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Mary Thornton

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  • in reply to: pure body regular #242678
    Mary Thornton

    I got more answers from the web site on more drainage suggestions.

    in reply to: pure body regular #242677
    Mary Thornton

    Thank you. As an FYI last night we went to the massage therapist. Who basically practices the same technique as you have shown in your videos. The one on the top of the head to assist with drainage. And the sniffing has drastically subsided.

    Do you think I still need to get the Pectasol?

    It appears to be a drainage issue. Any other recommendations for additional support with drainage? or is the antihistamine diet and Pectasol it?

    We already do the NSB 1, pure body, pure body extra (daily). I ordered the IS throat spray yesterday. From Robert: daily we use OCMP, Glymphatic support, toxin elimination. + about 7-8 other elixers.

    FYI with Dr D’s new speech protocols (3)new ones. I have seen fantastic improvements. Very noticeable by everyone who my son sees daily/weekly.

    My son is at our local community center for the summer as a teen leader. Everyone loves him and says how funny he is, helpful, and all of the little campers love him.

    I am sure you are aware Brian Child Nutritionals has not had the mega minerals in months. I just buy the spectrum support (part b).

    in reply to: pure body regular #242665
    Mary Thornton

    Sorry- Forgot to ask. Is it typical for a child to have PANS flare up every 6-7 months. I feel as if I get it under control, then all of a sudden my son starts sniffing. At first I thought it was allergies- but it gets uncontrollable. I asked Robert and he was unsure what it was. I assume the sniffing is a ONAS flare up. He tested for the IS throat spray- so I purchased it today.

    in reply to: recommendations/questions #241128
    Mary Thornton

    I am over the moon with Kevin’s new diagnosis. Even though I did not agree with him being a level 2.
    Some days- you would not think he has Autism (others have thought this as well)while on other days you can see “something off”. I think most of his issues are Environmental.

    Thank you so much for the above. With your elixer recommendations- kevin is on all of them except Lymphatic- he is on Glymphatic. We did the Bartonella/Babesia. I will get a bottle of the BTXD- I did a ring test and he will accept this. I will repeat parasites- it does not come up on the ring test. Thank you- I will look into your other recommendations.
    Regarding the pathways- sorry I was referring to neuro. Although the other pathways would make sense too.

    One new question- Kevin has allergies. For the last few months he is “sniffing”, blowing his nose everyday. What do you recommend him taking? The allergist says claritan or zertek.

    in reply to: Setd2 luscan lymish #240056
    Mary Thornton

    Yes, that would be fine to use or testimony.

    in reply to: Setd2 luscan lymish #240034
    Mary Thornton

    Thank you. Yes, Kevin takes the 5 htp daily, and we did the brain mapping with neurofeed back before starting your program in 2020. So much so that the dr said Kevin doesn’t need anymore. But, now I am wondering if he needs some tweaking…

    Yesterday, John Hopkins changed kevin’s diagnosis from autism level 2 to a level 1.
    Great things happening. Thank you for your program. Because before 2020 i was piecing things together.

    in reply to: Tier2 Lyme #239707
    Mary Thornton

    Ok so I do not do the Lyme maintenance tier? Just move to the tiers for babesia and barbetonella- correct.

    I started t-2 for all the other protocols in February. With the exception for the above 2. How much longer do I stay on t-2.

    What happens after I finish t2’s. I am scared that I am not doing enough because some t2’s overlap and some t1 is still listed in t-2(y blend) Ex) ism blend I’ve done 3 bottles, y blend more than 4 bottles, Gi-s 4 bottles, 6b pbs-4 bottles. I won’t type in all of the t2’s.


    in reply to: Leucovorin Calcium 5mg Tablets #237595
    Mary Thornton

    I tried to reach out to DR. Dashoor’s office. They advised they cannot help with the neuroquant scan- they cannot order one nor read them for me. Which I thought I heard in her podcast that she does in fact read those scans? They sent me the below link to use-

    in reply to: Leucovorin Calcium 5mg Tablets #237496
    Mary Thornton

    Yes I have listened to the podcasts. I don’t believe my sons Autism doctor is an expert in the neuroquant scan. The link below goes to a list of facilities that offer the scan.

    Now I am looking at finding a practioner who can order the scan and be knowledgeable enough to advise on a protocol to follow given the results.
    Am I just better off flying to Georgia and visiting the Amen center? Or can Dr Dashoor order the scan and read it?

    Thank you

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