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Rose Doan

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  • in reply to: Snacks on plane for travel #238919
    Rose Doan

    Oh ok, thanks Karen. I will make sure to minimize the amount. Thanks for all your suggestions 😊

    in reply to: Snacks on plane for travel #238917
    Rose Doan

    Thanks Karen
    I also have some stevia sweetened chocolate chocolate chip, the kind used in baking.

    These are the ingredients:
    Unsweetened chocolate, erythritol, chicory root fiber, sunflower lechiten, vanilla extract and stevia extract

    Is the sunflower lechiten and Erythritol not good for our kids?

    in reply to: Chocolate or cacao, is coconut sugar ok? #238843
    Rose Doan

    I should clarify that the Chocolate bar that I saw had organic Cacao beans, organic coconut sugar and organic cocoa butter….85% chocolate…is this ok?

    in reply to: Die off? #238806
    Rose Doan

    Thanks Karen

    So you recommend starting Formula 6a from BioNexus now?

    So been taking parasite elxir now for 1 week 2 drops 2x daily. Should I stay on the elixir for 1 month before jumping into the 5A formula? I will start the Mega Minerals tomorrow then eventually Oxy e silica and Vit A.

    It seems like hia primary behaviors are sleep issues and mouthing. Did see black specs in stool.

    Thanks for the info on the Full moon Feb 16. I will put that into my calendar

    in reply to: Die off? #238801
    Rose Doan

    Thanks Karen. Ok, I did went ahead and ordered Robert’s Neurotransmitter optimization and the toxin Eliminator binder for additional support during detox.
    I also am giving him 3 chlorella tablets daily.

    So his stools have been very runny for several weeks, even before your program. Is this a good thing as he is flushing out toxins. Some days its 2x a day. As you suggested i hide 1 tsp of cauliflower rice mixed into his white rice until filly incorporated.

    in reply to: Parasitic Elixir vs BioNexus 6a/6b product #238739
    Rose Doan

    Thank you Karen, thank you for explaining.

    I am sorry if this repetitve question regarding chlorella. But when I search in the Forum “chlorella” Or any other subject for that matter, I can only see the questions that members ask, but I do not see your responses to them. Nor can I go to the next page to see more questions. Every time I press “2” or “3” to move forward to the next page, I get a blank screen? I suppose that is a Technical quetion for Liz?

    I printed out the supplements page regarding the Chlorella is states to add intermittently. Does thie mean:
    Continue with PB Zeolite reg and ADD chlorella tablet for a few days then Stop.Then the following week add Chlorella again for a few days then stop. Repeat this weekly?

    Also regarding dosage. My son is 2.5.
    Directions says give as many tablets as the patient’s age. So I give him 2 tabs and pulverize it with a mortar & pestle and mix put into juice. He takes this just fine!

    I have tried so many things before finding your mAsterclass that I want to make sure I understand things as I should. So far, no fdie offs. He is pn PB zeolite 2 drops every 2 hrs and parasite elixir 2x per day. Awaiting my Mega minerals.

    Also, foe dosage of PB zeolite reg, I could keep increasing in dosage correct? As much as muscle testing I can, whether that be 2 drop every 2hrs or as high as 20? Is there a “cap” for how much I can give? Or are we all relient on muscle testing to get our answers on how high we can go up to in regards to any supplements on your page, if otherwise not specified?

    in reply to: Water purifier and Quinton #238715
    Rose Doan

    Great idea Karen! Thank you! I eat cauliflower rice myself so I am a fan but will slowly start to Incorporate a little this at a time mixed in with his rice.

    in reply to: Water purifier and Quinton #238713
    Rose Doan

    Hi Karen

    So if I get the Aquatru i can add the Quinton 1 ampule unto that daily.

    Also in regards to candida induced Hypoglycemia I have ordered the Keto bars you suggested from

    Because I am eliminating sugar my son thinks its a” treat”. I just gave him a piece to see if he would it eat. he likes it so far. Does this feed Candida since it is sweet or parasites for that matter? My question is I don’t want him to get the idea that every time he wakes up at 3 AM he will get this treat?
    If and should he wake up at 3 AM can I just push through with it and not give him anything? Obviously the end goal is for him to sleep through the night.

    Also, he loves white rice, he eats this woth hia protein meals 2-3x daily. Candida hates protein and the only way I can get him to eat pork or chicken is a bowl of steam white rice is serves with it. I understand the arsenic levels of it too. Is this ok for now? He eats those 2 protein and rice and eliminating this carb will cause him probably not to eat anything else

    in reply to: Water purifier and Quinton #238710
    Rose Doan

    Hi Karen,
    . Ever since hes been taking the one drop every 2 hours of the zealite regular his bowels are on Softly formed, it gets squished in the diaper so I don’t know if it’s runny. Nothing has worked in the past for bowel regularity so its been one thing checked off my list? Now he is doing OK with 1 drop every 2 hrs, do you think I can go for 2 drops every 2 hrs (will muscle test but I am in the learning stages)

    Ok so Just the Quinton and Robert suggest Mega Minerals will be sufficient for now?
    Possible in the future I can purchase the AquaTru when his minerals have stabilize a bit?

    in reply to: Water purifier and Quinton #238709
    Rose Doan

    Hi Karen,
    . Ever since hes been taking the one drop every 2 hours of the zealite regular his bowels are on Softly formed, it gets squished in the diaper so I don’t know if it’s runny. Nothing has worked in the past for bowel regularity so its been one thing checked off my list? Now he is doing OK with 1 drop every 2 hrs, do you think I can go for 2 drops every 2 hrs (will muscle test but I am in the learning stages)

    Ok so Just the Quinton and Robert suggest Mega Minerals will be sufficient for now?
    Possible in the future I can purchase the AquaTru when his minerals have stabilize a bit?

    in reply to: Comparable BioRay products and other questions #238689
    Rose Doan

    Hi Karen,

    Happy to hear that him waking uo at 3am could be die off symptoms and the liver regenerating. So I will keep him on thr Zeolite regular ( giving him 1 drop every few hrs while awake). When he is stable with this for a gew a days then add Mega Minerals( this was 2nd in line from Robert’s readings).just claryfying that zeolite regular helps with die off of bacteria and should I add the a binder or chorella?

    I will continue with cbd oil. I Could myscle test to add in a drop of the Sleep elixir? I think maybe this could help with his sleep now?

    I know this is a slow process and reminding myself to be slow and steady
    Also, do you have any thought on cold laser for Symptom relief?

    Thanks again

    in reply to: Regular zeolite #238681
    Rose Doan

    Thanks Karen, he took the zeolite without issues. It helped alot that it tastes like water! Win win 😀

    in reply to: Seriphos, Trienza, constipation pdf link #238636
    Rose Doan

    Thank you Karen. You are an abundant resource:) Thank you for sharing your journey

    in reply to: Newbie here! #238576
    Rose Doan

    Thank you Karen for your thoroughness.

    Ok, so I have ordered from the Chiropractor the supplements hw recommended which are:
    Loving Energy, LIver Life, cyto Flora,
    NDFF plus and Seeking Health NAC.
    HOWEVER, i plan to set these aside and completely do your line of recommendation. So I had already purchased the supplements from the Chiropractor prior to signing up in the Masterclass, so I have not started anything yet.

    I received Robert’s recommendations. For now I am to start the zeolite regular and Mega Minerals.
    Also he did list Sleep elixir and Sattuv to start 2 week later.

    He also believes my son is suffering from Parasite and Candida. He suggested a snack in the middle of the night as Candida takes away the energy or glucose the brain needs to function hence my son awakens when this happens. He says I can give him protein bars. Do you recommend any?

    Thank you for your podcast about COQ10.
    So for the COQ10, I understand the elixir is better in regards to bioavailability, how is the taste? I often have to hide anything, for now in a little lemonade, transitioning to a suagr free diet.



    in reply to: Newbie here! #238549
    Rose Doan

    Also tried oedering CoQ 10 but upon reading further it looks like its for Children 5yed a d above?? My son will be 3 in May.

    I tried ordering sleep elixir and stress reducer from gethealthy website but It looks like there isnt a link to put discount code “Rose15”?

Viewing 15 posts - 16 through 30 (of 30 total)