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Shamiso Ebosa

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  • in reply to: Worsened behavior #241787
    Shamiso Ebosa

    try shipping agent

    in reply to: Herbals Die off Reactions #241786
    Shamiso Ebosa

    Hi Karen,

    So my son has been on a break for 3 weeks now and the die-off reaction still hasn’t stopped. It has only reduced slightly. And now he has added screaming at the top of his voice to it. Is it still die off due to the toxins in his body or there could be something else going on?

    Sometimes I feel like I need to give him something to support his detox pathways and get these toxins out, I think his detox pathways may still be blocked and still not functioning well. What do you think? Can I start giving him toxin eliminator elixir?

    Or is it common for parasites die off to take a long time to eliminate? I hope these toxins that are recirculating will not cause further problems the longer they stay in the body.


    in reply to: NEW NSB1 NASAL SPRAY INSTRUCTIONS #240783
    Shamiso Ebosa

    Got it thank you. Wish me luck will start tonight 🤞

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