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Meg Pinto

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  • in reply to: GI issues #233847
    Meg Pinto

    Thank you so much! These are all awesome suggestions. I’m going to slowly start with Restore. Thank you.

    in reply to: Lyme #233543
    Meg Pinto

    Thank you, Karen. I just want to tell you how much I appreciate your responses. You are always so prompt and so helpful. It truly means a lot! You’re amazing. Much love, Meg

    in reply to: Lyme #233501
    Meg Pinto

    Thank you. yes, I’m definitely going to treat with herbs for Lyme, no matter what. The main reason for testing is that if it is positive, we will focus on it even more with herbs. I know that some parents have success with treating Lyme with homeopathy, as well, which we would do on top of the herbs.

    Thank you.

    in reply to: Finally my boy no more crying when having hair cut #233466
    Meg Pinto

    This is a huge gain. My boy is traumatized by hair cuts. I’m sure everything you’re doing has contributed to it, but is there anything in particular that you think helped with this issue? Thank you.

    in reply to: Bionexus Herbs #233465
    Meg Pinto

    Thank you. This is very helpful.

    in reply to: PANS Flare, Crying, OCD #231554
    Meg Pinto

    Thank you so much! This is very helpful advice and exactly what I needed to hear. I ordered the spray and the entire PANS Tier 1 herbs.

    I’ve stopped all other supplements for now except for minerals. I gave him charcoal, as well. In addition, I gave him Aloe juice, a little chicken broth, puréed avocados, and a licorice root herb, as well as I went higher with the CBD dose. He seems to have really calmed down. He was calmer this evening. I’ll continue to do this until the nasal spray and herbs arrive.

    Yes, Noah used to have high markers for Aspergillus on his OAT test in sep 2018. Then after we treated with Antifungals, those markers really came down to very low on most recent OAT in fall of 2019. We then test mycotoxins and they’re high.

    He also has strep antibodies in his brain (measured my Neural zoomer test – which is similar to Cunningham panel but maybe not as detailed). I always had strep as a child so I believe I’m a carrier and he got it from me. So I think I should treat myself as well, even though I don’t have symptoms.

    He also has mycoplasma and Klebsiella, and very high HHV6 markers. I had Lyme in my 20s (confirmed positive per western blot). So I believe he also has congental Lyme.

    I heard you say on one of your videos that you and Dr Dashore generally prefer the order of herbs for mold first, then PANS etc. But I believe since he has so many issues that cause PANS/ PANDAS, I appreciated your recommendation.

    We had a small leak in our laundry room which we remediatef using a professional mold remediator (sealed area, high quality fans, redid all flooring and walls just to be on the safe side).

    Noah also has allergies and high histamine. Do you think the mold spray will help with histamine and allergy issues?

    I can’t thank you enough. I’m so grateful that you’ve experienced all of these issues and are so well educated on them. I’m going to take it one day at a time and implement one thing at a time like you said. But do you think I should wait until this flare subsided before I do too much else?

    I believe the flare came about from a combination of strep, environmental seasonal allergies (which are really bad here) and from viruses. Noah was on Valtrex and OLE for viral issues and maybe there was too much going on. He regressed after the MMR Varicella. I’ve stopped them now. I don’t know what you think of Valtrex. I can’t wait to get to your antivirals steps.

    Also, he does have parasites. I have seen little seeds in his stool before, especially when giving him anti parasitic herbs, such as Black Walnut and Wormwood and Mimosa Pudica. I’ve not done a parasite cleanse in a while.

    I think it’s best for me to start with a clean slate based on your advice and then build from there with your protocol.

    Thank you so much. You’re a blessing!


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