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  • in reply to: Giving supplements #4444

    Hi Karen,

    I have order Vitamin Methyl-B12 for my daughter from the supplement pdf.
    I am a little confused reading at other articles that talk about effectiveness of B12 shots (injections). The one I have order is oral supplement. Will that be as effective as shots?

    in reply to: Probiotic #4424

    Thank you Karen for clarifying this so quickly.

    in reply to: Probiotic #4415

    Hi Karen,
    I was reading this article:

    And found that Lactobacillus reuteri is needed for children with autism to help with social skills.
    I checked on Dr Ohirra’s and Thrive and none of them have this strain.
    Do you suggest I give another probiotic that has Lactobacillus reuteri along with Ohirras?

    in reply to: Candida #4395

    Hi Karen,

    what is the optimum dose for magnesium to be given to a 6 year old.
    I have been giving the magnesium powder (Frizz) only 1/4th tea spoon everyday.
    Should I increase this? to how much?

    in reply to: Speech #4260

    Hi Karen,

    I have been reading about this website called – that helps improve speech in kids with autism. Would you know more about this? there is a monthly subscription. But I would like to try this if there is any hope.

    in reply to: Lyme disease #3972

    Hi Karen,
    I got your email about registering on Dr. Dashore’s website and starting with the formula.
    Question – How do I know that my daughter needs to be on this formula? like mold, strep and so on.
    Could you clarify please? Is there any test I should do to know if she needs this formula?

    in reply to: Medical Diagnosis #3914

    Do you have a discount code I can use for the courses?

    in reply to: Medical Diagnosis #3908

    As you might remember, my daughter says mama and then stops and again after a few months she starts saying. So I am not sure whats going on. But I am being persistent with the diet and elixirs and supplements to make sure she is continuing to heal.
    I am going to read the link you shared for my daughters sensory issues and spinning.
    But I am not able to understand about ABA therapy? how many hours should I get her started on? The therapist who I spoke with suggests 15 to 30 hours a week. But that sounds too much for my daughter.
    I will start with 2 hours a day and see how it goes.
    Please share any experience or suggestion.

    in reply to: Medical Diagnosis #3898

    Hi Karen,

    My daughter had an evaluation with pediatric behavioral specialist yesterday and I believe the doctor has diagnosed her with autism. It was just a 30 min evaluation and with my daughter spinning all the time and being non-verbal was enough for the doctor to diagnose her with autism. I knew this is coming. She gave a referral for ABA therapy.
    She is anyways on her diet and and in your program. So I will continue with that. But she has been spinning a lot these days. Probably because she is in school all day and kind of restricted. So when she is home she keeps spinning. But lately she has been again saying ‘mama’ ‘mimi’ since 2-3 weeks.
    Thought of sharing this update with you.

    in reply to: Candida #3889

    Hi Karen,

    I have been using this supplement for calcium and magnesium for my daughter for last 6 months.

    I was reading that you suggest to use super greens instead of this supplement.
    Does super greens also have magnesium? how should we get magnesium if we stop using the childlife supplement?

    Which brand of super greens do you suggest?

    in reply to: Candida #3806

    From April onwards we started her on Toxin elimination elixir and for some reason she stopped saying the two words – mama and papa. And has not said them since few months.
    I am going to ask Robert to do a reading so I can restart Restore and toxin elimination elixir that we had stopped for a month.

    in reply to: Candida #3782

    Hi Karen,

    I have done Litmus urine test on my daughter twice (morning urine) and both days the dark yellow strip turned to the lightest yellow (5.5). The strip turned lighter than 5.5.
    So I believe it means that she is still having candida problem. She has been on the diet since this January. Its very disheartening to see the result. Lately we had started given her wheat bread once a week and occasionally brown rice and sweet potato as well. But as I have been telling you she has not shown any improvement on her speech. She was saying 2 words for few months and then stopped that since May. We will continue with her diet, but would like to get some input on this. And we never exchange food with her and neither do we kiss her on lips. Also we have stopped Restore and Toxin elimination elixir since a month as suggested by Robert (she was extremely upset for few days, after we stopped she is better). Please guide.

    in reply to: Regressing #3703

    Thank you Karen. I have stopped all elixirs and restore since 5 days. But gave her sleep elixir for the past two days. She is only taking Vitamin D and fish oil. Should I stop fish oil also? And also she is on melatonin every night. Please suggest if anything needs to change from this list. I will have the probiotic delivered today. So I start with probiotic or wait?
    Her symptoms were not good yesterday as well. Her babysitter does not want to work for us anymore:) So I have to look for a new person. There is too much stress on me because of this as I work full time and unable to care for her all day. I still take her for OT in the evenings atleast she gets a break from her ipad and tantrums. She gets very agitated with her ipad, but does not want to leave that also.

    in reply to: Regressing #3695

    Thank you Karen, I had asked these questions to Robert and he suggested to use willow bark instead of Advil.
    I am going to order one from Amazon for the next round of flu she might have. Do you know any cough syrup that is natural? Also if you could suggest any natural cure for runny nose? instead of benadryl.
    I want to plan her next flu in advance:) As she goes to school, every few weeks she is under flu like symptoms.
    Today also was not a good day. She is not eating well in school, gets her lunch back. I am hoping she does not have any gas like pain. she does not have any fever since 4 days. But still looks sick and tired.

    in reply to: Lyme disease #3649

    Thank you Karen, I would like to get some more clarity on the SCD diet from you (Dr. Dashore’s podcast had SCD diet as well).
    How soon are you planning to get some herbs in your program?

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