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  • in reply to: Dr. Ohhira’s probiotic #234822
    I C

    Thank you, Karen!

    in reply to: ION Gut Health, probiotics, diet #234760
    I C

    Thank you!

    in reply to: ION Gut Health, probiotics, diet #234728
    I C

    Hi Karen,

    I started Peter on Just Thrive about two weeks ago. I give it to him right after dinner. Is it too late to start him on Dr. Ohhira’s probiotic?



    in reply to: ION Gut Health, probiotics, diet #234378
    I C

    Yes, it could be from mold. I did the ERMI test: we do have mold. Will remediate as soon as possible. We have one company in mind recommended by Dr. Shoemaker’s office.

    in reply to: ION Gut Health, probiotics, diet #234358
    I C

    Thank you, Karen! I reduced the herbals and gave him activated charcoal. He keeps licking his lips until there’s a red ring around them. He does it several times a year during fall and winter usually. I read it could be because of parasites. Is that true?

    in reply to: ION Gut Health, probiotics, diet #234350
    I C

    Hi Karen,

    Peter is having a setback. I think I increased the herbals too fast, or it might be glutathione we just started. I opened PDF on herbals in Module 3 and got confused. Under “How to begin herbal formulas” it says:

    1. Begin only one herb or formula per week.
    2. Start with one drop.
    3. Increase one drop every other day. . .

    For example, start Bacopa this week with one drop, then increase it to 2 drops two days later (one drop in the morning and one in the evening), and then increase to 3 drops 2 days later, and then to 4 drops 2 days later, and then since it’s been a week, we can introduce the next formula, Baikal Skullcap, for instance. Correct?

    Under “PANS, PANDAS/strep flare-up guide” it says that herbals “. . . should be added in one at a time, but every 2-3 days, watching for symptoms. . . . Get all to one drop a day (or more if his body tells you it’s more) then increase each, one day at a time, by one drop.

    Which recommendation is better?

    Also, should we take herbals and elixirs separately for a while until all the herbals are introduced, or can we already mix everything in one glass and take at the same time?

    About glutathione and CoQ10. Can I spray them both at the same time right after I give elixirs/herbals as long as it’s away from food?

    It’s getting harder to spread the supplements because the number of them is increasing.

    Thank you!


    in reply to: ION Gut Health, probiotics, diet #234287
    I C

    Ok, Thank you! I’ll research Brain and Sensory too, but first we’ll have mold remediation done.

    in reply to: ION Gut Health, probiotics, diet #234278
    I C

    Peter has been taking Sensory Overload Elixir since August and still the sensory issues continue. I hope that PANS Tier1 will help. We started it only 2 weeks ago and are going very slowly.

    I know that Rhythmic Movement is effective for reflex integration and sensory issues, and I’ll look more into it, but Masgutova neurosensorimotor reflex integration (MNRI) is just as effective. We did it for a year, and we did see improvement, but we were not detoxing properly then. Now that we are, we’ll get a better result with either MNRI or Rhythmic Movement. Could you look into MNRI please and let me know what you think?


    in reply to: ION Gut Health, probiotics, diet #234276
    I C

    Thank you, Karen!

    I forgot to ask about sweet potatoes. I gave him some over the holidays, and he tested ok to take them. So do you think that they are safe to give occasionally?


    in reply to: Screen time, lectins #232845
    I C

    Got it! Thanks!

    in reply to: Screen time, lectins #232843
    I C

    Hello Karen,

    I’ve ordered H. Pylori and zinc/copper urine tests yesterday from a doctor at Sophia Institute. Today a DHA lab called to verify my information because the tests have been ordered: one urine and one blood test for KPU. I was confused and said I’d call them back.

    Please clarify this for me:

    Does it have to be a blood test for KPU/zinc? I know blood tests are more expensive than urine tests.

    Can it be one urine test to check all of them at the same time: H.Pylori and KPU and zinc/copper? Are KPU and zinc and copper tests the same?

    Should I request Genova instead of DHA lab?

    Please make it clear for me.

    Thank you!


    in reply to: Screen time, lectins #232838
    I C

    Thank you!!!

    in reply to: Screen time, lectins #232834
    I C

    Thank you, Karen!

    What should we do about his posture though? He slouches quite a bit now. Should we see an osteopath? Obviously, our upper cervical chiropractor isn’t enough.

    If he takes CoQ10, then can we stop The One? Or is it better to take both?

    Is Barney no sugar almond butter ok? It has roasted almonds and palm fruit oil. Is palm fruit oil safe?

    Thank you!


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