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Jasmin Quinn

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  • in reply to: Trying to troubleshoot diarrhea #239736
    Jasmin Quinn

    Great, thank you! I currently have “garden of life organic kids probiotics” as soon as I am done with those I’ll get the Dr. Ohirra ones. I’m making sure she takes sips of water throughout the day as well. I’ll also increase her chlorella intake as well. I’ll reach out again if I’m still having trouble.

    Thank you so much!

    in reply to: Breast milk? #239662
    Jasmin Quinn

    Perfect! Thank you so much, I’ll just go for camels milk since I suspect that I do have Lyme and am working on trying to treat myself as well.

    No worries! Enjoy camping and I will let you know if I have any other questions, I also just ordered the Allergy kit (first 7 vials for now) and am excited to start using that too.

    I’ll see if I can find that perfect Keto powder in my local store and add the chlorenergy tabs as well.

    in reply to: Lethargic nd Lyme? #239640
    Jasmin Quinn

    Great! I muscle tested her yesterday to stop the supplements and she seems to be almost recovered, I guess it might have been too much detox going on. I might have moved her onto the diet a little too quickly, today I muscle tested again and it seems that her body is ready to get back on binders and minerals again, but slowly back to one drop a day etc. I just got in the elixirs from Robert in the mail today and will wait until I muscle test for readiness. Thank you for your help! I was really freaking out the last week and a half.

    in reply to: Lethargic nd Lyme? #239623
    Jasmin Quinn

    I thank you, I was able to get a calendula cream from boiron. It seems to be working a little bit. Also her doctor suggested a stool test because she suspects that the rash is candida induced but will double check for me on parasites. In the meantime she suggested probiotics, is that okay?

    in reply to: Lethargic nd Lyme? #239581
    Jasmin Quinn

    Also her diaper rash has gotten really bad from the diarrhea, (she is in diapers right now from the regression she experienced since last Monday). She is now developing wounds, I have been using coconut oil and zinc powder and it doesn’t seem to be working. I’ll be taking her to a doctor today to see if there is anything we can do. We want to avoid antibiotics as much as possible. Are there any other suggestions that we can try?

    in reply to: Lethargic nd Lyme? #239577
    Jasmin Quinn

    Hi Karen,

    Thank you, I’ll be able to order the allergy kit next week with the first 7 vials along with the rest of the elixirs. I’ll get the herbals next month since Elena will need some time to be introduced to the elixirs. I just gave her the CoQ10 and I’ll keep a close eye to see how she is handling it.One last question, once I get Robert’s Elixirs, how should I introduce them? He did tell me that I should introduce at least these four in this order: 1) Fatty Acid Transport, 2) Bio Ae Mulsion 3) Glymphatic Support and 4) Liver Detox.

    in reply to: Lethargic nd Lyme? #239559
    Jasmin Quinn

    Hi Karen,

    Just a quick update, I think our daughter went through MCAS because now she is getting diarrhea and is still very sensitive. She is also complaining of abdominal pain and feeling very hungry. She is refusing a lot of the foods that she used to eat and will only eat eggs and Salmon. There has been some improvements but it’s slow. I did order the elixirs that you and Robert suggested and I’ll be getting the herbals soon for parasites and Lyme. I did give her a banana and a quarter of an apple because I was afraid too much die off was happening.,is it okay to give her some fruit during this time?

    in reply to: Lethargic nd Lyme? #239548
    Jasmin Quinn

    Thank you so much, I’ve been adding a little more garlic in her food and she seems to be stabilizing, still has some anxiety and OCD flare ups, but not as bad as earlier this week. Just got in the CoQ10 and will be adding it in soon. Thank you for the quick help!

    in reply to: Lethargic nd Lyme? #239512
    Jasmin Quinn

    She didn’t have any dental work yet, (we are going to see a holistic dentist next week for her, he assures everything is gluten and chemical free and is familiar with children on the Autism spectrum 🙂 ) But I think it may have to do with our visit to the Aquarium, right when we got home is when we noticed the symptoms coming, because the Aquarium featured tanks to reach into possible there was mold exposure. Can mold can trigger Lyme or parasites (I am still working through Module 2)? I muscle tested for nasal staph infection and I still got a ‘no’.

    I’ll go ahead and order the parasite and lyme formulas and update Robert.

    Thank you so much!

    in reply to: Lethargic nd Lyme? #239506
    Jasmin Quinn

    I also just finished reading through the symptoms and it seems that she matches what I muscle tested her for.

    in reply to: Lethargic nd Lyme? #239504
    Jasmin Quinn

    We currently use a Berkey water filter and for muscle testing I am getting a positive for Lyme, lead, and parasites (no for mold). just recently she has become much more sensitive and she says she feels itchy on her foot, she had a slight fever but it seems to have gone down, never went above 99.8. Should I continue with the Pure body zeolite and slowly get her back to where she was on her supplements until I get the pure body extra (ordering it now)? I also don’t have much of a budget right now, should I also get the 1NSB nasal ASAP? I should be able to purchase more elixirs and herbals soon by the end of the month.

    in reply to: Lethargic nd Lyme? #239492
    Jasmin Quinn

    Thank you so much! She has been throwing up the last six hours and I hope it will subside soon. I’ll get my elixir readings from Robert as well and order the Liver elixir before I get her started on the herbals. We are only about three weeks in the program so I wasn’t sure if I needed this so soon. If I have anymore questions I will let you know, thank you for your prompt response!

    in reply to: Lethargic nd Lyme? #239487
    Jasmin Quinn

    Sorry for all the typos! I am getting a little nervous.

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