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Gina Ford

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  • in reply to: Tips for moving out of mold #245508
    Gina Ford

    Thank you Karen. We have been looking and looking. Prices have gone up dramatically these last couple years not to mention interest rates. Might be a while before we’re able to leave. Guess we should follow the mold herbal protocol for now?


    in reply to: Worsening behaviors despite lowering doses #245375
    Gina Ford

    Hi Karen, it’s been about a week with no PBX or glyphodetox, and about 4 days without Pectasol and he is much, much calmer. In moving forward, when we re-start things, should I start with pectasol first? Or minerals? How would you begin again?

    in reply to: Worsening behaviors despite lowering doses #245353
    Gina Ford

    I’m sorry if I was unclear, but he did not reset after 2 days I just decided to do 2 days and start again at much smaller doses. He’s now having sensory issues with clothing and diapers which is a problem I haven’t seen since last year. I’m just stopping one supplement at a time and seeing which one might have been the culprit. Just a sprinkle of pectasol and minerals right now. Hoping he calms down soon as the clothing was something we thought we had gotten through.

    in reply to: Where to start when not new to detox #245302
    Gina Ford

    Hi Karen, I stopped the Honopure and added Glyphodetox. Meltdowns are increasing in frequency and intensity. So at this point I need to cut back on the PectaSol and the PBX?

    Also- I got a shipment in that contained Quinton minerals, coQ10 and glutathione. Would it help to add any of these?

    Thank you for your help,

    in reply to: Where to start when not new to detox #245285
    Gina Ford

    I get discouraged sometimes because it seems like any time we start a new protocol or supplements regimen the same thing happens and we just go around in circles. It flares everything up for weeks until eventually he calms down for a couple weeks and the cycle starts all over with no real gain in anything we try. Is this indicative of PANS?

    in reply to: Where to start when not new to detox #245279
    Gina Ford

    Hi Karen,
    Everything was going ok for 4/5 weeks and this past week my son is starting to have extreme meltdowns and interrupted sleep. I’m talking screaming and crying for 30+ mins multiple times a day. We hadn’t seen any of this behavior for months prior to staring these beginning supplements. I didn’t add anything new this week so I’m not sure what’s going on. I’ve been readying your pdf pages on detox, MCAS, PANS and histamines but what do I need to do right now before he gets any worse? Here’s what he’s been getting:
    – PectaSol 1/2 tsp
    -PBX 3 sprays a day
    – brain child minerals 1 tsp a day
    – Honopure (added last week) 1/4 cap a day
    Should we stop everything and take a break or continue and cut dosages way down?
    Thank you

    in reply to: Where to start when not new to detox #245189
    Gina Ford

    Hi Karen,
    Since Pectasol,glyphodetox and the minerals are all “away from food” supplements, is it ok if they are all mixed into my son’s drink together? I’m currently using fresh pomegranate juice/water blend to give the pectasol, but trying to combine these to mix it all and make it easier to give.


    in reply to: Where to start when not new to detox #245169
    Gina Ford

    Thank you so much for the response. He is currently tolerating PBX 2 sprays a day, am and pm, and I’m giving him 1/2 tsp of Pectasol first thing in the morning before breakfast. Can the Glyphodetox also be given now along with the PBX and Pectasol?

    Regarding minerals, why is it necessary to have both Brainchild Nutritionals and Quinton minerals? Do they contain different blends of minerals needed?


    Gina Ford

    Thank you for sharing your experience. So happy for your son!

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