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  • in reply to: Vitamin B #237392
    I C

    It was clinical assistant Sonal M. who sent me a reply. My ticket # was 75. Thanks!

    in reply to: Vitamin B #237390
    I C

    Thank you, Karen! I’ll order Lyme Tier 1 along with others. Of course, I knew Borrelia was Lyme, not mold. I was just confused because I thought there would be Borrelia Tier 1, just like Bartonella Tier 1, and etc.

    I never said anything about meds. My son has never been on any meds. I have no idea why they said to exclude NS-1 Blend. Anyway, should I order it?


    in reply to: Vitamin B #237373
    I C

    Thank you, Karen!

    We’ve done mold remediation, but I will test again.

    I’ve reread everything on herbals in Module 3 and 7, but I didn’t find anything on Borrelia. The Tiers are for Bartonella and Babesia, but not Borrelia. So what should I order?

    About PANS Tier 1,
    Should I get most of Tier 1 except Y-Blend (Peter is on Candxpel)?

    What about NS-1 Blend? The Bionexus office said to exclude it. Why? What is it for anyway?

    Should I order IS-Throat spray? Peter has no tonsils.

    Should I get Lyme formulas at the same time with PANS Tiers or wait on them?

    Should I get Parasites formulas or wait on them?

    You say lymph and liver support are a must the entire time any of these protocols are being done. Do you mean the elixirs? Peter used to be on those, but the new ones that Robert recommended do not include liver or lymphatic system elixirs. Should I get them?


    in reply to: Vitamin B #237355
    I C

    Hi Karen,

    I am about to order PANS Tier 2, but I am confused. When I ordered Tier 1, it was Baikal Scullcap, Cryptolepis, Kudzu, Motherwort and Bacopa. Now Tier 1 is different: Baikal Skullcap, Cryptolepis, Kudzu, CK-M Blend, GI-S Blend, IS-Throat Spray, NS-1 Blend, and Y Blend.

    I emailed Bionexus, and they said I should order those formulas from Tier 1 that my son has never been on (with the exception of NS-1 Blend), and after they have been used, order Tier 2.

    What should I do? Overall, I can’t say that his PANS improved with Tier 1. Peter is still just as sensory as he had been before. His diagnosis is PANS and Borrelia (diagnosed by Dr. Klinghardt). He’s always been very sensory, but never nonverbal or withdrawn. I joined this program because I saw that it treated PANS as well, not because of autism. Cara doesn’t think it’s autism either (we’ve been working with her for a few months now). She thinks Peter’s problem is bacteria. She doesn’t think it’s Candida either, contrary to what Robert says. So my questions are,

    Should we focus on PANS and Lyme, not on autism? I don’t really care about the diagnosis, but is Peter taking too many supplements and elixirs, and that may be so much that his body can’t keep up with detoxing? He is on 11 elixirs, all the supplements and binders you recommend. We are finishing PANS Tier 1 (the old version of it).

    What should I order from Bionexus?

    Thank you!

    in reply to: Vitamin B #237295
    I C

    Thank you, Karen!

    in reply to: Vacation #236928
    I C

    Thank you!!!

    in reply to: Vacation #236923
    I C

    Thank you, Karen!

    Peter swims twice a week with an instructor for 30 min. He is very good at swimming and absolutely loves it. I also take him once a week to the neighborhood pool and let him swim for about an hour. So it’s a total of 2 hours of pool time per week. I hope it’s not too much. I’ll take both charcoal and zeolite with us on vacation.


    in reply to: Silica, vitamin A, glutathione #236144
    I C

    Thank you! We’ll see what Cara says tomorrow.

    in reply to: Silica, vitamin A, glutathione #236141
    I C

    Hi Karen,

    Peter developed a ring of rash around his lips, and he keeps licking them. His allergies have been bad, and he hasn’t felt well for about two weeks now. Tomorrow I have an appointment with Cara, but how can I treat his skin now — and with Vaseline?


    in reply to: Silica, vitamin A, glutathione #236117
    I C

    Thank you very much!

    in reply to: Silica, vitamin A, glutathione #236096
    I C

    Thanks a lot, Karen! I’ll refuse the service. They also spray for mosquitoes and ticks with the product Tick Killz that has the following active ingredients:
    Cedarwood oil, Peppermint oil, and Phenyl Ethyl Propionate
    inert ingredient: Ethyl Lactate

    Do you think they are safe? We had a lot of mosquitoes last year and got bitten many times. Also, if you could recommend some mosquito repellent, that would be great.

    I wrote to Cara today.

    in reply to: Silica, vitamin A, glutathione #236072
    I C

    Will do! Thank you, Karen! One more thing I forgot to ask. My lawn company that is supposed to be all organic uses dinotefuran for there tree and shrub care. How bad is it? Do you have a podcast about what to use on the lawn and I what not to use?

    in reply to: Silica, vitamin A, glutathione #236069
    I C

    Thank you, Karen! He is doing well on both probiotics now, but not at first though: we had to stop Dr. Ohhira’s probiotic for a while because he got a rash, but now he is back on it and is fine.

    His allergies bother him a lot now because of pollen. He sneezes a lot and rubs his eyes. He is on 1NSB formula, but it doesn’t seem to help with the allergies. Can you suggest anything else? Should we try the Neti pot? I have one.

    in reply to: Reflex integration #235774
    I C

    Thank you so much, Karen! I just watched the video with Cara; I will contact her.

    in reply to: Reflex integration #235767
    I C

    Thank you, Karen!
    I’ll do what is necessary, but can the neurological system recover without all these therapies?

    Did you have to integrate your son’s reflexes by doing some exercises/OT or such?

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