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  • in reply to: Restore #3061

    Hi Karen, I also recently started my son (who is 5) on restore. His stools have been loose, multiple times a day and foul smelling. Have you heard of this happening with restore? I have heard of conatipation but not loose stool.i think i started to high of a dose with him too but canโ€™t get muscle testing to work for him. Any insight would be appreciated. Thank you


    in reply to: diet help #2008

    Hi Karen,

    I am curious if cassava flour is allowed on the healing part of the diet? I am trying to come up with different flours to ease my son into this diet. He likes almond flour and some coconut flour but cassava is a great one so I thought I would ask.

    Also since my son doesn’t really eat veggies yet we are working on it, his diet consists mostly of meat and almond flour waffles (homemade). Is that a huge concern or do you think once his insides start to heal that he may branch out more and as candida dies off?

    Thank you,


    in reply to: Glutathione #2007

    Hi Karen,

    After seeing the above post I just realized my glutathione has been sitting in my pantry for one to two weeks. Please don’t say I can’t use it now….


    in reply to: Bloated belly #1985


    Just wanted to ask again if I should get the bioray liver life as I can get it at the store or go ahead and order the liver elixir from Robert?



    in reply to: Bloated belly #1981

    Thank you for getting back to me. We don’t have the liver elixir yet as it wasn’t in our top four. Should I just go ahead and get it or email Robert again for another reading? I know it can take a bit to get the elixirs should I get the bioray one as I can get it at the store or go ahead and order the elixir?

    And I will be much better about not giving honey and syrup. The diet change is definitely the hardest part ๐Ÿ™‚

    Thank you

    in reply to: diet help #1950

    Hi Karen,

    We are slowly changing my sons diet. He has been Gluten free since he was a baby and doesnt eat dairy and we have taken away most of his carb type snacks (bread, chips, waffles, etc). But it’s a struggle to get to the full on candida diet. He will eat burgers, ground turkey, grass fed hot dogs, bacon and doesn’t eat any veggie or smoothies. So it’s hard to move him to such a strict diet. We did gaps a few years ago for a few months and it was a train wreck and super hard on my son and my hubby and I. Lots of tension in our house when changing to a strict diet. Can we move forward in the program without doing the strict diet? And if we do the strict diet can we only have to sustain it for the three weeks? Any help would be so greatly appreciated! I know his diet needs to change but gosh it’s so hard to implement.

    Thank you,


    in reply to: Mindlinx and gf/cf #1926

    Thank you for getting back to me so quickly! I will go ahead and get the ones you suggested ๐Ÿ™‚

    in reply to: Mindlinx and gf/cf #1922

    Hi Karen,

    I also have a question about mindlinx. My son has been gluten free since he was a baby and he has never consistently consumed dairy. At least not since he was about 2 which was 3 years ago. Do you think the mindlinx would still be beneficial for him? I am getting ready to order the supplements for the whole protocol so as to save on shipping and have them available when we need them. Just want to get what I need. Also would the Nordic naturals chewable gels fish oil be acceptable instead of the fish oil you recommend? I know I can get my son to take them without any problem. Thank you! Jen


    Hi Karen,

    So I just started my son on his first elixir suttav and today is day three of it. I know it’s supposed to help with speech but something amazing happened with him today. He tried strawberries (which he hasn’t had in at least two years). And my boy doesn’t eat fruit or veggies. Could the suttav help with trying new foods too?


    So I talked to my chiropractor about he elixirs and he gave me a lot of peace about trying them. So I ordered the first 4 that Robert suggested (memory recovery, candxpel, toxin elimination and sattuv). They should be here today. My next big question is how long does my son need to be on the diet before we start supplements? Or can we start both at the same time?


    I just got my list of elixirs for my son and I am feeling a bit confused and overwhelmed. Not only at the fact he said my son needs 10 elixirs but also the cost of getting all of them. Some of them seem so odd for me to give my son and I am still trying to figure out how Robert can know what he needs just by a few things I said about my son. Anyone else feel this way? I would prefer to start with two to see if they actually work. What have others done?

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