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Mon Nasser

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  • in reply to: Yeast infection #4425
    Mon Nasser

    Hi karen,
    I am using the coconut oil and tea tree oil as an ointment for his painful anal itching. I noticed that most of his bad behaviors and anxiety occur when he is on pain. I know this is a long process and I am ready for this but trying to find something effective and safe to release his pain.

    in reply to: Yeast infection #4417
    Mon Nasser

    Thank you for your answer. I am introducing the elixirs now but I need time to reach the full dose. It is 11 elixirs and ESME Version A. When I first registered here I wrote to you about my son’s hyperactivity you told me this is may be due to GABA or other supplements overload and you were right. I stopped all the supplements he was taking and he became calmer but his concentration in studying reduced. Now he has difficulties in memorizing simple sentences. One of the supplements I stopped is Cod Liver Oil and I don’t know if I have to give it back to him or not as one of his elixirs is Fatty Acid Transport Elixir.
    I know this is a long process but I need something to release pain. I am using coconut oil and tea tree oil and I don’t know if you have something more effective. I was advised to give him Fluconazole but I don’t know if it is appropriate to his case or not. I want also to ask you when I have to give him the probiotics and what is the best brand in your opinion.

    Thank you

    in reply to: HPHPA and Oxalic #4379
    Mon Nasser

    Hi Karen,
    I am new in your program waiting for the elixirs. I ordered the Organic acids test before registering here and I got the results and since I want to apply your program I want your opinion.
    There is a high level of HPHPA(sort of clusterdia bacteria). There is also slightly high 3-Oxoglutaric acid (yeast overgrowth). I am advised to give him antibiotic and probiotic. Can you explain to me what is HPHPA. Is it something related to Candida or Parasites or something else. Is there something in your program which can help with this HPHPA and what do you advice me.
    He also has high Oxalic. Is this common in autism and why?

    Thank you

    in reply to: Brain supplements #4317
    Mon Nasser

    Thank you for your replay. I am very happy to join your program. I feel it is done typically for people like me.

    I start my son’s diet five months ago and start my search of the relation between gut and brain tow months before the diet. After searching and reading some books l think he has candida and pandas from the beginning and his symptoms was OCD symptoms and hyper focus rather than autistic symptoms. It is very common for him to laugh inappropriately may be from he was 3 until now and I don’t know if this is a sign of candida only or of another thing.
    I make the food print test to him and he was allergic to many foods with very high numbers, casein 136, egg white and cow milk 124. I read that this is a sign of an autoimmune disease or body inflammation because he was having diarrhea immediately after eating diary products. He accept the diet I think because he was very sick but I did not notice. Whenever I took him to pediatricians they told me his weight still in the normal range while it was not . He was suffering constantly from diarrhea which stops after the diet and he starts to gain weight. His skin was very dry but now it is not. I think his diet is somehow good except he is still eating white rice,dates, and raw honey.
    He is fully vaccinated and he took the last one 2 years ago.
    When I start his diet I feel his body was detoxing. His gum used to be black but with diet I sometimes noticed blood on his front teeth when he woke up and now his gum is more pink than black His permanent teeth was very white with white specks but after diet it starts to take the normal color with white specks. Now his teeth color is changeable every day the specks is moving I don’t know if this is a sign that toxins is moving or what.
    I don’t know what is binders and I gave him zeolite for about three weeks on the vacation and stop it from about five days.
    I am new here moving from your book and program. I need to read about elixirs. I don’t know what kind of supplement it is. I am trying to stop anything which has side effects or may cause bad symptoms. I need to calm him now because I don’t want him to be kicked from school.

    Sorry for writing many details and thank you for your help.

    in reply to: Brain supplements #4308
    Mon Nasser

    I mean you to suggest what to start with and the dosages.

    Thank you

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