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Eva Tua

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  • in reply to: Testimonials #3122
    Eva Tua

    I have written to Karen to personally thank her from the bottom of our heart for this amazing program she has put together and for her guidance and support for every little question along the way. But I want to write this for all members in hope that they can benefit from the program to its full potential and help heal their children faster and more gently.

    Before I heard about Karen’s program through another autism specialist (Luminara Serdar) I had done a lot of research into natural health and had attended every online summit I could from holistic or functional medicine practicioners. From them I had learned a lot about the importance of the gut and the microbiome, on nutrition and on toxins and how to detoxify with daily habits or once or twice a year with cleanses. We have lived a clean and natural approach to health since my first was born (over 3 years now) and stayed away from prescription drugs (getting better results with natural alternatives), toxins even making our own soap and cleaning products and trying to eat nutritious wholefoods avoiding sugars and refined carbs…

    Yet when my boy started having crisis (that were described to be on the autism spectrum) a few months back, I wondered were I had gone wrong…whether he had inherited candida from me when he was born, if I had not taken enough prenatal vitamin supplements, if he had inherited heavy metals from me as well…I came to Karen’s program looking for an answer because what she mentioned in the workshop resonated with all I felt might be the culprit even if I had tried to do everything right from the start. But what I found was so much more than I could have expected.

    I believe this program is amazingly put together, I know there are endless hours of research to choose amongst the thousands of supplements that “could” help with only the best to bring on real results in the gentlest way possible…but the real magic which sets it apart from everything, which I have not found elsewhere is all the resources & tools based on ENERGY.

    I have learned through this program that all you do for the physical body is not enough if the energy systems are not in balance. I would have never believed any of this before, I wouldn’t have even paid attention to it and disregarded it directly. But I am here just to tell you that I have seen it work time and time again since I started introducing it into our healing. I know that it sounds woo woo to many, I know that most of us don’t believe what we don’t fully understand, but I want to ask you for your children to trust it!

    I know Karen has been courageous to introduce invaluable tools such as muscle (energy) testing and pendulum testing, energy-enhanced elixirs which work better than most supplements out there, and resources for healing based on energy like NET. Please take this tools and experiment with them, they will empower you if you ask the right questions! They will be your best allies in helping your children like they have been to me! My boy was having crisis daily of unconsollable crying, not making sense, he was somewhere else…but believe it or not since I discovered and started working with pendulum testing every time he had one, I could go into the next door room and balance his energies and in no time (as little as 5 minutes) he would stop crying and begin to make sense again. I would not be here telling you (as crazy as I may sound for most) if I had not seen this work time and time again, day after day!The first time, I thought it was just coincidence, but after over 40 times I know it isn’t. He is almost completely back to himself and no more crisis!

    I did not want to make this too long as I know you all have little time from over-exhaustion and having to deal with real issues. But I do want to ask you to please give these tools a try and don’t give up if you don’t get results the first time…you will find which works best for you! And from there if you need to, ask Karen or research for more info on energy healing, like Donna Eden’s Energy Medicine work. It is real. It works. It will empower you and make things easier. Trust Karen with this please. Where you put your energy, matter follows. Before there is any problem in the physical body, there is one in the energetic systems of the body. If the energy systems balance and blocks are cleared, so does the body.

    That along with all the work to fix gut issues, detox and clear emotional issues will make a world of difference for everyone, I am sure. It is a journey, I wish everyone the best results and know you are in good hands with the best support!


    in reply to: Pendulum Testing #3048
    Eva Tua

    Happy new year everyone!

    Thank you Karen! I managed to watch the video and it was awesome to learn about NET (which I honestly had never heard about!). I thought it would be a practical video on how to do muscle testing to clear blocked emotion, but even if you will be releasing another video with Sobyl Bunis on how it is done, I realise it is not something one can do without proper training (I’ve seen the NET website! Wow, so much info to learn…I wish I could do it here in Spain! It is amazing!).

    I tried searching for practicioners here with no luck, but in the video you mention Sobyl works from a distance and does the muscle testing on herself as a surrogate. Did I get that right? Do you know how it works from a distance as from what I understood and have seen in some videos in person there is actual tapping or pressure on strategic points to release an emotion, do you know how that is done from a distance? Is there no actual need for touching /tapping for it to work?

    Also, if from what she describes you need to mentally hold the emotional memory so the practicioner can make the physical correction associated with, can you still do it with children under 3 who cannot be asked directly think about something? or can it only be done with older children and adults? Thank you so much for sharing!

    in reply to: Pendulum Testing #2997
    Eva Tua

    Hi Karen, first of all merry Christmas everyone!! Wish you all a happy end of 2017 and a better start of 2018!

    I was just wondering if you managed to record that video on emotional clearing and if we’ll be able to watch it soon. I have been getting mixed experiences with pendulum testing, some really amazing results in one hand to help my son, but other times I can’t seem to focus to get reliable answers and I don’t know if I am doing something wrong or my energy field is not aligned? (I try being hydrated, grounding myself before I do the testing…)

    In the meanwhile, do you have any suggestions for reliable resources to expand our knowledge in muscle & pendulum testing for others? A book, a YouTube video, a blog post, whatever helps! I would really like to improve and make sure I can rely on the answers I get. Thank you!

    Again, wish everyone the best, even when navigating difficult times! Best wishes! Eva

    in reply to: Restore website probiotic recommendations #2951
    Eva Tua

    Wow Karen, thanks for the answer and for getting back with more insights from Kiran! Awesome information! 🙂 if you hear from the developer of Just Thrive, it’ll be great to know, though as you say I also believe it must act differently being spore-forming. I have just seen there’s a lot of info on the Just Thrive blog like this podcast with Kiran (if I get some time it’ll be nice to listen to) also some posts on probiotic myths! Looking forward to reading the one from Kiran! Thank you again!!

    in reply to: Touchstone's pure body extra strength vs cytodetox zeolites #2942
    Eva Tua

    Thank you Karen, sorry I haven’t yet watched the interview yet, but will keep what you mention about the cleansing process in mind to pay attention when I can catch up. I didn’t know how to compare molecular weight to size (in length), so great to hear the nano is smaller! 🙂

    in reply to: Probiotics & honey #2941
    Eva Tua

    Again thank you! Great to know that the “antimicrobial” properties of honey do not harm beneficial bacteria (though feed yeast! 🙂 will keep that in mind) and use it in tiny amounts just to get the “job” done if all else fails!

    in reply to: Restore website probiotic recommendations #2940
    Eva Tua

    Thank you Karen for the information! I figured you thought differently but it is great to understand why! I found the interview from the Just Thrive page, thank you! Will listen to it whenever I can to learn more about probiotics & the microbiome. Really interesting that the gut reorganizes completely every 21 days..I guess that means that at least you must take a probiotic for that amount of time to make change happen!

    You say you take probiotics daily, do you suggest rotating different quality brands (to introduce different beneficial strains) or do you always stick to the same one to set up the building blocks for a healthy gut? Thanks again!

    in reply to: Pendulum Testing #2902
    Eva Tua

    By the way, I had found this, in case it helps:

    in reply to: Pendulum Testing #2901
    Eva Tua

    Thank you Karen!

    I had written a long comment on a new experience I had but as I submitted it I was taken to the sign-in page. So, I’m sorry, I’ll make it a bit shorter, hope it still all makes sense.

    At 2am last night my child woke up in an “anxiety crisis” state again, so I tried doing the same thing, yet it did not work this time! The pendulum swinged around, but when it stopped and I asked if he was ok, I continued to get a no (and I could hear he wasn’t ok next door too!)

    Until I thought about Karen’s words ” asking the right questions will also give you the results you need at the right time” and the idea of trapped emotions, which I yet do not understand, just know it is a possibility. So, I thought he might be like this due to a trapped emotion from a seemingly “unimportant” incident with his dad (that he pulled him out of the room as he was working and on the phone on an important phone call and he wouldn’t stop messing about…even if his dad apologised afterwards) that he really took to his heart.

    So, I asked if it was due to a trapped emotion-got a yes. I didn’t know how to get the info to get somewhere, so I asked if it was trapped in a meridian-no, in a chackra-I got a yes. I did not even know the chackras, so I asked if it was upper body (which is what I expected since it affected his brain/perception) but I got a no, yes to the lower body. I checked the 7 chackras on the internet and asked about each one and got a yes to the Hara Chackra. Apparently related to the gut, digestive system in general, pancreas and nervous system, which made total sense as he has gut issue and we are testint but possibly a pancreas issue. Plus an energy therapist told us he was very intuitive and that negatively affected his gut center, as it was underdeveloped (all incredible synchronicities). I asked if it was possible to help him release that emotion from that incident and got a yes. So I concentrated on him as I tried to tell him he was safe & secure and his dad had not meant anything bad and how he didn’t need to hold on to that emotion as it did not protect him…When the pendulum stopped, I asked if he had let go of the emotion & got a yes (and could hear he was calmer next door). I went in, and he was normal again!

    So, even to me it sounds woo woo because I do not yet understand it, but it works! So, thank you Karen for the courage to make this part of your program and share such an incredible tool for us to use to help our children (at least until their brains are more mature and can handle the frustrations & disappointments of life if they come). I guess with time, it will all make more sense…but what matters to me most are the results.

    in reply to: Pendulum Testing #2893
    Eva Tua

    I dont know why or how pendulum testing works…but it does! If Karen can enlighten us into what moves the pendulum? Is it supposedly our energy though it can affected by other types of energies (like the discarnants Robert mentions). Anyway, before I read this, I had met a very special person who works as an energy therapist and basically clears negative energy which does not belong to you, so she did the work for my famiy and myself (even our home) and I have been using the pendulum, like I say, with unbelievable reliable answers.

    Today was a shock as I used it to balance the energy in my child who had a crisis (like an intense meltdown and not making any sense-he is 3 and not on the autism spectrum) and was not calming down even doing all he asked for. After over 20 minutes like this I went to another room while my husband stayed with him, I asked the pendulum questions regarding why he was like that, and it replied yes to trapped emotion that had made him anxious and triggered the crisis from an apparently unimportant argument (I look forward to that video Karen mentioned!). Anyhow, I asked whether I or his dad could do anything about it and it said no, so I asked if “it” could help balance him…and I swear it started turning around like mad, it must have been at least 2 minutes, and I could hear my child calming his voice down and beginning to speak normally next door. The moment it stopped, my child wasn’t screaming any more and I asked if it was ok to go with him as previously he was screaming he didn’t want me there and as it said yes, I went in and he was back to normal.

    As you can imagine I was amazed! It cleared his blocked energy or something, and it brought him back to a balanced state! How or rather why does this work?

    in reply to: Interpreting morning urine pH levels #2734
    Eva Tua

    Thank you!

    I saw a pdf from bioray detox program for children mentioning precisely the same range as the optimal first morning urine range but I have found nowhere the reason why. Can you help me grasp why a higher pH means that you are not detoxing well? Is it because the body is flushing the acidity in the first morning urine? (I still find many practicioners say that the higher pH means that there are enough alkaline mineral reserves). If that is the case, should other urine tests throughout the day be on the higher (more alkaline) ph range? What does it mean if the first morning urine is even lower than that range? Hope I can finally understand the pH mystery! 🙂

    in reply to: Should I follow the program too? #2733
    Eva Tua

    Hi Buddhini, I don’t know where you are, but as far as I know in the States, there are several labs that do the comprehensive stool test. I learned about it in Dr. Axe’s website but I have seen Karen link to Geneva labs in the Resources section for both tests.

    I am in Spain and after much research found these labs that do them: I did the Kybercompakt pro plus the zonullin and IgA for leaky gut. I got a super detailed study on the microbiome including several bacterial strains that are beneficial and where we fall on their ideal range for the right balance and Candida showed up too.

    hope that helps!


    in reply to: Starting the Gaps diet #2717
    Eva Tua

    No problem! We’ve had a rough time due to this, so I really wanted to warn people about the risks of going full into a candida diet and using strong fermented live foods at the same time!

    I would like to ask you though, from your program how long aproximately after introducing Restore should we begin introducing the probiotics (I am afraid we will go straight into Just Thrive as I cannot find Dr Ohhira’s from here). Do we need to be as careful adding them as when adding live fermented foods or is the die off in this case milder? Thank you!

    in reply to: Starting the Gaps diet #2704
    Eva Tua

    If I may add a note to Jennilyn in favour of the diet in this program I can share my experience. When I started a gaps diet (not even the intro) and using goat milk kefir as a probiotic my son (3 yrs old) started getting terrible scary crisis of unconsolable crying/screaming/loss of reality to put it some way more than twice daily and we had to be with him 24/7 with depression/anxiety etc. I suspected it was a die off from candida (as he had been having soft stools with undigested food for over 7 months). We had a comprehensive stool analysis and it showed that candida was off the charts and he had leaky gut. So, as Karen says die off can be EXTREME!

    It has taken us well over 2 weeks to normalise his moods, not have those strong crisis mainly stopping the diet and the probiotics and supplementing him with anti-inflammatory supplements like omega 3, vit c and adding in zinc and methyl B-12, D3 and trace minerals (all this after much research before I learned about this program as conventional doctors just offered giving him anti-depressants after a negative CT scan and electroencephalogram).

    So, I would go easy and gentle with the fermented foods to begin as Karen suggests. At least I will not make that mistake again! Hope it helps!

    in reply to: Fine tuning Candida control diet restrictions #2702
    Eva Tua

    Just a curious note…yesterday I was pendulum testing for supplement regimen for the day and half-way through my husband brought me breakfast with a piece of sourdough bread I make for him but don’t eat myself (trying to avoid gluten just in case it affects my 1 year old who is still breastfeeding). Anyway, I ate it and tried to continue testing but as I re-asked the last questions (I am still not too confident so often I ask more than once to make sure I get the same answer) I was getting completely different results and it wasn’t making sense at all.

    It occurred to me to ask what a “yes” and “no” answer looked like again…and they had inversed!!!What I had got a yes before was now a no and viceversa! Can a piece of food (which I suspect meant it was not good for me) affect the results like that?! I had finished it, so didn’t have more to self-test! :O

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