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Sue Olsen

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  • in reply to: Herbs to help with hyperactive #234404
    Sue Olsen

    Sorry from the refrigerator

    in reply to: Herbs to help with hyperactive #234403
    Sue Olsen

    Okay, how detrimental is it if I had the nasal spray out for 4 days?? Will the PANS herbal also kill candida and other bacteria in his gut? We ran a 360 stool test and he has a type of bacteria in his gut along with yeast. No parasites showed up but I do see small black almost seeds looking thing once in a while in stools.

    in reply to: Herbs to help with hyperactive #234398
    Sue Olsen

    Hey hope your doing well Karen.

    So I administered the nasal spray close to five or 6 PM and he woke up again at 3 AM till 6 AM. That was his fourth day. He had significantly high markers on his urine mold test from Great Plains. So this is considered did off correct? Wow , he is also laughing at night:( I’m going to wait the full week before I start the pans protocol.

    in reply to: New to the program #234204
    Sue Olsen

    **^Jump in to this program!

    in reply to: New to the program #234203
    Sue Olsen

    Hey Jasmin
    Welcome and I’m also new to Karen’s program but not new to this game. I too started my journey when my son was 2.5-3 years old and have tested him with all testing Great Plains labs has to offer! Karen’s program will address EVERYTHING you are looking for that would cause ASD symptoms so put your money into this program instead. She addresses mitochondria, methylation and yeast and viruses. Everything you would find on these test include mold and heavy metals. Up until now PANS was never address for my son and that was never tested. All those years wasted, now my son is six and still nonverbal. Take it from me don’t waste your time and jumping to this program!

    in reply to: New to the program #234168
    Sue Olsen

    OK just got accepted to purchase mold and PANS supplement. So the nasal can be diffused at night in his room next to him? I read on a forum here that the parent did that. Also Robert did not suggest the toxin eliminator exilar should I still purchase?

    in reply to: New to the program #234167
    Sue Olsen

    Thank you.

    in reply to: New to the program #234161
    Sue Olsen

    He also has white bumps on cheeks and rash on bottom , will the first step help this? I have a lot of questions.

    in reply to: New to the program #234160
    Sue Olsen

    Just order mineral sea water and the chorella is a tablet does it dissolve easily? Also what is the difference between X clear nasal spray and Dr D formula?

    in reply to: New to the program #234157
    Sue Olsen

    Just listened to your video and my daughter has had a new onset of sensory issues with clothes and shoes and becomes very mad and throws tantrums when trying to put on long sleeves or pants or even shoes.and she is “typical “ but a picky eater. They both do have celiac disease.

    in reply to: New to the program #234156
    Sue Olsen

    I do want to mention he has never been tested for PANS but he fits the bill , but no OCD or anxiety just repetitive behavior , gain and loss of forming words and unable to write his own name, so no fine and limited motor skills , can push himself on a scooter but not navigate well, but cannot ride a bicycle, and potty training is still in progress. Non verbal, hyperactive.

    in reply to: New to the program #234153
    Sue Olsen

    Your so sweet thank you so much. I feel a sense of relief. I will follow that guide as I run out maybe cut out most supplements and go at your pace.
    I’m having a hard time with the macro mineral selection ? On the childbrain site I don’t see “macro mineral “ is it mega mineral??
    I got my sons reading from Robert and he suggested many but important by order ;

    Digestive Optimization Elixir
    Liver Detox Pathways Elixir
    Sensory Overload Elixir
    Fatty Acid Transport Elixir
    Parasite Elixir

    And saw your video about waiting on parasite and yeast . But I will follow your above recommendation! I know mold is huge for him.

    Thank you

    in reply to: New to the program #234147
    Sue Olsen

    Hello Karen
    I’m a new member to your program and I must say I’m excited . I’m seasoned and maybe know to much and that is VERY overwhelming. I’ve come here for peace and guidance. Although I’ve tried many protocols like Dr Amy and currently see a DAN doctor he still Stims, non verbal and isn’t potty trained at the age of 6. I have high hopes in your program because no one has ever address his PANS (which I think he has ) and we tested him for mold thru Great Plains lab and his markers were off the charts! But his doctor wasn’t impressed. He fits PANS and mold exposure and can’t wait to help him there.

    As far as binders we have tried a formula with chorella from the liver life brand and he didn’t do well , this was maybe at age 3. What do you think about the formula GI detox ?
    He also takes
    Vit c
    Vit d
    Coq 10
    Liver detox formula
    Pure body zeolite spray
    Papaya enzymes
    NaturesPlus Pedi-Active LECI-PS, DMAE Complex

    that’s everything that comes to mind.

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