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Sandra Rogers

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  • in reply to: Premier HCL #4238
    Sandra Rogers

    Ok, sounds great! Thank you so much 🙂

    in reply to: Premier HCL #4236
    Sandra Rogers

    Other options meaning a different HCL?

    in reply to: Premier HCL #4233
    Sandra Rogers

    Hi Karen~ He started coughing like crazy a couple of hours after taking it in his water, can this burn his throat at all? Just praying I didn’t do something wrong. I have opened a supplement for myself before and it burned my throat that is why I am asking. Ok, I will give it to him before he eats next time. Thank you so much

    in reply to: Need help #4129
    Sandra Rogers

    Hi Karen~ So I went onto amazon to get the HCL and found out that any third party person is not allowed to sell on an e commerce site you have to get it directly from Premier Lab, trouble is they make a practioner contact them to set up an account its the only way to get this supplement. On their site it says that what is being sold on the other sites is half counterfeit. Now what do I do?? Just thought you’d like to know that so other members will know the dangers of buying from amazon, ebay or anywhere else.

    I have a hiatal hernia and acid reflux myself, have not found a chiro to fix mine yet, one made it worse unfortunately. Little scared to do that with my son.

    in reply to: Need help #4126
    Sandra Rogers

    Hi Karen~ Sorry I did not see the Chlorella you had listed, I must have missed it the first time I looked at the supplements. I found it now, thank you! I saw you had listed also about using HCL with Pepsin for acid reflux. My son’s reflux has been bad for 14 years now. Would you recommend I start this now too or wait till after we do the Chlorella and the Zeolites. I know we add one thing in at a time I am just wondering if this is one you’d recommend for me to have for him as nothing we do for him helps his acid much at all. Is there any negative things we can see with this?? Like I read adults know when to back off on the dose if it starts to burn. Thanks so much

    in reply to: Need help #4124
    Sandra Rogers

    Hi Karen~ Is any type of Chlorella ok? I will get that and the zeolites right away. Yes he never sweats. I sat in an infrared sauna with him, it got up to 120 degrees and he did not sweat at all. He has only ever sweat once in his entire 15 years. What type of minerals do I get in him? We do enemas everyday because he is so constipated. We tried colonics for quite a while and they did not seem to do anything. They never made him have a BM. How would an emotion code practioner figure out if he has a trapped emotion if he is nonverbal? Like I know I have some but not sure how that would work for him. Thank you so much for all your help. I appreciate it.

    in reply to: Ammonia like smell in Urine #3526
    Sandra Rogers

    Hi Karen~ I noticed the smell long before doing any kind of changes or supplements at all. I was just wondering if it was something serious or having to do with any major body organs. I googled it before I asked you and it said something about the liver so it scared me. I am stuck with my son, I can never get anywhere. I have him on thrive probiotic, houston enzymes, restore and I recently started CBD. He did ok for a few days now he is back to screaming and I can’t get his acid under control no matter what I do. He always no matter what we do seems to improve the first few days then its back to the same or worse. I always go slow to, I never get to more than one drop of restore and only one probiotic a day. I just feel like I am spinning my wheels always.

    in reply to: Zeolites #3224
    Sandra Rogers

    Do you only recommend using the extra strength spray and is this something we keep them on long term?

    in reply to: Getting Started – Diet, Stool & Recommended Elixirs #2587
    Sandra Rogers

    Hi Karen, I am trying to get the trienza enzymes, different sites have different colored labels. I think its the same product just wanted to be sure. One is white and blue and the other is blue and green.

    in reply to: Getting Started – Diet, Stool & Recommended Elixirs #2540
    Sandra Rogers

    Hi Karen~ So is it ok to cook his eggs in olive oil?

    I am going in the order of the program, but when I told you his issues you suggested to put him on Dr.Ohirra now and then the Just Thrive. So should I only do one of the probiotics? Muscle testing doesn’t tell me anything, I don’t get it. I have had my son on the toxin eliminator for 2 weeks now one drop a day. I checked the directory today for homeopaths and no one is even remotely close to where we live.

    in reply to: Getting Started – Diet, Stool & Recommended Elixirs #2530
    Sandra Rogers

    Hi Karen~ I have him on enzymes just not the trienza yet, I am doing my best to afford it all but its so hard when he needs so much. I just bought the Just Thrive probiotic last night. I gave him one yesterday and one today so far. I think he is detoxing from everything I am doing and he looks so sick, nothing seems to be having a good impact on his health and I am getting so frustrated and overwhelmed and just feel he is never going to handle anything I give him. This is always the case with him. Today he doesn’t even want to eat and all he wants to do is lay around. He is so gassy. He is choking on his own phlegm, do you know of a product that can help thin that out? Also you had mentioned not to give him avocados right now, I cook his eggs in coconut oil should I stop that as well for now? Thank you so much for your time and help

    in reply to: Getting Started – Diet, Stool & Recommended Elixirs #2464
    Sandra Rogers

    Hi Karen, I am doing the Toxin Eliminator one drop everyday because two was to much he was having a lot more stomach pain that normal. We have been on that one week today. I also started Dr. Ohhira’s probiotic tonight will be his 4th day on that. He is doing good with that, no side effects His throwing up from his acid is getting worse, it seems all I do is clean it up after he eats and its quickly after he eats that its happening. Any other suggestions. I am so stressed about this! His gut cannot handle any food. Right now the only thing I give him is eggs and avocado in the morning and for lunch and dinner burger and a veggie. His diet is so limited and its still not helping.

    in reply to: Getting Started – Diet, Stool & Recommended Elixirs #2431
    Sandra Rogers

    Thank you so much Karen, you made me feel like I can still do this and thank you for making me feel I am not alone because sometimes it sure feels like it when its 1 step forward and 2 steps back. This was what Robert recommended for my son.
    Toxin Elimination Elixir
    Memory Recovery Elixir
    Fatty Acid Transport Elixir
    PPA Reduction Elixir
    C and P Removal Elixir

    Out of these 7, C and P, Toxin Elimination and Fatty Acid Transport elixirs are the most important ones.

    I do not have a lot of money to buy even the top 3 he recommends at the moment. Do you think I should start with “the one” product you mentioned or wait and try to afford the 3 elixirs? Whatever I need to do I need to hurry and do it as my son’s acid reflux is so bad he throws up a majority of his meals.

    in reply to: Getting Started – Diet, Stool & Recommended Elixirs #2425
    Sandra Rogers

    Hi Karen~ Yes I just got the elixir readings from Robert. Was just reading up on them. I have been in the program for I think around 5 months but haven’t done to much as even with the restore my son doesn’t seem to do well, that is the huge issue with helping him is everything we try he has a negative reaction no matter how slow we go, I feel stuck.

    in reply to: Getting Started – Diet, Stool & Recommended Elixirs #2420
    Sandra Rogers

    Hi Karen, I just watched the interview you sent me about Mitochondrial disease. My son fits the description but when I pulled up his last lab results from a year ago he doesn’t. Is there a way I can send you his lab results? I know he is deficient in B12 and Vitamin K2, Im so lost I don’t know what to do

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