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Gifty Forson

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  • in reply to: Worsened behavior #242882
    Gifty Forson

    Hi karen, now we are in the hospital and they want to give him a medicine called DEPAKIN for anti epilepsy. with this drug can I do pans and lyme?

    in reply to: Worsened behavior #242881
    Gifty Forson

    Vitamin d3 has been gone for 2 weeks and quinton for 1 week.

    He’s very very hungry, I gave him almond meat but he’s always hungry… and he always makes noise with his teeth… I hope you can help me understand what happened

    in reply to: Worsened behavior #242880
    Gifty Forson

    Hi Karen, everything was going well

    This afternoon at 1 pm my son he was resting and he got stiff and didn’t answer when I called him for a lot of time

    Can you please tell me what I did wrong or what is happening to my baby?

    Did I do something wrong?

    Do I have to decrease something?

    1 PB EXTRA

    1 chlorella morning, afternoon and evening

    3 drops of elixir parasites

    3 drops elixir well being

    3 drops liver detox

    3 drops of candXpel

    3 drops of ghypatc support

    3 drops of sattuv

    All this morning and evening.

    Take the minerals. 20 minutes before the meal.

    Please Karen help me understand.

    in reply to: Worsened behavior #242864
    Gifty Forson

    okay Karen thanks ,right now i only give him 3/4 eggs a day, i followed the in order what Mr Robert told me and the candxpel is the last so i wanted to start with the herbs what wanted to know which to start with
    should i start with lyme 1 and to pans or lyme 1 and 2 after then i start with pans? and one more thing, my son always taps his ears with his hands is that a problem?

    in reply to: Worsened behavior #242855
    Gifty Forson

    hello karen, please there’s something i wanted to ask you, my son likes fried organic eggs alot so i give him 2 fried eggs in the morning
    2 in the afternoon and 2 in the evening because im still waiting for the cassava flour so i can do some pastries for him as a snack so i wanted to know if the amount of eggs he’s eating a day isn’t a problem .

    in reply to: Worsened behavior #242792
    Gifty Forson

    hello karen, the nutritionist recommended these two cereal called Teff and Miglio to replace the rice for my sons diet at school so he can have something to eat, so i wanted to know if those two cereal are good for my son…
    and i’m also following the order Mr Robert gave me and i’ve reach with the candida i started with 1 drop 2 days ago but he’s very agitated so i’m going slow, and i also wanted to know if the almonds is still good now that i have started the candXpel

    in reply to: Worsened behavior #242691
    Gifty Forson

    hi. karen ,thanks for your help i appreciate, like i said i’m going slowly with my son.
    apart from the children’s swing that he’s afraid of…everything is going on well the die off symptoms has been decreased. 2 days ago i did the  enema with small amount of garlic and it went well.
    i’ve noticed that when i give him the pbextra he tries to talk but something that makes no sense
    do you know how i can help him talk?
    i’m still trying the muscle test but i’m not good at it…

    in reply to: Worsened behavior #242680
    Gifty Forson

    hi karen, i wanted to use enema with my son for the parasites,but also wanted to know if garlic is too much…cos he started putting his hands in the mouth recently

    in reply to: Worsened behavior #242651
    Gifty Forson

    ok,thanks karen!!!

    in reply to: Worsened behavior #242649
    Gifty Forson

    ok karen, i think is PANS because apart of that everything is going well… what should i do now?

    in reply to: Worsened behavior #242647
    Gifty Forson

    hi karen, son is now afraid of the children’s swing but before he used to like it…is it a problem? he’s really scared

    in reply to: Worsened behavior #242641
    Gifty Forson

    okay thank you very much i really appreciate it.

    in reply to: Worsened behavior #242639
    Gifty Forson

    please is there any other heavy food i can let him eat? and also wanted to know the quantity of almonds he can eat per day? i fry 4 eggs for him for breakfast everyday i don’t want to esagerate the quantity.

    in reply to: Worsened behavior #242636
    Gifty Forson

    hello karen, right now my son doesn’t have diarrhea and fever anymore.
    the only problem is he cries alot and he always has his hands in his mouth.
    Mr Robert was very nice to me for helping me with the elixir he listed everything in order for me.
    1. sattuv
    2. amino acid quick
    4. liver detox
    5. glyphatic
    6. well elixir
    7. parasite
    8. candXpel
    he also gave me all the guides
    iv started already and im on the 4 one which is liver detox together with the spectrum mineral, quinton, vitamin D3 and CQ10
    now i want to know when i can start with the herbs and which one? and all said, my son is always hungry he wants to eat each time he sees food…please is there any other heavy food i can let him eat? and also wanted to know the quantity of almonds he can eat per day?

    in reply to: Worsened behavior #242594
    Gifty Forson

    hello karen, my son had a fever for 2/3 days it gone and now has diarrhea, is there anything i can do to help him?

Viewing 15 posts - 46 through 60 (of 82 total)