low histamine). Started pure body zeolite (1 drop a day), vitamin D3, and ultra sensitive spectrum support (1tsp a day). He looks SO much better! I’ll be adding in quinton original tomorrow.

    The picture difference is very very encouraging!

    in reply to: Feeling overwhelmed #240738
    Carolyn Steiner
    in reply to: Feeling overwhelmed #240736
    Carolyn Steiner

    Hey there
    Thank you for the information.
    I’ve been reading non stop.

    Shank plays a critical role in integrating the various postsynaptic membrane proteins, including the different types of glutamate receptors: N-methyl-d-aspartate (NMDA) receptor, α-amino-3-hydroxy-5-methyl-4-isoxazolepropionic acid receptor (AMPAR) and metabotropic glutamate receptor (mGluR), cell-adhesion molecules, and other scaffolding proteins at the PSD protein network.

    Shank 3 is in the brain, heart, and spleen.21 All ProSAP/Shank family members are expressed in the brain.

    Shank3 transcripts are found in the cortex, hippocampus, granular cell layer of the cerebellum, caudate, putamen, thalamic nuclei, hypothalamic nuclei, and amygdaloid nuclei.

    Although the role of insulin receptors at neuronal synapses is not completely understood,32 it has been suggested that insulin likely regulates gene expression62 and translocation of GABA-A receptors to the synaptic plasma membrane.6

    I wonder if treating that area of the brain with supplements can help….
    I also think about amino acids and glutamate and insulin improving cognitive function.
    I know you can’t say to what I should or shouldn’t do… I’m just digging and hoping you can recommend a genetic specialist who you trust and could help me….

    in reply to: Feeling overwhelmed #240729
    Carolyn Steiner

    Hey Karen, I hope your doing well. I just got genetic test results back from about 11 months ago. My son has SHANK3 Phelan-Mcdermid spectrum syndrome. We have not started working with a doctor yet. But I’m wondering if you know about the genetic disorder and will this effect his ability to heal through your protocol?

    in reply to: Feeling overwhelmed #240718
    Carolyn Steiner

    I got a message from the doctor today that said he has inflammatory markers from CPR and sed rate which mean inflammation or infection in the body. Which is just confirming why your program is so important!!

    Can I give him toxin elimination and Chlorenergy Chlorella Tablets with the zeolite regular? I’m just wanting to make sure I help him detoxify properly…..

    in reply to: Feeling overwhelmed #240700
    Carolyn Steiner

    Test results! A doctor ordered all these test. The ones with ! Seems to be below or above normal.

    I’m hoping you can help me—

    CBC w/o differential
    Mcv- 87!
    Hematocrit- 37.2
    Rdw- 13.0
    Mpv- 9.0!

    Comprehensive metabolic panel
    Total protein-7.0
    Total bilirubin-0.5
    Alkaline phosphatase-165
    Anion gap-14

    Sed rate-11!!
    Tsh- 1.355
    Gamma ggt-24
    Vit D- 51
    Saturated iron-21

    Stool test
    Shiga-toxin 1 ecoli- negative
    Shiva toxin 2 ecoli- negative

    in reply to: Feeling overwhelmed #240688
    Carolyn Steiner

    Ok Lucas has a cold. He usually gets croup. I normally nebulizer sovereign silver 1-2 times then transition to inhalable saline.

    What are your thoughts? Do you recommend or approve this? If not what do you recommend?

    in reply to: Feeling overwhelmed #240684
    Carolyn Steiner

    Yes it’s Oka! I’m happy to share. We all need each other! It’s vital for our optimism and hope on improving our children. What a blessing!

    in reply to: Feeling overwhelmed #240681
    Carolyn Steiner

    So I just got a nose swab test results back from the ENT stating positive for-
    Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus.
    Would this be a definite indicator he has PANs? Or no?
    I’m guessing the nose spray is what knocks this out?
    We are doing good with the low histamine diet. He is taking quercetin and vitamins D
    I’m starting zeolites very soon

    His school said he transformed in the past 2 weeks…. This is beginning to workfor the first time to improve things in a long time 🙌🏻

    in reply to: Feeling overwhelmed #240661
    Carolyn Steiner

    Also what should I do if the ultra sensitive minerals are out of stock?

    in reply to: Feeling overwhelmed #240660
    Carolyn Steiner

    It’s me again!

    Ok we started Quercetin with C. I have only given it 2 times. Should I do have a capsule? Then work up to 1 capsule once a day? When is the best time to give it?
    He seems a little more hyper since lowering his levels of vitamin D and adding quercetin.
    I already have Thorne vitaminD3 plus K. He has been taking it for a few weeks. Should I switch to the brand you recommend?
    Again I’m so thankful to have you help on the journey! 🙌🏻🙌🏻🙌🏻

    in reply to: Feeling overwhelmed #240649
    Carolyn Steiner

    Thank you! I just ordered the book! I cannot wait to get it and understand more plus get recipes.

    So today we went to the GI doctor. She sent me home with test for parasites and H Pylori. She believes he has H Pylori based on some kind of breath test and now want to test the stool. The doctor said they treat with antibiotics! That’s a big No for my son! So what do you recommend to treat H Pylori?

    I have just started quercetin and ordered zeolites. So I’m starting slow and I have searched the Forum but I don’t see exactly what I am looking for….,but wanting to know how you recommended treating it….

    in reply to: Feeling overwhelmed #240639
    Carolyn Steiner

    Lucas no longer looks uncomfortable in his own skin since changing to low histamine diet. He is not rubbing his face constantly nor his eyes or squirming. The only thing I’m have trouble with are all the list on the internet are slightly different. Also I’m confused on lectins and oxalates and how they should play in or not with a low histamine diet.

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