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  • in reply to: Tier 1 parasites #4705

    Hi Karen,

    I just ordered Formula 1, 2 and 3 and also the instructions on how to use them.
    As I have been asking you and concerned since a month about my daughters sleep that is totally messed up. Every alternate day she wakes up at 3am and does not sleep. Next night of course she sleeps all night.
    Robert did a reading yesterday and said it is Restore causing this issue. I have stopped B12 since 2 weeks just to make sure she is not getting too much energy.
    So my question is – Is this a good time to start herbal formula? Because there could be die-off symptoms that could add to her sleep issue. Or the formula might help with her sleep.
    Please suggest if I should wait or get her started.
    She was actually doing very well with her sleep since a year and now suddenly its all messed up.
    I also want to do the emotion code before starting her formula. I am kind of very stressed/upset with her condition and probably that is affecting her. I do not know.

    in reply to: Tier 1 parasites #4704

    Got it. Thank you. I had registered a few months ago. So able to login now.

    in reply to: Tier 1 parasites #4703

    Hi Karen,

    The password is not working on Dr Dashore’s website. I tried the May month’s password I got in my email.

    in reply to: Tier 1 parasites #4699

    Thanks Karen.
    I had checked with Dr Dashore’s office and the first available appointment is 24th July that would be $575.
    Is the consultation with Dr Dashore necessary? Or can I directly start with the herbal formulas through your website? Will her consultation give us more insight? I need to decide before moving ahead. Does she look at children on skype to understand the situation better?

    in reply to: Tier 1 parasites #4694

    Hi Karen,

    I heard your radio show with Dr Dashore last week where you talk about camel milk. I have ordered and should get my daughter started soon.
    I am curious to understand more on Dr Dashore’s treatment plan.
    First question is – how do I know that my daughter has mold, lyme or parasites? Is there a test to be done before starting on the herbal formula?
    Second question – Will I gain more help if I consult Dr Dashore directly ( i know her consultation is pretty expensive). Please explain the difference.

    in reply to: Diet and supplements #4645

    I want to try camels milk for my daughter. But when searching online to buy I found powdered milk (I know you have suggested not to go with powdered milk). And the other one available is pasteurized camels milk. Is pasteurized milk good to use?
    If not, what are the other options to buy?

    in reply to: Diet and supplements #4644

    So I cannot count drops as it is a spray to be pushed only once for one dose.
    But I will give her alternate days. As of today, I have stopped B12 since 5 days.

    in reply to: Diet and supplements #4637

    I got Robert to do a fresh reading for my daughter about her sudden sleep issue.
    He says we should stop B12 till the time her sleep gets better as B12 is also an energizer and could make her more active and energetic. He suggested to reduce the dosage of B12 once her sleep gets better.
    The B12 I am giving her is a spray, so how do should I reduce the dosage, may be give it alternate days instead of daily?

    in reply to: Diet and supplements #4623

    Hi Karen,

    My daughter eats 2 eggs (omelette) everyday. I am being told by my friend that this could increase her cholesterol. She is a vegetarian and eats only veges and eggs. I am not sure what to do.
    Please advice.

    in reply to: Diet and supplements #4620

    Thank you Karen for sharing the link.
    She has been in the pool only for a few days now. And yesterday was the first time she went till 3ft water and was super excited and jumping and yes she had her mouth open and all water splashes went in there. She does not know that she should close her mouth. She does the same in the bath tub during shower time. Unfortunately its a common apt pool so there are many kids and adults, so she is drinking dirty water:(

    in reply to: Diet and supplements #4616

    Hi Karen,
    My daughter has been on Vitamin B-12 and Help Oil for the past 5 weeks. And was doing good – Interacting more with us and getting into other fun activities like swimming pool. But since a week her sleep problem has come back. She wakes up at 3am and then does not sleep. She had bad sleep issues since her birth. So since a year we have been giving her melatonin and also the sleep elixir.
    Do you think the sleep issue is due to B-12? I have stopped since 2 days just incase it is causing a problem.

    in reply to: Tests #4541

    Thank you Karen.
    I have been reading about this product. Could you assist me in finding out more about this and let me know if it is worth trying?

    in reply to: Tests #4535

    Hi Karen,
    My daughter has been on Vitamin B12 and Hemp oil for more than 2 weeks now and she has calmed down. Plays with me a lot. And she does not want to go out on weekends, is home all day and happy.
    So that is good. I am a little concerned about hemp oil, is it ok to give her hemp oil everyday? for how long? does it have any side effect?

    in reply to: Giving supplements #4458

    The glutathione mentioned in the supplements pdf is a spray to be sprayed in mouth. But in the glutathione video (in the module) you talk about taking glutathione in smoothies and other drinks.
    I am confused here. Please clarify. And if it does not taste good I would prefer to put it in water or she will not take it.

    in reply to: Giving supplements #4447

    Thanks Karen. Does that mean we should put her on glutathione before starting B12?
    Or its ok to start B12 and see if she has any sensitivity?

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