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Oly K.O

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  • in reply to: Question #233196
    Oly K.O

    Thanks for your response. no he doesn’t have any cardiac issue at all. in fact he is a very healthy child and happy except for his condition especially in area language delay, which has made us to be different protocol/intervention and supplements.
    Anyway HRV testing was founded by dr Kuchera. he’s not based in the UK but travel here quarterly to see his clients, and he works closely with Sheryl Dixon here in the UK to look into mitochondria support especially in autism. The test helps to know the body function and how power is transmitted in the cells. moving towards the green zone shows that it is starting to work effectively so that other intervention could yield better result. it helps to figure out the level and functionality of Mitochondria within the body. you may look more into this to have a clearer understanding of how the testing helps to unravel the underlying issues within the body.

    Regarding my son, He may be detoxing but no symptoms has been noticed. i recently contacted Robert regarding his current dosage, he says he is on the right dosage for now should keep on until the reading changes to increase, then we can start increasing to reach maximum dosage. so i’m still confused why power is low.

    just to let you know that i’ve got all the recommended elixirs, zeolite and the extra strength, also chlorella powder using the link you provided. i also got the isotonic, restore, magnesium, cistus tea, and the minerals and some others you recommend. i’ve got the herbal as well, i’ve introduced the mold nasal spray and waiting in between to introduce pans tier one. However, since we started your protocol, i’ve not noticed any heightened symptoms he’s not really reacted negatively to anything yet as i’ve been following Roberts guidelines and continued to do pendulum testing to get more confident at reading. i’ve been giving the zeolite but sometimes the the reading is showing no. the chlorella mostly get a no reading so i only give when the pendulum shows yes. the activated charcoal has never tested yes since i bought it. i’m thinking may be because his body doesn’t need it yet. i also have the extra strength Zeolite which has not been opened yet.

    I asked about the Roberts zeolite, because i thought maybe it will be enough as a binder. i still have the touchstone brand that i’m using but i want to know once it finishes, if i can switch to Roberts so that i don’t have to be giving lots of different binders and focus on one that could likely do the job. At the moment, He is taking too much supplements and i’m looking for a way to streamline it if possible. i found that as i kept following the steps in your protocol, the number of supplements he takes keeps increasing and sometimes difficult to keep up and yet there are still more on the list buy. pls is there a way to compress this? its always a struggle as we have to put too many supplements before food, prepare his meal and also give the with/after food supplements. so many to be mixed up at different times.

    Pls your advice is much needed.


    in reply to: Macro mineral/ guidance on elixirs #232792
    Oly K.O


    in reply to: spacing supplements and elixirs #232703
    Oly K.O

    Hello, I’ve not asked any similar question before. i’ve only asked few questions since i joined the programme, which i do only when i need further clarification. since I’m new here, I’m only trying to learn how to navigate things and realised i posted this question under someone else’s with different topic. that is why i tried to start a new topic and reposted, since i could not find it on the knowledge base.

    Anyway for clarity i just want to ask, is there a supplement/elixirs that can help to break down food (just like digestive enzyme) and can be given anytime? that’s why i was asking if ion gut- restore can do something similar. i’m asking now because this answer is not well captured.

    in reply to: Important Elixirs/supplements in UK #232689
    Oly K.O

    ive just recently started giving elixirs, which i was advised to keep away from any other supplements. my son also takes Houston enzymes from the previous which i was advised to give 30 minutes before food for efficacy. also he’s been taking aloe vera, probiotic and Oxy-Powder early in the morning before food and at night times before bed. now i just watched the video on ion gut (restore) which I’m planning to order this week and i also found that it should be taken away from enzymes.most of these supplements require spacing from each other which was ok during lock down. however I’m worried now that school is about to resume, and there wouldn’t be enough time to wait before administering the next supplements, in this case pls what do you suggest?
    secondly, I’m currently giving my son Houston digestive enzymes before meal, however school is resuming next week and they will not allow anything in unless an NHS prescribed medication, which means he will not be having any enzymes at dinner time while in school. also due to his age (13) he could take some snacks/food when I’m not with him without having digestive enzyme which is giving me concern on enzyme and thinking of alternative. my question is since digestive enzymes is only efficient before/with meals is it ok to replace it with just restore as i thought from what i read about ion gut it could also help do something similar to digestive enzymes and can be given anytime instead of just around the food. i’m just want something more practical to avoid being overwhelme and discouraged due to too many things to administer and spacing out.
    thirdly,i was looking at the baikalin powder, (although i don’t know what it does) but when i clicked on the link, the ingredients shows organic whey protein made from cow’s milk. my question is does this not compromise the casein free diet? my son has been on shop bought coconut milk since we’ve been doing gf/cf/sf diet.i just want to know if its ok regardless. could pls shed more light on this.

    in reply to: Important Elixirs/supplements in UK #232688
    Oly K.O


    ive just recently started giving elixirs, which i was advised to keep away from any other supplements. my son also takes Houston enzymes from the previous which i was advised to give 30 minutes before food for efficacy. also he’s been taking aloe vera, probiotic and Oxy-Powder early in the morning before food and at night times before bed. now i just watched the video on ion gut (restore) which I’m planning to order this week and i also found that it should be taken away from enzymes.most of these supplements require spacing from each other which was ok during lock down. however I’m worried now that school is about to resume, and there wouldn’t be enough time to wait before administering the next supplements, in this case pls what do you suggest?

    secondly, I’m currently giving my son Houston digestive enzymes before meal, however school is resuming next week and they will not allow anything in unless an NHS prescribed medication, which means he will not be having any enzymes at dinner time while in school. also due to his age (13) he could take some snacks/food when I’m not with him without having digestive enzyme which is giving me concern on enzyme and thinking of alternative. my question is since digestive enzymes is only efficient before/with meals is it ok to replace it with just restore as i thought from what i read about ion gut it could also help do something similar to digestive enzymes and can be given anytime instead of just around the food. i’m just want something more practical to avoid being overwhelme and discouraged due to too many things to administer and spacing out.

    thirdly,i was looking at the baikalin powder, (although i don’t know what it does) but when i clicked on the link, the ingredients shows organic whey protein made from cow’s milk. my question is does this not compromise the casein free diet? my son has been on shop bought coconut milk since we’ve been doing gf/cf/sf diet.i just want to know if its ok regardless. could pls shed more light on this.


    in reply to: Quinton Isotonic #232667
    Oly K.O

    i recently joined the programme.when i contacted Robert, he prescribed long list of elixir and based on your advice i’ve placed an order for the once i can afford for now but its yet to arrive. obviously this is because its an international order. pls since you are constantly having members from UK, is there a possibility of having one trusted person with similar products or if Robert can work in conjunction with some people around Europe to help us families to access these products without too much wait and draining our resources. i’ve found that after paying so much for long lists of Elixirs, i paid for huge shipping cost and on top of that still custom fees will be paid. These could discourage families from moving things forward to and hinder progress or possibly recovery. it would be good if this can be looked into. since i enrolled on the course i’ve not stared anything yet as I’m waiting for most of the products to arrive. I’m hoping that the elixirs will arrive this weekend.

    Secondly, i’ve read about your advice regarding muscle testing and i’ve been practicing the muscle it. however I’m not sure if I’m getting it right as it always looks like I’m manipulating things and I’m not sure if I’m getting the right reading.pls is there a way to let us know the actual dosage to give based on the child weight/height and age just asking to ensure its done more accurately.

    third, sorry for my long post, just that my son is 13yrs now, and i’ve been on this journey for sometime and with very little progress. since i don’t want to give up yet, i want to ensure that I’m doing this methodically to achieve the best outcome. the
    elixirs supplements i order are:
    toxin elimination, candxpel, liver detox pathways, neurotransmitter optimisation, vitamin d activator, memory recovery and parasite elixir.

    i’ve also ordered the pure body extra strength and pure body drops zeolite. activated charcoal, chlorella powder, cistus tea and quinton isotonic mineral. all these are the products that are likely to arrive today and over the weekend based on notification. my question is can all these new elixirs/ supplements and everything be given together at once.

    just to let you know i’ve stopped giving so many other supplements, but he is currently on mitochondria supplement- carnosine komplex from dr kuchera, this is prescribed after VHR testing. he also takes simple beginning multivitamin, carlson cod liver oil with omega 3 (vitamin A & d3) and digestive enzyme.
    Thank you i shall be waiting for your response.

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