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Shannon Scheall

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  • in reply to: I have question on purebodyzeolite. #236467
    Shannon Scheall

    Hi Kesha,

    I do t see a file or photo attached to your post. Are you referring to another brand of zeolite? If so, I would caution you to be careful. Some are synthetic and can end up not accomplishing what you hope. As for the pure body, there are two. One is regular strength that does a good job binding to toxins in the gut and the second is extra strength which works on a cellular level. I personally use both for my son. You can start them anytime.

    in reply to: Moving on from Nemechek protocol #234657
    Shannon Scheall

    Hi Guy and Karen,

    I read this thread because of the title and was interested to see feedback from another parent. My son was on the nemechek protocol for a little over a year before we branched out and stated other things. Unfortunately, the nemechek protocol is very strict about not adding anything else in and he even goes so far as to say it will hinder progress. For that reason, I was very hesitant to try probiotics. I would would like to encourage you Guy, that Probiotics, if given the right ones, can do amazing things. Correct me if I’m off base here Karen, but I think of probiotics like a little army of ants. If you watch them walk around, when they come into contact with another ant, they send signals to each other that tell them where they need to go. The same is with probiotics. Each strain sends a different signal and sometimes our kids don’t have enough messengers to send the signals, and therefore things start to go haywire and bad bacteria has a greater chance to control things.
    Another lightbulb went off when I was thinking about inulin. It feeds the good bacteria right? Well, what if you don’t have enough good bacteria to feed? Inulin is a really good prebiotic but probiotics are necessary to give it something to feed that will be beneficial.
    Yes, I was concerned about behavioral changes and was very nervous but take heart because I just went for it, and I saw some. If gains, or in nemechek terms, another “awakening”. My son was hyper for a few days and I used activated charcoal to help sop up some of the die off toxins, and now he is flourishing even more. I hope this is helpful for you 🙂

    in reply to: REGRESSION #232178
    Shannon Scheall

    Hi Maureen,

    Parents were asked to share their experience so I’ll share mine in hopes of helping:)

    My son was gaining new skills and language very slowly before starting the program. All we had been doing up to that point was the Nemechek protocol. After starting the program with PBX and chlorella, and micro and macro minerals, we saw some gains and then he had what I thought to be a “regression”. It was almost like he went back into his own world, language regressed, and he developed some very odd OCD behaviors. I’m so glad we stuck with it because about a week or so later, he not only pulled back out of the regression but he also made a huge leap forward! His language exploded and his awareness is excellent. The same thing happened when we started on camels milk. “Regression” and then leap forward. Im guessing he’s also in the middle of a PANS flare up so I’m looking to try and resolve that. Stick with it though! Sometimes it’s darkest before dawn!!

    in reply to: Prebiotic Probiotic and diarrhea #231985
    Shannon Scheall

    Hi Karen,

    I haven’t begun to work on candida as of yet. Are the candida supplements probiotics? I’m not making the connection as to why you mentioned that. If he’s not ready for magnesium, do I hop over to the next step of COQ10?

    My son has also been on raw freeze dried camels milk for the last month or so. His speech has been picking up but he’s also been hyperactive and has more ocd like behaviors. Should I wait until the behaviors calm down to do anything else at all?

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