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  • in reply to: Weight & Height Concerns #242602

    Dear Karen
    Please accept our sincere apologies – we searched for my name instead and the reply appeared. Many thanks for the reply it has given us some good assurance that we’re on the right path. We’ll crack on with the herbals and go from there. Here’s a quick update: Arwyn is now taking the 1NSB in both nostrils twice a day and BTXD is also going well and so is the 2EOS – Arwyn’s die off symptoms have gone since the last time we messaged. I’ll muscle test tomorrow for whether we go for the parasites or PANS herbals next.
    Thanks again – God bless you
    Kan & Anu

    in reply to: Weight & Height Concerns #242573

    Hi Karen,
    Hope you’re well.
    We just wondered if you had the opportunity to read our message above from the 7th June as we’d really welcome any advice?
    Kan & Anu

    in reply to: Weight & Height Concerns #242547

    Hi Karen
    Hope you’re well – thanks again for everything you’re doing!

    Many thanks for the advice above. We wanted to progress further on the protocol prior to messaging with any further questions.

    We started with the protocol on January 2023 and started off very slowly. It was quickly apparent that Arwyn (6 year old twin) needed us to go very very slowly, as even with the minerals etc she was experiencing a significant die off.

    – we have seen a few areas of improvement such as, a slight increase in understanding; more present; generally appeared to be more calmer (it alters as she experiences die off with new remedies being introduced) and less mouthing. Is this normal in terms of progress as its been 6 months (we’ve finally started the herbals last week)? We were hoping for more noticeable changes but understand that every child is unique? Are we on the right path, is there something we’re missing – just want our daughter to be healed and talking?
    – No change in speech, still none verbal, (we did introduce a drop a day of Oxy E Silica around 3 weeks ago) fir the aluminium. Is this normal, I recall reading that PANS could also be a culprit preventing speech?
    – If PANS is a primary issue for Arwyn (e.g. speech) can we start Mold Tier 1 then immediately followed with PANS herbals tier 1? And then do Parasites and Lyme. Or should we follow the sequence in the PANS Flare-Up Guide?
    – However, if that is the case does addressing aluminium and PANS also help with Arwyn’s understanding? Is there something we’re missing on Arwyn’s understanding side? At the moment Arwyn knows when we’re asking for a kiss or high five but that’s about it.
    – Sleep was stable at one point, however, it has been very variable recently, this could be the new remedies but we’re unsure. We’ve been giving her restful sleep elixir but can’t see that much benefit as she’s sleeping around 11pm on average and waking up during the night and falling back asleep some of the time. Any advice?
    – Arwyn seems to be super sensitive (die-off, outbursts/irritable) to almost every remedy introduced as part of the programme – is this normal? As mentioned above we’re on month 6 and only just had the opportunity to introduce herbals based on Arwyn’s reactions. Have you seen this before please?
    – Can you please confirm that the diet (below) is all good? She’s been on this diet or something similar for at least 2years?
    – Are we giving Arwyn too many eggs (around 3 per day (organic))?
    – Too much almond flour (1/3 cup a day)?
    – Arwyn’s tummy is sometimes bloated in the evening time – is this normal? We feel it may the almond flour – in which case shall we introduce Trienza prior to meals?
    – Do we need to increase the dosages of any of the minerals etc remedies (listed below) prior to going further on the herbals? Would that help with reducing the likelihood of die off?
    – Arwyn has done one bowel movement herself in the past 6 months, that’s why we’re continuing with Enema daily. Is this normal? Is there something more we should be doing?

    Remedies to date:
    At the time of writing this message we have been giving her the following daily – gradually introduced since Jan and based on symptoms (each were muscle tested prior to introducing):

    – Pure body zeolite (2 drops per day)
    – Brainchild support minerals (1-2 teaspoons a day)
    – Vitamin d3: 5000iu
    – Quintons mineral vial: half vial per day
    – COQ10: one capsule daily (Qneeds)
    – Parasite Elixir: 7 drops a day once a day
    – Glymphatic elixir: 7 drops a day once a day
    – Liver Detox Elixir: 7 drops a day once a day
    – Sattuv Elixir: 7 drops a day once a day
    – Restful sleep: 2 squirts a day
    – Stress Reducer: squirt per day same time as the elixirs
    – Toxin Reducer: minimum squirt per day (normally more when die off)
    – Oxy E Plus Silica: 1 drop a day as speech issue
    – Last week: introduced 1NSB (starting with single spray, then 2 sprays) and introduced 2EOS a few days ago. Experienced, significant die off so paused these for now.

    8oz homemade organic coconut milk with stevia (none organic stevia)
    2 organic eggs with pre mixed herbs (none organic herbs)
    1 gluten free weetabix (made from Sorghum)

    – Savoury Pancake (organic almond flour, coco flour, salt, herbs, baking powder, ghee) with organic soup (homemade: cauliflower, butternut squash, brocolli, ghee, onions, coriander) and grated cauliflower
    – Organic grass fed chicken breast burger or organic turkey strips

    – protein (Organic grass fed chicken breast burger or organic turkey strips)

    – Savoury Pancake (organic almond flour, coco flour, salt, herbs, baking powder, ghee) with soup (homemade: cauliflower, butternut squash, brocolli, ghee, onions, coriander) and grated cauliflower
    – Organic grass fed chicken breast burger or organic turkey strips

    Milk sometimes before bed (homemade coconut milk as above).

    We know there is a lot noted above – I guess we’re just after some reassurance that we’re on the road to a full recovery for our dear daughter.

    Many thanks
    Kan & Anu

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