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Marguerite Allen

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  • in reply to: H. Pylori #244852
    Marguerite Allen

    Just chasing a reply to 244756
    Thank you

    in reply to: H. Pylori #244756
    Marguerite Allen

    Hi Karen,

    I had to give her a magnesium cleanse formula to get her bowels working again. She also started humping again after getting constipated.
    I really don’t feel like giving her any more mastic gum. Do you know of any other effective treatments and will lower H Pylori? Homeopathy maybe?


    in reply to: H. Pylori #244745
    Marguerite Allen

    Hi Karen,

    I’ve given my daughter colon cleanse (magnesium). It worked.
    Unfortunately, enemas are just too stressful for her. I would have to hold down and she would be screaming and moving around.

    I’m only up to treating H Pylori stage of your protocol. Are you saying to jump to the parasite and liver elixirs now?


    in reply to: H. Pylori #244733
    Marguerite Allen

    Thanks Karen,
    I actually have Christophers tonic in the cupboard. I’ll give her some.
    Is constipation common when taking mastic gum? It’s really set her back.


    in reply to: H. Pylori #244720
    Marguerite Allen

    Hi Karen,
    Not long after starting mastic gum my daughter has become has constipated. She had been really regular each morning. What do you recommend?


    in reply to: H Pylori #244681
    Marguerite Allen

    Hi Karen,
    Can you please explain the reason why you recommend taking SB – probiotic when using mastic gum to treat H Pylori.

    Thank you.

    in reply to: H Pylori #244613
    Marguerite Allen

    Hi Karen,

    In my daughter’s gut test H. Pylori was high. I noticed this condition is mentioned early in your program. I am waiting for mastic gum to arrive. In another post you recommended SB also. I’d really like to limit the number of supplements I’m using. Is the probiotic SB critical to take for H. Pylori?

    Also, how long would you treat with mastic gum? Weeks or months? Would I finish this before proceeding further with your program.

    Over the years my daughter’s bicarbonate has been low in blood tests. Would this be likely due to the H. Pylori?

    Kind regards,

    in reply to: Sensory issues #244612
    Marguerite Allen

    Thanks Karen.

    I’m in the process of ordering the elixir’s.

    I’ve been doing herbals on and off (ie cat’s claw, japanese knotsweed) for a couple of years now. It’s come to a point my daughter will not tolerate the taste of herbals. So, not sure what do about the herbals in your program. Like everyone else I’ve spent a lot of money and imagine Dr Dashore’s herbals are expensive and may not even be tolerated by my daughter.

    The whole ear, nose and throat thing is really irritating my daughter and may be behind or at least part of her irritability. She does not speak so you can’t tell me. I suspect she has a sore throat as sometimes she makes a funny face after drinking water. Her nose is always running if I don’t have a diffuser on at night (sinus) and she sometimes touches her ear. Earaches can create pressure and pain. I did the onion juice in ear remedy and she actually wanted me to do it and she was less irritated after this.

    Which products in your program addresses sinus, sore throats and earaches. I know the allergy elixir may help with the sinus. What about sore throat and earaches?

    Thank you.

    in reply to: Goat Milk – dairy free #244578
    Marguerite Allen

    Hi Karen,

    I understand camel milk can be good for immune health and should be used as a medicine. Would freeze dried camel milk powder be as effective as fresh camel milk?


    in reply to: General questions #244560
    Marguerite Allen

    Hi Karen,

    Like I said I’ve used many herbal formulations in the past. My daughter is very sensitive and now that she is 6 I can’t really trick her into taking anything that she does not want to taste. I have tried stevia/honey and many many other ways.

    Does the viral elxir work as well as the herbals?

    I did NOT contact Bionexus directly. I contacted your support team. I thought they said i would receive an email from Bionexus. I sent another email to your support team chasing it up but have not heard back from them. I’ll send another email. Although I’m not sure if the herbals will be suitable for my daughter like I said. So, maybe its a sign.

    Kind regards,

    in reply to: General questions #244552
    Marguerite Allen

    Hi Karen,

    My question was about ross river virus and long covid only. I’m assuming that you think these can be treated with the herbal formulas?

    With the elixirs, is this a similar technology to frequency specific microcurrent?

    I’ve used various herbals in the past and it’s getting harder to disguise the taste and my daughter has refused to take herbals. I know my daughter is not going to like the nasal spray, that’s for sure. She has symptoms similar to PANDAS so she can be very difficult.

    I’ve also requested access to Bionexus’ website a few weeks ago now but have not received anything from them. I’ve also followed up with your support but have not heard anything.

    Thank you and enjoy your holiday.

    Kind regards,

    in reply to: General questions #244492
    Marguerite Allen

    Hi Karen,

    Like many parents I’ve done extensive testing over the years and there is no evidence of heavy metals. What my daughter does have is a number of nutritional deficiencies which were getting better before she got covid. She was losing symptoms but regressed after covid. So, we know she has a lot of inflammation. Also, my daughter tested positive to ross river virus (a mosquito borne virus exclusive to Australia).

    Can you please let me know if you have seen what works for long covid and if you know how to treat ross river virus? (which is highly inflammatory).

    Kind regards

    in reply to: General questions #244487
    Marguerite Allen

    Hi Karen,

    Have you had any experience with Beyond Balance product. They have herbal for inflammation, Lyme and co-infections and mycotoxins including Mould.


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