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Sandra Rogers

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  • in reply to: Camel Milk #230392
    Sandra Rogers

    I am working with a naturopath. She is getting copies of my bloodwork on my thyroid I just had done. My PCP is trying to scare me into having a biopsy for cancer but I don’t want to do that if not necessary, they are so pushy with trying to remove the thyroid and it so hard to know who to trust. I totally know I have an issue from the pain my throat is in and the weight loss and they saw a nodule but I have had these nodules sine 2014 that I am aware of, not sure if they grew or not trying to find that out from the last ultrasound i had a few weeks ago. What is your take on biopsies? Do I do it, do I wait and treat it naturally?

    in reply to: Camel Milk #230381
    Sandra Rogers

    Hi Karen~ I just finally found out today that I have elevated antibodies, so you were right, I have a thyroid issue which makes sense with the Iodine issue. Now I have to figure out what to do to treat it. Ever since I had IV Contrast with Iodine I have had kidney pain, so I am not sure how to do allergy elimination, the very thought is scary to me.

    in reply to: Camel Milk #229755
    Sandra Rogers

    Hi Karen,

    Is there another probiotic I can take specifically for the mouth? Dr. Ohira’s has seaweed which has Iodine and I am allergic. I need one without fruit and no Iodine. I cannot get this geographic tongue to heal. I have tried oil pulling, it hasn’t helped for this situation.

    in reply to: Elixirs #4861
    Sandra Rogers

    I am kind of confused on that though because I have used the oil on him and it does trigger a Grand Mal seizure so I avoid any oils that are advised to. How is that something that can be eliminated? I don’t understand how its safe to expose him to small doses of what he is allergic to. I cannot go thru him having another seizure 🙁

    in reply to: Antibiotics #4849
    Sandra Rogers

    Thank you so much Karen!

    in reply to: Grand Mal Seizures #4807
    Sandra Rogers

    Thank you very much Karen!

    in reply to: Oral Thrush #4806
    Sandra Rogers

    Thank you so much, I appreciate it!

    in reply to: Oral Thrush #4781
    Sandra Rogers

    Hi Karen~ That is the issue, I have been having swallowing issues for 4 months now so I can’t eat much. The only way I can be feeding the yeast is the two things I need to survive on. What can I eat that I can swallow that won’t feed the yeast. I don’t eat fruit, it swells my tongue. I just had a barium swallow test today and I am getting a endoscopy soon to see why I am having issues but in the meantime my tongue is on fire, 4 months of having yeast on my tongue that the dentist gave me is just getting to be to much to bare. I had asked Robert H what I could use for my tongue when I sent him a question about the elixirs and he said GSE but we aren’t sure if that will bother my tongue being its a fruit. I am patient about the process to kill it in my whole body but I need something to get it off my tongue really quickly.

    in reply to: Grand Mal Seizures #4760
    Sandra Rogers

    Thank you so much Karen for your response. I have reviewed all of this info. So do you recommend Tony Verzura’s products for CBD over anyone elses? I just want to make sure I am using the one that you recommend, that you know should help my son. Also with Keto, I know you have to watch how you do it or you can get Keto Flu and other issues, is there someone we can work with to make sure we are doing it correctly? Thanks so much

    in reply to: Oral Thrush #4613
    Sandra Rogers

    Hi Karen~ I have a question for you. I have been having swallowing problems since beginning of Feb since I put my new dentures in and that is what led to this downward spiral of oral thrush. I haven’t worn the dentures since. I am trying to fix this candida problem fast. I am not sure if its in my throat or if the swallowing problem is coming from something else altogether. 4 years ago I had issues with thymus tissue causing swallowing problems and pain in my throat, they did surgery and then it was better until this incident. I can barely eat anything so eating healthy is almost impossible. I am living off soup, baby food veggies and some eggs in coconut oil so they slide down. My throat is so dry like cotton all the time. My tongue is red and inflammed and hurts really bad. I am at my wits end I don’t know what to do. I can’t keep messing around with this. Will Bone broth kill the yeast at all? If its in my throat will it die there if it isn’t getting fed? I found out with what the naturopathc dr. gave me for the lyme I clearly cannot detox well so doing anything to fast or harsh to kill the candida is kinda out but I don’t have time to let it just sit there in my throat if that is what is causing my swallowing issues. Thought about having my dr. order a scope of my throat to see what is going on but hate the thought of going thru another huge expense if it shows nothing. Can you give me any advice.

    in reply to: Oral Thrush #4606
    Sandra Rogers

    Thank you so much Karen 🙂 Saw a Naturopathic Dr. and found out not only do I have candida, but I have Lyme Disease, Epstein Barr Virus, and still having an allergic reaction to Iodine I received in the ER last year in a contrast. Working on healing my body. Had no clue I had Lyme or Epstein Barr, there were no symptoms and I have been told the Lyme is severe. So thankful I went.

    in reply to: Acid Reflux #4564
    Sandra Rogers

    Hi Karen~ He cannot have seaweed, anything with iodine as we are both allergic. Hmm I don’t know if I can take the tincture either. I wish I could find someone who could figure how why my tongue is the way it is and how to heal it. I cannot even eat anything fruit or fruit related because of it. Really limits my diet.

    in reply to: Acid Reflux #4562
    Sandra Rogers

    HI Karen~ Is there a different probiotic you recommend other than Dr. Ohhiras that can soothe the esophagus? My son cannot have some of the ingredients that are in that one. Also I am just getting to watch your March Podcast now, and You are talking about the Cistus Tea. I want to be able to take that as well but I have a fissured tongue that is painful and cannot have tea as it makes it so much worse, do you have any suggestions how to heal a fissured tongue?

    in reply to: Acid Reflux #4559
    Sandra Rogers

    Thank you so much Karen, I appreciate you and all you do for us and our kids 🙂

    in reply to: Acid Reflux #4557
    Sandra Rogers

    I have tried HCL and he didn’t do well on it so I stopped. I was using the Dr. Ohhira’s probiotic but he can’t swallow it so he didn’t not like the taste of its contents. How safe is it to use the baking soda? I used it for myself a few days ago for my acid, i think it helped a little but I read the other day some guy’s stomach exploded from using it. Does it have to be done on an empty stomach because my son is gassy and bloated all the time so I don’t want to cause him more discomfort or possibly worse? Someone told me to drink celery juice, do you recommend this for acid and healing? Does Restore help with acid as well? Thank you

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