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Insigam Muqbil

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  • in reply to: NAET #1999
    Insigam Muqbil

    Thank you Karen. I think we’ll wait a little until we are further in to the programme.

    in reply to: Liver support #1992
    Insigam Muqbil

    Ok thank you. I’m trying to muscle test but to be honest I’m finding it challenging so I’m going to wait for the liverlife. They’ve emailed me to say the liverlife has been shipped so I’m hoping it will arrive soon. I will try to muscle test for the initial dosage, but would you be able to give me a guide on starting dosage please.

    Thank you

    in reply to: Liver support #1988
    Insigam Muqbil

    Hi Karen
    I have now ordered liverlife by bioray. It will take about 2 weeks to arrive. Should I go ahead and start the probiotics or should I wait?
    If you feel I should wait, should I stop the elexirs too?
    Thank you

    in reply to: Shipping issues #1966
    Insigam Muqbil

    Hi Malgorzata,

    In the end i ordered it through It hasn’t arrived yet but I’m hoping it will have an ice pack. If not then I will try the company you used.

    in reply to: Shipping issues #1940
    Insigam Muqbil

    Dear Karen,

    I’m afraid Amazon would not ship to the UK for the mindlinx or both the glutathione products. I will try to source the Mindlinx locally if it’s produced in the U.K, but I’m not sure what to do about the glutathione.

    I would appreciate any advice you may have.

    Thanks so much!


    in reply to: starting program #1814
    Insigam Muqbil

    Hello Karen

    My Son is 5 years old and I have been trying to help him for the past 16 months. He has been on a gluten and casein free diet since January 2016 and we have been trying to make his diet as nutrient dense as we can. In addition he has been on the following supplements:
    TriEnza chewable enzymes
    Liquid Zinc NutrisorbZinc plus ascorbate
    Fish oil Eskimo 3 little Cubs

    We carried out stool analysis tests through Genova diagnostics which showed that he was low in the enzyme pancreatic elastase and had a potentially pathogenic level of Klebsiella pnuemoniae.

    He then started using probiotics lactobacillus plantarum rhamnosus salivarius and Biocidin to treat the overgrowth of Klebsiella and improve gut flora. There was a striking dye off reaction during this phase but We then noticed improvements. His stomach was no longer distended and firm. His chronic constipation improved and his bowel movements now are pretty much normal.

    We then started a deotox programme with a homeopathic practitioner using CEASE therapy. We have detoxed for vaccines and just completed a course for heavy metals. Whilst doing the detox he was taking 500mg of fat soluble vitamin C. During this phase again there was a very striking reaction and deterioration in behaviour and mood. This has now subsided.

    My question is that I therefore do not know where I should start in your programme? He is still taking the fish oils and zinc but we’ve stopped everything else. I would really appreciate some guidance as I want to try to get the best outcome for him.

    Thank you!!

Viewing 6 posts - 61 through 66 (of 66 total)