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Kerry Foskett

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  • in reply to: Cistus Incantus #236538
    Kerry Foskett

    Thanks Karen.

    in reply to: Zinzino test results #234976
    Kerry Foskett

    Hi Karen, So Sorry that was my typo I meant to say they recommended to:
    “incorporate a variety of fatty fish into your diet on a daily basis”. I’m so sorry you went to all that trouble, but – made me chuckle!

    in reply to: UTI #234921
    Kerry Foskett

    Thanks Karen – just to up date. She seems much better -and her talking and communication has improved. Her Naet practitioner cleared her of Bacteria which maybe helped too. I had the Mindlinx and Thrive ongoing and her Candelim had run out around the same time but I have it and the CandExpel in the post (takes weeks:() I’ve now got the Dr.O, so all good. Plus, she has slept through last 2 nights which was disturbed over last weekend. Big thumbs up.

    in reply to: Mold spray #234827
    Kerry Foskett

    Hi Carol,
    I had good results from NAET with our local practitioner who cleared my daughter of Anger. As she would be really cross with me going anywhere without her and it was very upsetting for everyone. It worked very quickly- She had the treatment in the morning and in the evening I went to work said goodbye she kissed me, hugged me and said ‘bye’. She’s 4 years old and would usually scream, grab me and shout at me “no!” That was about three weeks ago and she now lets me go to the shops, drop her at nursery and I can go to work without all the ‘drama’. I had a bit of a issue understanding how you can clear her of an emotion with NAET but it has made a huge difference to our family life- hope that helps. K

    in reply to: Body code and emotion code #234814
    Kerry Foskett

    Just to add that I I live in the UK and purchased the v formula from Amrita nutrition which was quick. Also I used a shipping company successfully for dr Dadhores other herbals which took about a week. K

    in reply to: Support #234688
    Kerry Foskett

    Hi Merilyn, Please email me and I would be happy to send you some bits.

    in reply to: Support #234682
    Kerry Foskett

    Hi Merilyn,

    This is hard to write and maybe hard to hear- but I found your post troubling. Your thoughts and feelings are just as important as his. I feel my husband is not supportive because he doesn’t do the research and give as much to the program as me. But he would never stop me being part of the program – which gives me hope and support nor would he restrict what I spend our/my money on – we discuss/plan or negotiate, it goes both ways. Why should it be his?
    Please believe me that I do not mean to criticize and I may have got this totally wrong so I have attached a link above which I hope will be helpful.

    in reply to: Recipes and Cookbooks #234656
    Kerry Foskett

    Hello Karen
    What do you think about this recipe for activated charcoal gummies? It contains AC, Orange Juice and Galantine powder? I was thinking I could also do a chlorella one too- as I’ve yet to persuade E to take them as yet.


    in reply to: O-Mega 3 #234604
    Kerry Foskett

    Thankyou Karen,

    That’s great. So far we are on:
    H is on 12 Elixirs and E on 14! (we are all on the CandElim and a few others)
    Ocean Water
    Interphase Digestive Enzymes
    Pure Body Extra Strength
    Pure Body
    Silica rich water
    we have water filters on the shower and taps
    stuck in Europe:
    Brainchild minerals:(
    H is also able to take Chlorella
    E has NAET with a local practitioner -Amazing.

    Along with the herbals and Zizino omegas I plan to add Quicksilver CoQ10 and Gluthione and either Thrive or Dr O’hiras probiotics- depending on what I can get hold of. Please say if I’m missing anything.

    Just to say both are doing great- E sleeps now and H no longer has rashes to name a few!

    V. Grateful,

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