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Eva Tua

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  • in reply to: Interpreting morning urine pH levels #2701
    Eva Tua

    Thank you Karen! It makes sense why my little one who although is not the autism spectrum has been having mood & behaviour issues due to the candida and when I test him he has a pH above 6.2! (I thought that it was the opposite that he was better than me, when obviously his symptoms show otherwise, he has dark bags under the eyes which I think mean a congested liver and Robert picked up he needs detox elixirs to relieve the liver!). Amazing how much info our body gives us which most doctors don’t even know to look for and interpret! It is really empowering! Thanks

    in reply to: Fine tuning Candida control diet restrictions #2685
    Eva Tua

    I am working on the muscle testing & pendulum testing. In the muscle testing when working with a leftie, do you need to test his/her strong arm or either is fine (my little one sometimes puts up one or the other).

    Since he is not too reliable for the muscle testing I am relying on the pendulum and I am amazed at how it seems to work!!! I consistently get the same reply even asked at different times. Eg. for instance since I had asked you about S. boulardii as a supplement for erradicating candida, I tested if it was ok for my son to take it and the answer was a clear yes. But when I tested for my daughter who also has candida, it was a clear no every single time! :O

    My question is whether I need to be holding whatever supplement or food I want to test or sometimes just by thinking about it or having it close is enough? I am doing it without touching them, just thinking about them.

    amazing tool…I can’t get over my awe! I still don’t know how or why it works, but it is incredible!

    in reply to: Handling candida in a breastfeeding baby #2684
    Eva Tua

    Hi Karen,

    Again thank you for the reply! Yes, we have your book! I got it as soon as I watched you first video in the workshop…but there is so much info I haven’t yet managed to read it all 🙁

    I got a reply from Robert and I am amazed at the amount of information too! (I have to admit that a bit, or more than a bit :), overwhelmed too at all that we all need! We’ll start with what we can afford & taking into account the restrictive customs here). Cannot thank you enough for making him available to test our little ones and help us on their healing path along with your recommendations. He even had suggestions to help our baby girl with a complex congenital heart disease issue that the best cardiologists here are clueless about! I pray for answers, again thank you! warmly,


    in reply to: Handling candida in a breastfeeding baby #2677
    Eva Tua

    Forgot to mention S. boulardii that our naturopath had given our oldest to help him with his soft stools with undigested food for over 7 months (amazing that all specialist doctors we have seen in that period said it was not important and could continue until age 5-6!! incredible!). What do you think about continue using it? I think his stools have improved with this and have read that it can help a lot with getting candida in check. thanks again!

    in reply to: Fine tuning Candida control diet restrictions #2676
    Eva Tua

    Again, thank you! I keep getting amazed at all the uses of muscle testing..I tried it with my 3 year old, but so far didn’t get really clear readings as he cannot seem to put up his arm straight without turning around, playing around or just trying to maintain the level of resistance. I think I will try surrogate or pendulum for now! Thank you for sharing these wonderful tools! 🙂 Hope I can get comfortable with them and put them to good use soon!

    in reply to: Handling candida in a breastfeeding baby #2675
    Eva Tua

    Wow Karen, thank you sooo much for the quick & thorough reply and for your support! I really appreciate it!

    I did not know that it was so important for me to be on the diet too, so that the sugars from fruit or other starchy veggies I eat are not passed onto her while on the diet! I will do! We’ll start together and maintain it for those 3-4 weeks. I was amazed when the stool tests for them came with candida overgrowth to the roof and mine came up balanced with apparently no issue…either it did not show up as you say or my overgrowth improved as I followed GAPS intro a while back(?).

    When you say that candida can be passed around, you mean while the microbiome is not balanced, right? as once you have the right ecosystem, do beneficial bacteria & yeast keep candida in check?

    I wrote to Robert yesterday with info on the kids…when I get his answer, I’ll ask him if he doesn’t mind doing a reading for us too, which I hadn’t even though about. thank you! Do you think that Robert’s elixir’s along with the diet are enough to get candida back to balance? I have read so much about other natural supplements that was ready to stock up (like the undecenoic acid or caprylic to supposedly turn the fungus type of candida back into the yeast form), diatomaceous earth to damage them and bentonite clay to eliminate, Pau d’Arco tea. Do you discourage use of those in kids or even adults in your experience?

    I am kind of anxious to help our youngest as quick as possible as she has a complex congenital heart disease affecting her lung artery development and will need a surgery sooner than later, so I am researching and working as hard as I can to get her gut & immune system balanced and strong for a better recovery!

    Look forward to your interview of the other product for metal detox too! 🙂

    Again, thank you so much!!!

    in reply to: Fine tuning Candida control diet restrictions #2668
    Eva Tua

    Hi Karen,

    I read that no processed or cured meats are allowed on the diet, is it because of the preservatives (nitrites you mention) or simply because cured meats are not good? Here in Spain I usually purchase organic “chorizo” or air-dried (just cured with salt) iberian pork meats. Are those ok if they have no preservatives just the meat, salt and spices? Thank you!!

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