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Sarah Webb

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  • in reply to: Starter supplement confusion #240136
    Sarah Webb

    Karen, thank you for your response. I have now started my son on the PB regular zeolite as of 5 days ago and have only given him one drop per day. I’m still nervous about relying upon muscle testing but I think I have found the pendulum method most comfortable for me to use since my son won’t let me reliably muscle test him. My plan is to give him 1 drop of the PB regular in morning before all-day therapy, and then 2 drops in evening.

    I’ve done some reading on the spectrum support mineral ultra sensitive formula, and have seen the recommended dosages as well as dosage chart for when first starting. So to start it said 1/8 dose but I’m not sure how to exactly measure that out if full dose is 1 1/2 teaspoons for his weight? Also, my son has been taking a kids multi-vitamin transdermal for about 6 months or more. Do I stop this when starting the spectrum support? He’s also taking a natural daily allergy tablet called D-Hist Jr. by Springboard to help prevent upper respiratory infection. Is this okay to continue with all of these supplements and binders?

    Also, I have received my initial reading from Robert (even though I now know that comes later in the program) for my son and he suggested many elixirs but suggested to implement your basics first before starting. Since my son has amalgam fillings and I now have the PBXtra, should I implement that now along with PB regular, minerals, chlorella, and Vitamin D? I’m aware to only give a new supplement every couple days and to watch for behavior but I’m needing specifics for what’s best to start next. He’s currently dealing with anxiety and anger/aggression in the mornings before school.

    Last thing for now. What if my son gets sick from respiratory infections and needs antibiotics? We currently do not have private insurance but have medicaid. I’m not sure if a natural practitioner will treat him because of this or if we will have to pay out of pocket for services. What do you suggest for sickness when following this program? Sorry for all the many questions.


    in reply to: My son has amalgam or silver fillings #240073
    Sarah Webb

    Thank you so much for the response! We are located in Oklahoma City and I found a few biological dentists here in the city and one in Tulsa, OK. Is there a specific certification or experience I should be looking for? I know you mentioned the directory but some of them that popped up I’m not sure if they can treat pediatric patients or are experienced in unconscious sedation (which we need). Also, I already ordered the regular body zeolite, so should I order the extra zeolite and start at the same time?

    much appreciation,

    in reply to: I’m new and need some advice #239502
    Sarah Webb

    Thank you Karen! I did see the financial support section but I haven’t watched the videos yet.
    I will do some more reading on mold. My home was built nearly 2 1/2 years ago, so I don’t think it has mold but I could be wrong. Thank you for the water filter options, I will check them out.

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