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Gifty Forson

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  • in reply to: CFs and vitamine D3 #243101
    Gifty Forson

    ok Karen thanks!
    to be sure is 1000 iu in ml is 10? should i give him x 3 times a day? on the vitamin it in ml

    in reply to: Worsened behavior #243070
    Gifty Forson

    ok thanks you!!!

    in reply to: Worsened behavior #243067
    Gifty Forson

    Hi Karen, I’m sorry if I ask you so many questions but I’m trying to understand as much as possible,
    I noticed that sometimes he trembles with his right hand for 2/4 seconds or stiffens.
    Today I took 1 spray of PB EXRA
    Chlorella 1 in the afternoon and in the evening, in the morning I can’t because he is very hungry and can’t make him wait 20 minutes before eating, and take CQ10 every 4 days.
    I would like to start with herbs for this I decided to start minerals and vitamin D3 and at Cf-s then it started with nasal spray, lyme and pans…
    My concern with Mr. Robert’s elixirs can I start after making pans and lyme parasites?
    Mr. Robert was so kind as to make me the list for my son.
    And also towards the evening he always laughs could he be candid?
    Everything was going well before epilepsy and now I feel lost.

    in reply to: Worsened behavior #243054
    Gifty Forson

    karen thank you so much!!!
    Your help means so much to me.

    in reply to: Worsened behavior #243049
    Gifty Forson

    please can i start giving my son the CF without the vitamins? cos i’ve ordered them and this moment i only give him clorella

    in reply to: Worsened behavior #243048
    Gifty Forson

    Hi Karen, yesterday my son had another episode of epilepsy and he’s unmanageable like before.
    he doesn’t stand still for a minute always agitated and he smiles a lot for no reason, before his episodes of the epilepsy he listen and sometimes does what he’s been told to do some little little things but these days he’s becoming so annoying he doesn’t listen and just do whatever comes in his mind, anything he picks from anywhere he tries to eat it.
    i started giving him clorella about two days now i don’t want to rush things so i will add the medicine one by one…
    please can you help me understand why he’s being so annoying?

    in reply to: Worsened behavior #243014
    Gifty Forson

    ok thank you so so much !!!!
    but what about the Depakin?
    is it possible to continue with elixir and depakin all together?

    in reply to: Worsened behavior #243012
    Gifty Forson

    hi karen
    i talked with Mr Robert about my son’s issue regards to the epilepsy and he told me 70% of the causes was because my son’s diet has no carbohydrates that why he recommended the BMWE.
    i just start with everything again but slowly and i’ve noticed he’s too much to handle, his attitude is annoying he keeps on crying craving for food and be shouting alot plus he’s got this repetitive behaviour.
    so i stopped again but i wanted to know with the BMWE elixir can my son eat carbohydrates like rice teff and miglio? and can the vagus elixir help stop the epilepsy to happen again? because on the 30th of this month he has an appointment and i want to tell the doc to stop giving him the depakin.

    in reply to: Worsened behavior #242934
    Gifty Forson

    hello Karen,
    one more thing… i’ve ordered the minerals, the vitamin D3, the vagus elixir, the BMWE and the CF-S for my son but i wanted to know if it possible to use in any moment or after i’ve started with the pans and lyme?

    in reply to: Worsened behavior #242924
    Gifty Forson

    ok thank you so much Karen!!!

    in reply to: Worsened behavior #242919
    Gifty Forson

    okay thanks again Karen,
    i spoke with Mr Robert about what happened to my son and also told him the kind of diet my son is on and he told me to replace the candxpel with BMWE and he even said the vagus nerve signaling is excellent.
    as i stopped everything during my son’s episodes of epilepsy, i’d want to start with everything again so i wanted to ask if it possible to start straight with the herbs or i should still remain on the elixir?
    the hospital also wants to do MRI under anesthesias but i’m not convinced to let them do, is it going to cause any problem?

    in reply to: Worsened behavior #242892
    Gifty Forson

    He always cries and is always hungry.
    For the moment I’ve stopped everything for 3 days. Is there anything I can give him?

    in reply to: Worsened behavior #242891
    Gifty Forson

    Do I suspend Depakin?

    in reply to: Worsened behavior #242889
    Gifty Forson

    It always makes noise with its teeth … can parasites cause this? If so, what can I do? I wanted to suspend the Depakin.

    in reply to: Worsened behavior #242888
    Gifty Forson

    OK, thanks Karen, what should I do now? Do I suspend everything? To avoid it happening again, what should I do? I gave him 2 the second sachet of DEPAKIN i the evening and he’s crying a lot. please help me

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