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H Ahmad

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  • in reply to: H. Pylori #231747
    H Ahmad

    And is it ok to give him Omega 3 fish oil at the beginning of your program like right away? Thank you and sorry too many questions😏

    in reply to: H. Pylori #231745
    H Ahmad

    Ops forgot to add beets too

    in reply to: H. Pylori #231744
    H Ahmad

    By the way Karen are butternut squash,,turmeric and ginger ok? All organic of course…I started giving my song these days and his constipation isn’t that bad anymore. And any shower filter recommendations???

    in reply to: H. Pylori #231743
    H Ahmad

    I have ordered both of them right away from Amazon. How do I give them? Same time?? And how how can I give the mastica gum when he can’t/won’t take capsules. Thank you For all your help!

    in reply to: H. Pylori #231732
    H Ahmad

    My son has a helicobacter and an antibiotic that Which the doctor prescribed for him did not work work and he underwent a control test and it came came back positive again. And the doctor said she wouldn’t prescribed for him antibiotic a second time because he is so young,so he still has a h pylori and I don’t know how to deal with that. He’s 3yrs old.

    in reply to: H. Pylori #231730
    H Ahmad

    Hi Karen! This link to mastica gum is not working. Can u please fix I will need to order this for my son. Thank You Soooooooo much!

    in reply to: Won’t Drink from A Cup-Maybe Tongue Tie #230754
    H Ahmad

    Hi Karen! I stopped giving him cow´s milk 8 months ago. Since then he was drinking Almond or or Coconut.milk,but now since we stopped the bottle he wont drink milk nor water so I dont know how to give him supergreenfoods powder. I will listen the interview and check if he has tongue tie…Thank You so much Karen!

Viewing 7 posts - 31 through 37 (of 37 total)