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Jenny Griffin

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  • in reply to: 6A and 6B #243169
    Jenny Griffin

    Hi Karen, thanks for that information.

    I am working through the pans tier 1 at the moment Coll is currently on BTXD Blend 5 drops twice a day . Formula 1 NSB, 6A 5 drops twice a day and 6B 1 drop twice a day, Cryptolepis 5 drops twice a day, Y Blend 4 drops twice a day, CK-M Blend 3 drops twice a day, NS-1 Blend 1 drop once a day and due to start GI-S Blend when muscle testing accepts. I noticed that the Y Blend and GI-S Blend are also on the Lyme Tier 1 so should I just start working through the rest of the Lyme Tier when I start the GI-S Blend then go back to introducing the rest of the Pans Tier once on all the Lyme Tier?
    Also I have been trying to get a download for information on how to use the IS-Throat spray but didn’t get usage information with my purchase and when I go on to the Bionexus website and go to the download usage guide it say “page can’t be found” I am just wondering if it is to work up to 5 sprays same as the drops?
    Look forward to hearing from you.

    in reply to: 6A and 6B #243161
    Jenny Griffin

    Thank you for getting back to me.
    Aw okay I mucked up as I started Coll on 6B 30 days from starting 6A should I take him off the 6B intil he has been on 6A 5 drops for 30 days and start again? He is currently on 1 drop of 6B twice a day.

    in reply to: Adrenal fatigue #242248
    Jenny Griffin

    Ooooh I just had a look at the PDF there looks great. He is going to be one happy boy.

    Thanks Karen

    in reply to: Starting detox #242054
    Jenny Griffin

    Hi Karen,

    Thank you so much for replying and that is all very reassuring and interesting information. I will put all you suggested in to practice and
    I will order Dr. Ohhira’s probiotic’s tomorrow. As my son has had constant use of antibiotics with his reoccurring ear infection the poor lad.

    This is all very new to me with the diet and minerals etc (well pretty much everything). I am from the Highlands in Scotland and we are just giving the autism diagnosis and left to get on with it. So I am so glad I found you and your wonderful program your reassurance and insight is so very much appreciated and I am excited for what’s to come.

    Thanks Jenny

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