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Gifty Forson

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  • in reply to: Worsened behavior #244197
    Gifty Forson

    Ok thanks karen, for the moment he takes the vagus elixir and BMWE … I ordered everything that Robert recommended but I haven’t received it yet,Now he butterflies his hands a lot and sometimes walks on his toes does that mean anything? I lowered the dosage of Bmwe to 1 drop and vagus elixir to 2.

    in reply to: Worsened behavior #244161
    Gifty Forson

    Hi karen!!!, I hope you are doing well.
    My son had other episodes of epilepsy and they increased the depakin, recently I talked to Mr. Robert I told him that I had stopped with detoxification for now and he agreed with the other he advised me
    Radiant Care
    vitamin D3
    Bio Ae Mulsion
    The Master Healing Elixir
    Well Being Elixir
    He advised me to stop with minerals, chlorella pectasol and glyphatic support because they detoxify.
    What do you think karen?
    Then I wanted to know I can after start the lyme and pans without doing the detox. ?
    Thanks again for the help

    in reply to: Worsened behavior #243484
    Gifty Forson

    okay thanks once again!
    i have decreased the BMWE and i’ve noticed some good changes, he has stopped laughing so i will always go slowly. and for the herbs i will wait for the right moment to start, i hope everything goes well.

    in reply to: Worsened behavior #243443
    Gifty Forson

    Hello Karen, my son had his seizures this morning 4 times in a row we are still at the hospital it very scary, please is it because i’ve started giving him the parasites??? i started with 1 drop for two days and today was 2 drops 1hr after his first seizure.

    in reply to: Worsened behavior #243442
    Gifty Forson

    I forgot to say that every time he has seizures they are while he sleeps can it mean something?

    in reply to: Worsened behavior #243441
    Gifty Forson

    Ok, he has been laughing for two weeks for no reason and is hyperactive and recently always clapping his hands …
    He takes minerals 1/2tps x 3! Times a day with D3 ,pectasol 1/8tps one a day, vagus elixir , sattuv, liver detox , parasites elixir has just started.
    Mr. Robert, he told me not to stop with BMWE because otherwise the candidate will come back ….
    I was thinking of reducing up to 1 drop, is that okay?
    and i didn’t started giving him PB and PB EXTRA

    in reply to: Worsened behavior #243433
    Gifty Forson

    Okay thanks alot Karen really appreciate.
    to understand better when he’s becoming so annoying what can i do? should i decrease the BMWE?
    i’ve started with the parasite elixir 2 days today 1 drop am and pm.
    before you told me my son needs vitamin b12 so i’ve ordered it but for the mean time can i introduce CF-s?

    in reply to: Worsened behavior #243388
    Gifty Forson

    thanks Karen, he celebrated his 4 year’s birthday last 2 weeks and for now i give him
    1 clorella morning, afternoon and evening
    Acid quick 3 drops in the morning
    Vagus 4 drops morning and evening
    BMWE 3 drops morning and evening
    Sattuv 4 drops morning and evening
    Vitamin D3 3 drops only in the morning
    Minerals he takes 1/2tsp 3 times a day
    COQ10 every 4 days
    Liver Detox 3 drops morning and evening
    and i just started with Pectasol 2 days ago i move slowly so i started with a 1/8tsp only in the morning
    i have the Parasite elixir, can i start with it or i should wait till i start with the actual drops for the Pectasol then continue with the Parasite Elixir? and i’ve got the PB Extra as well but i wanted to get the Pectasol so when i start there’s no need to stop…and below i have the carbohydrates which my son eat every day.
    well early in the morning i give him yoghurt made of  goat which has 125g before any elixir( 4 to 5 am)
    Nutritional values for 100g 
     Carbohydrates =13,1g And sugar 12,7g.

    in reply to: Worsened behavior #243382
    Gifty Forson

    Hello Karen
    thank you very much for your help,  but there’s something i wanted to ask you, i’ve noticed some changes in my son and i think it parasite that causes it but wanted to be sure, he behaves very strange and he looks very stupid, he has turned back to his old behaviour like hands in the mouth, saliva comes from the mouth and he laugh’s alot for no reason ..i’ve started with the BMWE and Mr Robert told me my son can eat about 40-60 % carbohydrates per day when i start with the BMWE which i’ve tried to understand how but still i don’t get it, please can you help me with the 40-60 carbohydrates per day?

    in reply to: Worsened behavior #243303
    Gifty Forson

    ok thank you so much karen !!

    in reply to: Worsened behavior #243272
    Gifty Forson

    ok thanks again Karen,
    my son’s attention is always on lights, is it also pans?

    in reply to: Worsened behavior #243245
    Gifty Forson

    hello karen,
    i’ve slowly started with clorella, mineral D3, vagus elixir CFs and COQ10, but i’ve noticed some changes that ever since my son had this epilepsy he hasn’t been normal again like how he used to be, he doesn’t listen he just does what comes to mind, and always his hands are in his mouth and distracted, he’s not being able to concentrate on anything even when i try to go hard on him like shouting. i don’t know what to do now.

    in reply to: Worsened behavior #243121
    Gifty Forson

    ok i’ve finally received the elixir, i just ordered the pectasol and i wish not to stop and restart everything again.
    is this Active Folate and Methyl B12 can help his condition? should i buy now? if yes, after what should i start with? just to know how i’m gonna move forward and please is what else can i do if he shows any symptoms of Depakin

    in reply to: Worsened behavior #243119
    Gifty Forson

    Hi karen, now I understand thank you!!!

    in reply to: Worsened behavior #243115
    Gifty Forson

    hi Karen, please i don’t understand the part where you said the Motor coordination issues are one side effect of Depakin and you’ll need to slowly titrate off of it with the help of a Qualified professional when you want him off of it..
    and thank you You always help me to understand things well

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