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Lopa Pupualii

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  • in reply to: New to the group #232731
    Lopa Pupualii

    Hi Karen,

    Hi Karen,

    I just bought the activated charcoal in capsules from health store. I asked the owner about any fillers. He said no fillers but gelatin capsules. Gelatin capsules ok ? I will open the 2 capsules in the water and give it to him now before his lunch. Yes I am keeping tracking them cant wait to getting them. We are too far .Thank you so much Karen.

    in reply to: New to the group #232729
    Lopa Pupualii

    Hi Karen,

    My son is on the gluten free diet since 2 years ago and he is still on it due to his celiac. The burping is new 2 weeks ago way before the zeolites. Yes def rule out the product. He asked to go to the doctor but I just ignored it because he was not sick but last Saturday evening he had an episode out of nowhere he was crying and he was very aggressive, hard to calm down,I gave him the Calm CBD oil and he calmed down to his normal person. We never saw him so aggressive like this. CBD oil saved my life. He asks to go to the doctor because the burping sound was so intense, and tics have been developed and very distracting. I took him to the doctor and we were told that hes got Re flux, too much acid or something like that. Karen please Can I give my son the Activated Charcoal for this problem? He likes taking the zeolites but I didn’t give him today.
    I cant wait to get the Herbs, I am still waiting for the elixirs to arrive. looking forward for your advice on this please Karen.

    in reply to: New to the group #232725
    Lopa Pupualii

    Hi Karen,

    Yes It sounds like something in the throat, sounds like he is burping, and he does it all the times, it has developed 2 weeks ago before he started on the zeolites, It is very annoying. It is distracting him and he slaps the left side of his head at other times. These are all new.

    in reply to: New to the group #232722
    Lopa Pupualii

    Hi Karen,

    Thanks you I am going to order them now. I am just brainstorming all the issues that my son had when he was young. At 3 months old bronchitis, with very dry skin, rashes etc so he does not have those issues when his diet has changed. I remember around between 7 and 8 years old he had so few boils and cellulitis on his eyes, and his body one after the other. And he had a big boil on his left side of his body so he had a wee surgery and the nurse used to come home to change the dressings. The doctors said that MRSA. So now he is celiac for 2 and half years. I am trying to figure out if he is infections carrier? He now sounds like there is something in his throat a clearing sound, so annoying. He asks to go to the doctor but he is not sick or fever. Any idea about this Karen or just carry on with minerals and Zeolites. I am doing it slowly.

    in reply to: New to the group #232715
    Lopa Pupualii

    Hi Karen,

    Thank you very much for your help, but please I have few things that maybe you have experienced with please Karen. The start of this year my son’s behavior has changed a bit to date. He is so clingy, holds on to me when he wants something. He would ask if he wants something but he ends up very emotional, cries, and holds on to my hands and does not want to leave my hands. When he comes to give me a hug he tries to open his mouth as if he is going to bite me on the cheek but he is not he is just playing. When I tell him that is not a good hug and he smiles. But I am always wonder what does it mean by getting so clingy, and out of nowhere he cries. He asks for things that he wants but at times he just cries without saying anything. I am worrying because he is growing up and he is strong and taller than me. I took him to see the doctor one day and I was only told its normal for Autistic children omg and puberty maybe the other reason. He is a good , he does his own things at home and with his brothers he goes to school everyday but those are his weaknesses that he is going through now clinginess, grumpy, demanding, emotional, cries, agitated.

    in reply to: New to the group #232701
    Lopa Pupualii

    Hello Karen,

    Thank you ,Today is my son’s second day of taking supplements on hand on his journey. I just want to make sure that I am on the right track Karen. Yesterday, Tuesday my son was at home because there was no school it was teachers only day. It was good timing for him to start because he was at home all day and the Zeolites have arrived on Monday NZ time. On the start of his journey he was giving both zeolites 2 drops of BPure and 2 sprays of the BP extra Strength 3 times a day after meals: mineral water. And also he started taking calm CBD oil 3 times a day as well. Today Wednesday he is at school. So I only gave him 2 drops of PBure and 2 sprays of BPure extra strength after his breakfast. He will skip the drops for the afternoon until he comes home after school. And 3 drops of calm CBD oil before he left for school. Please Karen just need to know if that is the right time to take zeolites before meals or after meals?

    Is it alright for him to still take the Omega 3 fatty acid he was on before, the Arctic Cod Liver Oil, and the Metagenic Powder Probiotic?

    in reply to: New to the group #232684
    Lopa Pupualii

    Hi Karen,

    Thank you very much I started giving him the zeolites this morning 2 drops from each B Pure Zeolite and BP extra strength and I just need to know if the mineral water is still ok to take at the same time or not. I have read FAQ on Touchstone website that the BPure Zeolite needs to take with water and both Zeolites can take away from minerals. Please Karen I just want to confirm from you that is correct or I am wrong.

    in reply to: New to the group #232679
    Lopa Pupualii

    Hi Karen,

    I have just received my order of Zeolites, pure body and pure body extra strength with the calm CBD oil. Please are these supplements good to give to my son now without the elixirs? The elixirs will be arriving later next week they are still stuck in the US. For the Calm CBD Oil what time of the day suits for my son to take it, I have read that this can be taken any time but I need to confirm that is correct please Karen. how many times and dosage for a 12 year old.

    in reply to: New to the group #232657
    Lopa Pupualii

    Hi Karen,

    Thank you for the information, the bionexus only processing order for the US and UK at the moment.
    I have this Concentrated Mineral Drops for my son that it contain 72 synergistic minerals which I bought it from the Health Store. I have ordered pure minerals but it takes time to arrive. I want to ask if that is ok. And for the activated charcoal should my son start taking it now with the minerals or wait for the zeolites and elixirs to arrive.

    in reply to: New to the group #232648
    Lopa Pupualii

    Hi Karen,

    I have received an email from Robert that he tested my son, and he has a chronic Strep Infection and the behavior trigger is more of the physiological nature. He said that my son can take Vitamin D3 1000IU straight away though the Vit D activatior is on the way. I have sent an email to support office about BioneouxHealth Access. So please Karen what are your suggestions about these while I am still awaiting for zeolites, calm CBD oil and elixirs to arrive?

    in reply to: New to the group #232646
    Lopa Pupualii

    Hi Karen,

    Thank you I felt that way when he had those symptoms with emotional. I was thinking maybe its too much because i did not do muscle testing. So when I stopped for a week and a half the crying symptoms and emotional have gone, but at the moment I think you re correct Karen. He is very jumpy, demanding and grumpy about everything. I can see dry skin on his fingers but not on his body. He says at times to go to the doctor and nurses. I just ignore it because anytime he says that and I take him to doctors, the doctors assess him and tell us there is nothing wrong. And when I ask but why is he asks to go to doctor and nurses,there must be something wrong. But that is all they can tell. I am getting sick of it. I am more than happy to have found you with your programme

    I have ordered the elixirs and zeolites with calm hemp oil. They will be arriving by the end of this week or beginning of next week. I keep tracking them. That Neurolink has 6 ingredients that I have list above. So maybe its too much. I feel that I will put this supplement aside and work with elixirs and zeolites with hemp oil first when they arrive.
    Please Karen I was given my son the Cod Liver Oil for omega 3 last month, and need another one. What is the difference to the ones in the programme?

    in reply to: New to the group #232638
    Lopa Pupualii

    hi Karen,

    I bought your book last year and I came across Dr Amen. I searched on the internet and his got great products. So I ordered the Neurolink which Supports Emotional and Behavioral Health. So my son started taking it one in the morning and one after school for the first week. Second week I increased the dosage to 2 in the morning and 2 after school. But after that second week he started to get emotional every morning but we never experienced that before and then I thought oh maybe its too much so I stopped for one and half week and no more emotional crying in the morning. So please Karen while im waiting for the Elixirs and Zeolites to arrive. Do you think it is possible to take the Neurolink supplements to help with the grumpy or not. I am wondering if the Supplements facts below are ok or too much.

    Vitamin B6 20mg
    L-Tyrosne 1000mg
    Gaba 500mg
    L-glutamine 400mg
    L-Taurine 400mg
    5-HTP 100mg

    in reply to: New to the group #232625
    Lopa Pupualii

    Hi Karen,

    I have ordered the zeolites and elixirs and I just cant’t wait. it takes time to arrive because we are miles away. Puberty is hard for the kids, my son gets grumpy for everything and demanding at times.

    Yes my son had bronchitis problems at 3 months old and he ended up in ICU. It was so scary and I have personal feelings up to date, that is the the cause of all the issues, I did not know how many antibiotics that he took that the immune was so weak at that age. He is fine now when the diet has changed, but my son used to have skin problems, at the age of 8 he had boils and cellulitis, we had no idea what the cause we were not told just to be given injections and my son had a wee surgery of one of a big cellulitis under his left arm. He had few skin problems. I am so happy that I am here. Karen please do you know what the cause of cracked and dry lips. My son gets that some times and I just use the Vaseline.

    in reply to: New to the group #232596
    Lopa Pupualii

    Hi Karen,

    before I make a purchase of Pure Body Zeolite (Extra Strength) Do I need to buy the Super Juice Green Juice Powder and the Calm Hemp Oil as well or its just an optional. How about the activated charcoal please? Do you think my son needs that too or the Pure Body Zeolite is enough together with the recommended elixirs?

    My son is drinking mineral water ( spring water) does he still needs to get that Mineral water Quinton Mineral Water please Karen?

    in reply to: New to the group #232595
    Lopa Pupualii

    Hi Karen,

    Thank you Karen, Yes I just cant wait to get these. No body knows your son better than you aye? The teachers the doctors they do not know your son because they are not living with him or her right? ha ha. I remember when my son has just started at primary school when he turned 5 years old. He was confused and never sat still in class, then the principal told me to take him to see the pediatrician to see if there anything to help him. I never heard of medication before then I took him. Without proper assessment of the situation the pediatrician said hes got ADHD then put my son on Ritalin. O mg my son behavior got worst. he became so skinny with skin problems. he started to get aggressive but never did those before. taking medications never stopped the running around never sat still. The school started calling me to pick up my son. He was hurting other kids. My son got expelled from school because of that. I was not very happy, very stressed.After 1 month of taking Ritalin, I talked to my husband that i will stopped the Ritalin. So I took my son to see the pediatrician again straight away that my son will not taking the medication anymore. From there I started to just feed him with organic food, water,vegetables and fruits to help detox the toxins from medication. After one month he was happy and went to a new school. He was happy and healthy again like before medication. he had a very great teacher aids at school. I never stopped searching for answers on the internet, I came across Kerri Rivera and her programme. I applied those for my son it was OK but my son was not complied when the dosages of the chlorine increased. But it was ok he had enema and we saw a big change. I heard about the benefits of chiropractor, by testing Reflexes. My son was 7 years old at the time So I took my son to a chiropractor he got muscle testings for his gut and the chiropractor said that his got a weak gut. So he was given a probiotic, which is Metagenic Brand. Oh Glory to God, that made a great improvement, my son was happy, interacted really well with his class mates, speech improved so much. He loved his readings and maths. The teachers were so amazed with his progress. When he missed school the teachers rang me to say we miss Leon today because everyone loves him, he is just a teddy bear. He is a funny kid he treats everyone with a high five and a big Hi so loud. It was so emotional.To be honest We do not have any issues with our son rather than these new behavior. Me and my husband we go for 2 days holiday away from home at other times and leave all boys home. My older son looks after them all. The funny thing my son is very happy when he stays with his brothers but when mum and dad at home he starts to get grumpy. We think it happens to every child. Leon lives normally, he tidies up his bed, helps mum in the kitchen, set up the table, put dishes in the dish washing machine and take them out after. take the washing outside and collect washing and helps his older brother with folding. His brother drops him at school. He is a happy boy we accept tantrum at times. Karen I want to share my son’s story so that parents in this group know that we can turn these conditions over and get our children back.These Kids are very bright and intelligence because we can see in our own son. He is the youngest of the 5 boys we treat him home normally as my other boys., we do not treat him differently. The only difference is his diet but to be honest we are all on gluten free because we eat veges and fruits less carbs but heaps of good proteins healthy fat and oils. Hard work pays off parents. The puberty is a stage of life that is so hard for children on spectrum and I believe this is why the behavior has changed but his personality and attributes are still there without medications. I can not wait to share some more stories Karen. I am so happy, that I am finally here. please Karen Is there any place close to New Zealand to get all these or just from the US. Just asking please Karen

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