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Insigam Muqbil

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  • in reply to: New Herbal Remedies #4109
    Insigam Muqbil

    Hi Karen

    I’m going to order 1,3,5 for mold
    Can I confirm that I understand the rest correctly. Are the following herbs for the correct infection:

    Sida actually. PANS
    Red sage. lyme
    Kudzu parasites
    Cryptolepis Mycoplasma

    Wasn’t therefore sure what Cats claw was for?

    Can you please advise me as I want to make sure I give it in the correct order.

    Many thanks


    in reply to: New Herbal Remedies #4076
    Insigam Muqbil

    Hi Karen
    I wanted to buy the herbal protocols. Bio nexus have confirmed they will ship to the uk by dhl. To save on shipping costs I wanted to buy all the tier one remedies together. Can you please confirm for me which ones I should buy as they are identified on the website.
    Many thanks.

    in reply to: LDI/ LDA #4075
    Insigam Muqbil

    Hi Karen
    I’ve listened to her talk which is really informative. One of the things that struck me was that she said they were similar to homeopathic desensitisation remedies because they’re so dilute. We work with a good homeopath who muscle tests. I don’t know anyone in the uk who does Ldi. Would you recommend the homeopathic option for desensitisation? If so is it ok to do it at the same time as dr deshores herbal remedies? Or would they affect each other.

    Many thanks

    in reply to: LDI/ LDA #4068
    Insigam Muqbil

    Thank you

    in reply to: Ionising foot bath #4067
    Insigam Muqbil

    Hi Karen
    Thanks for this. In Dr Klingharts talk he also mentioned another footbath that he recommends. It is made by a UK company called KI Science and was approximately £500. I thought I’d mention it Incase anyone was interested in purchasing one.

    in reply to: dr dashore password #4013
    Insigam Muqbil

    Hi Karen
    I’ve been accepted at bio nexus health and given a username. When I tried to log in with that username and this months password it wouldn’t let me. In fact the page shut down and said error at the top left and every time I tried to access the site again I had the same page appear with error at the top left.
    This is incredibly frustrating and I really can’t see why it’s so complicated. Am I doing something wrong? I followed the instructions you set out in the pdf and still can’t get in. Please help

    in reply to: Herbal remedies #3989
    Insigam Muqbil

    No I hadn’t received any emails and only found the info by chance whilst browsing the members pages.
    I’ve tried to login with the password amm1 but it’s not allowed me access. Is this the correct password? Have other people got access easily?
    Please let me know as I’m reall6 keen to move forward with them.
    Many thanks

    in reply to: Timing of supplements #3722
    Insigam Muqbil

    Hi Karen
    This is what I currently give my son before breakfast, can you check that it’s ok and they supplements aren’t affecting the absorption and effects of each other:
    Silica binder
    Zeolites spray
    QS bitters
    QS The one
    QS Colorado hemp oil
    Is that ok or too much? I struggle on days I work and try to make sure he’s had them before I leave but I don’t want to be ineffective with the supplements so if I need to change then I will.

    in reply to: Timing of supplements #3717
    Insigam Muqbil

    Ok thank you. I hadn’t realised that.
    If I give him the minerals in the evening will it have an effect on sleep?

    in reply to: Binder #3608
    Insigam Muqbil

    Hi Karen

    We’ve started the engrosgel and it seems to be working fine. I just wanted to ask out of curiosity because you recommend a number of the quicksilver scientific products, was there any reason you didn’t recommend their binder? Do you think it’s too strong for our kids? I only ask because we’ve recently started using a number of the optional products you recommend and I’ve been listening to Dr Shades talks online.



    in reply to: Binder #3579
    Insigam Muqbil

    Hi Karen
    I could only get the Enterosgel shipped to the UK so i have ordered that. It says to give it 1-2 hours away from other medication. When my son is in school from 9-3:30 and we have supplements before he goes, after he comes home and at bed time I’m not sure when I can give it. When and how do you recommend we give it to him.


    in reply to: Binder #3565
    Insigam Muqbil

    That’s great thanks.

    in reply to: Binder #3559
    Insigam Muqbil

    Would you recommend using both products or to choose one?

    in reply to: Viral infection #3496
    Insigam Muqbil

    Hi Karen,

    Thank you for your advice. After you mentioned glyphosate I listened to the podcast you did with Stephanie Senaff again and it’s really helped me understand the mechanism more clearly.
    One of the things she also mentions is organic bone broth. Is there a particular meat that you feel provides a better source of nutrients, chicken, lamb or mutton?

    I used the bone broth powder in the past but I’m going to start making my own I think.

    Many thanks,


    in reply to: Viral infection #3487
    Insigam Muqbil

    Dear Karen
    I’ve tried to do some pendulum testing this evening to delve in to the cause of my son’s symptoms. What I have found is that the main reasons why he deteriorated neurologically after the age of 12 months was
    1. The live viruses in the MMR vaccine, particularly the mumps virus
    2. The varicella zoster virus when he got chicken pox
    3. Mercury

    In order to improve his symptoms I need to reduce his menningeal inflammation. I was going to start craniosacral therapy to see if that could help. In addition the testing indicated that he needed more zinc, selenium and molybdenum. Any advice as to why and which supplements you recommend. He already takes brainchild mega formula.

    Any other advice regarding reducing menningeal inflammation would be appreciated.


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