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  • in reply to: Checking which products are still good #238807

    Thanks so much Karen. I will definitely take a look at the allergy kit information on the supplement page. I have been meaning to do an Igg and Ige allergy test for my son to make sure he is not consuming anything that could be also affecting his mood/behavior or creating a histamine response. Also, what is L-tyrosine and how can I avoid it? Is it in certain foods or one of the supplements? I do think my son may have parasites even though it showed up negative on his stool test because he grinds his teeth constantly and is always very hungry to the point of tantruming for food, even if I fed him 2 hours prior. He is already on the formula 6A for parasites and herbals for mold and a couple of the PANS formulas at 1 drop once or twice a day, but if his herxing gets too much I take a break for a couple of days and restart. I also added the garlic supplement you have on the parasite page – is that something we should be using for a long time or for a short period of time? I open the capsule and give him 1/3 capsule maybe 2 or 3 times a day if I notice his teeth grinding getting bad and I think it helps to calm the teeth grinding a bit. I also reduce the B vitamins for a few days and increase the minerals and that seems to help as well.

    in reply to: Checking which products are still good #238800

    Hi Karen,

    I have also been on Biocidin for my child and it seems to be working well and preventing mushy smelly stool. My son’s stool has become more formed and less smelly. I was initially prescribed biocidin as a mold detox which seemed to have helped reduce aspergillus significantly, but now my child’s Neurotransmitters on his OATS test are all out of whack. His Serotonin levels seem to be fine, but all the other ones – dopamine (both “Homovanillic – HVA and Dihydroxyphenylacetic – DOPAC”) are higher than the range that it should be, his HVA/VMA Ratio is also high. For his Ketone and Fatty Acid Oxidation – his “Suberic” and “Sebacic” were also higher than the range. Do you know what could have caused this during the detox process? Also, it seems that Biocidin has Echinacea and Goldenseal which are herbs to boost the immune system. Should I be concerned with these herbs in the product? Also, just wanted to add that my toddler has constant tantrums/crying/fussing and stimming. Are there any brain support supplements I can use? I had him on the Quicksilver brand Gaba + L-Theanine for a couple of weeks but stopped since I read in one of your other responses that it can accumulate. I have 5HTTP – but I have not yet given it to him because his serotonin levels were fine. I also use the Pure Body zeolite as a binder, but it doesn’t seem to help. I do 3 drops every few hours, but the only thing that works as a binder for him right now is Activated Charcoal. Any suggestions on what I can do to help him?

    Thanks Karen

    in reply to: Activated Charcoal #238799

    Got ya! Thats what I was thinking. Thanks so much Karen!

    in reply to: Activated Charcoal #238791

    Hi Karen, is there a reason we don’t use activated charcoal made from coconuts? Is there a difference and can we use one that comes from coconuts instead?

    Thanks so much Karen

    in reply to: Cistus Tea #238117

    Thanks so much Karen. I will definitely look into that toothpaste and search the forum for other suggestions. My son wasn’t vaccinated but did get the Vitamin K shot when he was born, but that’s it, so we were very surprised with the high aluminum levels. Yes, we have started giving him the Silica.

    Also, have you heard of ‘Sulforaphane’ and is that something I can incorporate in the program? I was at the TACA conference this year and many of the MAPS doctors and NDs mentioned it is great in helping with speech for our non-verbal kiddos, amongst other things.

    Lastly, can we use the Touchstone CBD oil trans-dermally? If so, how would we use it?

    Thanks so much Karen!


    in reply to: Trienza and CoQ10 #237740

    Hi Karen,

    Thank you so much for confirming the inner lining for Serenity foods. The Quinton vials I got were for the Isotonic version. I have reduced his serving amount to 1/8 vial and that seems to be working ok. I will try to increase it slowly after a week or two and see what happens. I will keep you posted if he has any other symptoms again once I increase.

    I bought the digestive enzymes and he is now eating a few more solid foods which I am happy about. I give him organic pasture raised eggs with ground turkey and occasionally add in organic chicken livers for iron and include avocados. He has been eating that egg scramble for the last week, although he won’t take it from a fork/spoon, so I have to use my hands and feed it to him, which I will take for now, its definitely better than his screaming tantrums he use to have at the sight of any new foods. So that is definitely a gain.

    I also received the Dr. Ohhiras probiotics (professional formula), but I am having difficulty opening it up and putting it in his food. When I try to open it to squeeze out contents it doesn’t open very well and some of the contents get on my hands, but there is not enough in it to try to squeeze it out. I wasted around 4 capsules trying to squeeze contents out and still didn’t really get anything from it. Has anyone else had this issue and is there an alternative to getting the contents out? Can I leave it to melt away in pure water for a few hours? I did notice it had “streptococcus thermophilus” – is that ok to take long term? Can it cause other strep to develop in the gut – example Group Beta Strep etc..? Also, the carrageenan, caramel color and fermented soy – are those ok long term as well?

    My son also had extremely low lithium – all the way to the left in red on his hair metals and minerals analysis, can I substitute with Lithium on this program? I have purchased the Brainchild Nutritionals liquid brand:

    Is that brand ok to use on the program and should I take it several hours away from the PB regular or extra zeolite?

    Thanks so much Karen

    in reply to: Trienza and CoQ10 #237566

    Hi Karen,

    Thank you so much for your response. I will be looking at the Gut healing diet pdf and recommended foods, as well as continue with all the products I am using now and include elixirs once finished. Quick question about the elixirs – is there any 3rd party testing done on the elixirs similar to the Bionexus herbs? I was trying to find that info on the website but was unable to find it.

    Also, I have found that each time I give 1/4 vial of the quinton minerals, my son has pretty bad unexplained tantrums all day. Is that normal? Should that be happening with the Quinton minerals? My other question is at what time of the day should I give the Pure Body Regular zeolite? Does it matter if its taken at the same time as other vitamins and minerals? Do I need to space it out? Also, when taking the pure body extra is it taken at the same time as pure body regular or does it have to be taken away from other vitamins/minerals or foods?

    During detoxing, my son’s lymph nodes in the back of his neck and behind his ears will get inflamed at times. I first saw this last year after he would get a mosquito bite, mostly the bites would be at the back of his neck or in his head. What could I do to prevent/alleviate that during detoxing and is this normal or something I should be concerned about, since inflamed lymph nodes, I thought meant your body is fighting an infection in that area, which would be a very scary thought. My son has also developed a habit of eating odd things, like chalk, paper, his chalkboard eraser. Is there a reason he is doing this and is there anything I can do to stop this habit?

    Thank you for the recommendation of Serenity foods. I used to give some organic pouch foods to my son but had stopped when I realized he tested high for antimony and aluminum, as I was not sure if he was being exposed from the inner lining of some of the food pouches I would give him. Any insight on that as a point of exposure?

    Thanks so much!

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