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Ranjita Patel

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  • in reply to: How to start supplements #230285
    Ranjita Patel

    I stopped all elixirs since 14 days from today. Yesterday my son shows very weird behavior. He could not able to uplift his eyes and look at me. He was trying to look but he couldn’t. What’s should be going on. Please suggest. I do not have courage to still test for dosages and give him something by mouth. He never had these behaviors
    How I get away of these and calm him down again



    in reply to: Regressing #230171
    Ranjita Patel

    I am trying to recall what triggered these behaviors. And also emailed Robert to see if any dosages change. I will read about PANDAs/ strep flare up as well

    If this behaviors in and out frequently then how we track and manage dosages? If we stop hypothetically say one week do these behaviors tends to disappear or reduced possible.

    Besides robert reading of toxin eliminator and restful sleep and sensory overload do you recommend any at this time.

    Thank you

    in reply to: How to start supplements #229594
    Ranjita Patel

    Today is he complaining about stomach pain and scrambling. His voice is cracking. I don’t know what it could be?
    Does it elixirs reactions??
    Any help please.


    in reply to: How to start supplements #229592
    Ranjita Patel

    Any suggestions on probiotics at this time??

    in reply to: How to start supplements #229588
    Ranjita Patel

    I bought d3 2000iu and I started with 2 drops with water. Yesterday I skip all elixirs he is taking
    I will do pendulum testing again today and check.

    Any probiotics to add at this time??
    Thank you

    in reply to: How to start supplements #229562
    Ranjita Patel

    Thank you so much
    Its helpful when we in bad situations with special needs as they can’t explain much.
    So is vitamin de 2000iu ok?? For kids??
    He is 7.5.
    I am going to buy from whole food.

    Thank you again for links I will check for natural supplement for cough
    Thank you

    in reply to: How to start supplements #229553
    Ranjita Patel

    Thank you for responding.
    After I messaged, I took him to his pediatrician . He said he has lung conjuction, didn’t test for flu yet. Said fever may go up and down. Prescribe us compound of albuterol and robitussin syrup. I gave to pharmacist today. So any suggestions on it.

    Second question, is glutathione supplements help to detoxify??
    But he already getting toxin eliminator about 2 drop at this point.
    How vitamin D3 helps to him at this time?
    I didn’t give tylenol since last 24 hrs. But his body temperature around between 99 and 100 today. He has dry coughing almost whole day. Looks it hearting his throat which he unable to tell.
    Last question with muscle testing, can I take elixirs and doctor prescribed medications together??
    Or should I separate them at all.
    Sorry, but I never go natural supplements, so it’s hard for me to understand.
    But I am trying to figure out how I give him relax from his lung conjunction and same time control of fever without pediatrician prescription if I need to.

    Is it ok if I buy vitamin de from whole food markets??
    Please help.his body I’d very loose.he is not eating food well at this time. So any energy drink at this time??


    in reply to: How to start supplements #229541
    Ranjita Patel


    I little scared this time as he is having fever and dry and dry coughing since yesterday. Is this the effects of sensory overload 7 drops and toxin eliminator 2 drops??
    If I am giving brompheniramine 3.75ml and tylenol 10ml. Do this all interferes with each other? How should I take judgement?
    Should I stop elixirs until he recovers from coughing and fever???
    It’s an urgency please advise

    Thank you

    in reply to: How to start supplements #229467
    Ranjita Patel

    Need also suggestions for pendulum testing because many time it answers no so should I stop supplements for that day and do test again next day??
    In this case hard to test his behavior as well if we start and stop elixirs.


    Thank you

    in reply to: How to start supplements #229466
    Ranjita Patel

    This is in continuation, as I got technical cutoff.
    So how would I determine his hand flapping or stimming against sensory overload he is taking now??
    I want to make sure I am not feeding unwanted supplies. This happened as yesterday he felt very dizzy and I was terribly scared. At this time I am unable to supply him day time I give him around 8pm
    Should I work for timing?? Does once a day be ok??
    Should it be twice?
    You have shared I can add Melatonin with restful sleep. Can you suggest how we mix and match??
    Does he needs other supplements like probiotics or any minerals at this point?
    Need help.

    Thank you

    Please advice

    in reply to: How to start supplements #229465
    Ranjita Patel

    On August 1st I started with 2 drops of sensory overload then after 3 days added in 2 drops of restful sleep. I am gradually increasing after 2to3 days dosages. Today August 12th I am with 7 drop of sensory and 7 drop restful sleep. My son is 7.5 years.i see little changes in beginning but then it then becomes neutral. I don’t write everyday or watch him each moment as I work from6 to 6. Again I am also change his diet to give almond milk but sometimes he does regular. I change using gluten free dough for pizza and using gee free mozzarella cheese and pasty puff from whole food.
    I am picking some random organic gluten free foods foods for his diet. He doesn’t like it though. It’s hard to work everyday with diet as they kid.
    So my question do this remedies work with partial diet also its necessary need full no gluten sugar or casein?
    How do I watch his behavior changes since I need to see dosages?? Should I start with toxin eliminator?

    in reply to: How to start supplements #5078
    Ranjita Patel

    This helps.
    As a overwhelming mom, I see you with my journey of recovering autism.
    I replace his whole milk added sugar and bournvita with organic vanilla chocolate almond milk. Which he drinks 2 or 3 days when I home other days he denies or doesn’t drink or drinks regularly. He starves for pizza so I replace restaurant with homemade organic gluten free pizza flour, organic pizza sauce from whole food but still using regular mozzarella cheese.what can we use to replace? Do you have idea for dairy free pizza cheese.
    I bought goat cheese however he didn’t like and it also has casein. He also loves baked puff with. potatoes Stuffing . Do you have idea of gluten free pastry puff? He still eats bakeries ( indian wheat bread)about 3 to 4 a day in afternoon. which I replace with millet flour bread in dinner.
    How can I keep him away from ice cream and cupcakes?
    I am starting elixirs from today and keep you posted
    With respect to Melatonin, I already ordered rest full sleep from Robert so can I start with it.
    Can these elixirs be given in water or juice if kids don’t take.??

    Thank you very much

    in reply to: How to start supplements #5074
    Ranjita Patel

    I asked you in email because forum was not responding.
    Let me ask again.
    I got first supply from robert elixirs.
    I was not able to fully put my child on sugar, gluten and dairy free diet yet. I start him giving organics, gluten dairy and sugar free but not 100%.
    Still can I start giving him elixirs one at a time ad explained in video.

    Please advise.

    I get restful sleep, toxin eliminator, sensory overload and candaplex,
    Do I need to add supplements or probiotics with these elixirs??

    Thank you

    in reply to: How to start supplements #5026
    Ranjita Patel

    Thank you

    I also asked question for my child sleep issue on July 17th.

    in reply to: How to start supplements #5016
    Ranjita Patel

    Also, I am trying to understand differences between elixirs, supplements and binders??
    What to start with first?
    Please advise.

    Thank you

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