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Lopa Pupualii

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  • in reply to: Activated Vit B12,HCl and enzymes #233147
    Lopa Pupualii

    Hi Karen,

    Yes you’re definitely right, there is more foundational work to be done before I get to the methyl B12. We are going slowly no rush to be honest I am following the order of the supplements in the program. My very bad, I overlooked the other important supplements like the restore Ion and mitochondrial support, that I am going to order them now. Omg I wish that these can be found nearest to us ha. I am just saying this Karen ( 😉 I will order the one from Brainchild.

    I know I was concentrated too much on the elixirs and minerals, Pans herbals yay (:) I am so happy that my Pans and nasal spray are on the way its over a month since but I am so happy that they are not far away keep tracking them. We will get there.

    Karen the problem with my son is he is burping a lot, its like a habit but no vomiting or fever or anything else and I feel that maybe he is not digesting food properly. Its been going on for almost 2 months.

    I am going to order Trienza now for him to take because of gluten exposure and eating gluten by accident. I saw the Gluten Away supplement on the thrive website. Any difference between these supplements? just a question Karen but I follow and listen to your order.

    Are you still recommending to take HCL supplement to help now ? So HCL is just acid or does it have enzymes in it?

    Thanks again Karen for sharing your knowledge in trying to help all our children to get better. Talk soon

    in reply to: Diet #233089
    Lopa Pupualii

    Hi Karen,

    is sorghum grain ok on the diet. My son eats gluten free sorghum weetbix in moderation with almond milk, beside his organic scrambled eggs and organic avocado for breakfast.

    in reply to: Brain support supplements #232966
    Lopa Pupualii

    Hi Karen,

    I have emailed the Bioneoux Health twice and I am checking my emails spams and everyday mails everyday and I haven’t got any tracking emails and it been 3 weeks. I can not wait to hear from them soon. I have emailed your support person for help in this matter.

    Yes I am so strong and have faith because I do not want medication not at all but when things gets tough my hubby says meds. What do you mean Zink in here? does he needs to take any Zink supplement? Does he needs blood test?

    Please Karen my son been on the diet for almost 3 years and his eating ok and I want to ask you if I can add in some carbs to his diet. He is on very low carb diet but that is my concern at the moment. Can I add in a little bit of carb to his diet. We eat Taro our traditional food/carb source with vegetables , protein and healthy fats. Robert prefers white rice over brown rice what are your thoughts Karen? I don’t eat rice myself. KPU so my son needs a blood test a?

    We bought our current house 10 years ago as a brand new house and I can not see any mold in our 6 bedroom house am wondering Karen If its Mold then I would think about when my son was born while we were living in an old rental house when we arrived in this country. However I booked an appointment for the Mold company if they can come and test our house. That rental house we were living in were mold and so cold do you think my son was exposed the mold in that house when he was a tiny little baby? Because I did not know that you get sick from exposing to mold.

    in reply to: Brain support supplements #232939
    Lopa Pupualii

    Hi Karen,

    Thank you for the great support, my son is not taking any supplements since Thursday NZ time, but my son was so violence out of nowhere this evening omg we just could not calmed him down he was so violence, kicking, biting and crying, and he was hurting one of his brothers. There were 3 of us to calm him down we just could not do it Karen. My husband was so frustrated and he said to better take him to the doctor to give him medication, and I do not want to give up I give him the CBD oil and we been doing Emotional Code. My husband is so frustrated and keeps talking about medication. My son is so so strong. We’ve been noticing all of these behaviors that we haven’t seen for years are coming back

    We do not want him to hurt anyone or himself, but we are still waiting for the Pans Tier 1 supplement and I haven’t heard from the Bionexs health almost 3 weeks now. I am not sure when are we going to get those Pans Supplements. His been on the diet for almost 3 years, and he is fine with it. We can see that there is something that holds him back. Please Karen I urgently need your help, advice if there is anything we can do to help, any supplements? while we are still waiting for the Pans supplements to arrive. Hope to hearing from you soon.

    in reply to: Brain support supplements #232929
    Lopa Pupualii

    Hi Karen,

    Yes thank you Karen, that is Robert suggestion as well maybe the Candxpel. He said to wait for couple of weeks not to give him the Candxpel, but carry on with the others. He was on one drop from each elixir so far, and we are going to increase to 2 drops from each bottle in next couple of days except for the Candxpel. We are going very slowly.

    He loves his healthy food but this is the first time he did not eat but he had his dinner with no issue. And slept well and woke up in the morning happy, he sat down at the table to eat his breakfast and all of a sudden he stood up and ran to mum with angry face and gave me a wee bite on my arm. He was so very aggressive and strong and I took him to his room with CBD oil. What is biting indicates? Biting is not ok.

    He calmed down and came back to finish his breakfast. I will muscle test and add in more binders.

    Appreciate your great help Karen thank you and God Bless.

    in reply to: Brain support supplements #232926
    Lopa Pupualii

    Hi Karen,

    My son got 7 elixirs from Robert he was on the last elixir yesterday which is the Candxpel. So he took 7 drops one drop from each elixirs. He went to school yesterday Thursday here in our country. Last night I checked his school bag only to find out that his lunch, morning tea and full bottle of water were still in the bag. I was wondering what happened and I rang the school this morning, and was told that my son did not want to eat his lunch or eat any of his food. This is the first time that my son did not eat his lunch and morning tea.

    This morning he was not a happy child he was a bit angry and tried to get aggressive. Please Karen do you think this is by taking the Candxpel? he was all good with other elixirs? what is the difference from other elixirs,
    What are your thoughts please Karen?

    Thanks for your support and time.

    in reply to: Amount of supplements #232892
    Lopa Pupualii

    Hi Karen,

    I went to the Organic Store and I have came across a Chlorella powder superfood . no fillers but its organic, gluten free, raw. nutrient-rich, plant protein, vitamins and minerals. I muscle tested and indicated ok. I will buy it if that is ok Karen. We are going slowly slowly. Thanks Karen for the support.

    in reply to: Brain support supplements #232825
    Lopa Pupualii

    Hi Karen,

    Definitely, I am learning a lot, I never heard of Pans/Pandas/Strep infections before and I have read the Mitochondria dysfunction and one of the triggers is anesthesia. I am so scared because now I know that my son had anesthetics three times, including the one he had in March this year. I feel that this is another trigger for his anger behavior. Scary. All glory to God. I am finally here under your guidance. Thank you so much Karen.

    in reply to: Brain support supplements #232816
    Lopa Pupualii

    Hi Karen,

    Ahhhh! now I know Pans Flare up, yes i am waiting for Pans Tier 1 and Nasal spray to arrive. Another order of CBD on the way too. I feel that Pans flare up matches this kinda of behavior. Yes I know he has a rageful anger issues. My son is verbal but this is something that it is hard for him to express in words when hes unhappy with someone even his bothers. He holds it to himself. He does not show his anger to anyone. Once he let it out his anger then he clams down quickly and talk to me with a smile. He is a very happy wee man, bubbly personality, mummy’s boy, but when he gets upset or angry with anything he would just crying and tries to pinch my hands or pull my hair. Karen we feel that we have tried everything but it seems like there is a switch in him that needs to turn on or something then he will be fine.
    YES PANS Flare UP. I am super happy that I am on here Karen. Thank you so much Karen

    in reply to: Brain support supplements #232794
    Lopa Pupualii

    Hi Karen,

    Everything is going OK on my end, going so slowly with the supplements on hand. But I am seeking your advice for my son’s behavior. I know that it is too early to introduce brain supplements, but I need help. My son is 12 years old and he is a delight when he is happy, social able and in outgoing mood. But hes got a problem that he is not able to tell us what his concerns and worries are although I tell him to speak up instead. But he tries to attack me in aggressive way, when he is unhappy with someone, like if he stays home with his brothers and if there is something that he does not happy with then he would wait unless I arrive home. He does not show his anger to his brothers or dad. As soon as I get home he would come and express his emotions with anger and tries to attack me straight away, very unpredictable. This is not from the supplements that he takes, it is just his behavior. CBD oil is just about to finish and takes time for new orders to arrive. He sort of like someone so quiet and happy happy when hes at his best. But can easily upset, He got anger issues that he cant help himself with. Please Karen I really do appreciate your advice for a handy supplement to help him.

    in reply to: Diet #232777
    Lopa Pupualii

    Hi Karen

    I buy the organic gf almond flour from the organic taste nature store, and I make biscuits at home with the organic first pressed coconut oil, organic eggs, its not something that he has it everyday, but he takes 2 home made biscuits, almond, 1 organic carrot, celery with almond butter, walnuts or boiled eggs for snack or morning tea at school. Yes for carrots do you recommend carrots to be out of the diet? He eats 1 small organic carrot twice a week just for a snack.

    I do not like to order school lunches or snacks.I prefer home made, so I know the ingredients that I put in the food. I only use coconut or almond flour for baking and pancakes. We only use organic first pressed coconut oil, first pressed olive oil or Ghee for home cooking. We never used vegetables oil of any kind.

    I make his little birthday cake with organic gf almond or coconut flour on his birthday, so he only gets 1 slice and the rest for us. Only on his birthday in May. But not an ongoing matter. That is my son’s diet since he switched to the gf diet 2 and half years ago to date.

    Thanks you Karen.

    in reply to: New to the group #232775
    Lopa Pupualii

    Hello Karen,

    Please I feel that I am not clear on this, my son has just started with 1 drop of Toxin Elimination Elixir yesterday and I have to wait for 2 or 3 days to add another one depends on the system and muscle testing right? If there is no die off symptoms then add 1 drop from liver detox pathways elixir.

    while await for 2 or 3 days to take another dose of elixir. The minerals, chorella or zeolites regular with zeolites extra strength can still be going? activated charcoal only to take if there are heightened symptoms of die off? Karen please could you clarify more on this?

    in reply to: Diet #232773
    Lopa Pupualii

    Hi Karen,

    My son is not a picky eater, but he likes his gf almond home made biscuits and he does take 2 biscuits. and small organic apple, or 1 small organic carrot for his morning tea at school. I make homemade pancakes with coconut oil at other times. I make a gluten free carrot cake for his birthday. What is your advice on this please Karen?

    in reply to: New to the group #232769
    Lopa Pupualii

    Hi Karen,

    Thank you Karen, Yes I understand just emotional and crying, I am not worrying about it i just leave him alone to it. I am not worrying about it, I do not give attention at all. Because after expressing himself out in that way he would come and ask “mum can I get water or anything he wants as if there was no crying.

    He is having a nap at the moment which is good, while the beautiful sun is shining so beautifully at this part of the globe. never had naps at this time of the day before

    Yes Karen I will do that and muscle test when I go the health shop and Ill ask all the questions as you said.

    Thank you so much Karen. God Bless

    in reply to: New to the group #232767
    Lopa Pupualii

    Hi Karen,

    I have received the elixirs yesterday afternoon. Thank God. I gave my son just 1 drop and all of a sudden he cried/ so emotional. I am still waiting for other supplements to arrive and I know it takes time. But I just need your thoughts about the chorella powder or tablet. Can I just buy Organic Chorella powder or tablets from the health store here just to avoid shipping issues or do you still prefer the one in the programme?

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